% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals % Docker Community % OCT 2015 # NAME docker-network-rm - remove one or more networks # SYNOPSIS **docker network rm** [**--help**] NETWORK [NETWORK...] # DESCRIPTION Removes one or more networks by name or identifier. To remove a network, you must first disconnect any containers connected to it. To remove the network named 'my-network': ```bash $ docker network rm my-network ``` To delete multiple networks in a single `docker network rm` command, provide multiple network names or id's. The following example deletes a network with id `3695c422697f` and a network named `my-network`: ```bash $ docker network rm 3695c422697f my-network ``` When you specify multiple networks, the command attempts to delete each in turn. If the deletion of one network fails, the command continues to the next on the list and tries to delete that. The command reports success or failure for each deletion. # OPTIONS **NETWORK** Specify network name or id **--help** Print usage statement # HISTORY OCT 2015, created by Mary Anthony