<!--[metadata]> +++ title = "The Docker Hub" description = "The Docker Help documentation home" keywords = ["Docker, docker, registry, accounts, plans, Dockerfile, Docker Hub, docs, documentation, accounts, organizations, repositories, groups"] [menu.main] parent = "smn_pubhub" +++ <![end-metadata]--> # Docker Hub The [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com) provides a cloud-based platform service for distributed applications, including container image distribution and change management, user and team collaboration, and lifecycle workflow automation.  ## [Finding and pulling images](./userguide.md) Find out how to [use the Docker Hub](./userguide.md) to find and pull Docker images to run or build upon. ## [Accounts](./accounts.md) [Learn how to create](./accounts.md) a Docker Hub account and manage your organizations and groups. ## [Your Repositories](./repos.md) Find out how to share your Docker images in [Docker Hub repositories](./repos.md) and how to store and manage private images. ## [Automated builds](./builds.md) Learn how to automate your build and deploy pipeline with [Automated Builds](./builds.md)