page_title: Link Containers page_description: How to create and use both links and names page_keywords: Examples, Usage, links, linking, docker, documentation, examples, names, name, container naming # Link Containers ## Introduction From version 0.6.5 you are now able to `name` a container and `link` it to another container by referring to its name. This will create a parent -\> child relationship where the parent container can see selected information about its child. ## Container Naming New in version v0.6.5. You can now name your container by using the `--name` flag. If no name is provided, Docker will automatically generate a name. You can see this name using the `docker ps` command. # format is "sudo docker run --name " $ sudo docker run --name test ubuntu /bin/bash # the flag "-a" Show all containers. Only running containers are shown by default. $ sudo docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 2522602a0d99 ubuntu:12.04 /bin/bash 14 seconds ago Exit 0 test ## Links: service discovery for docker New in version v0.6.5. Links allow containers to discover and securely communicate with each other by using the flag `-link name:alias`. Inter-container communication can be disabled with the daemon flag `-icc=false`. With this flag set to `false`, Container A cannot access Container B unless explicitly allowed via a link. This is a huge win for securing your containers. When two containers are linked together Docker creates a parent child relationship between the containers. The parent container will be able to access information via environment variables of the child such as name, exposed ports, IP and other selected environment variables. When linking two containers Docker will use the exposed ports of the container to create a secure tunnel for the parent to access. If a database container only exposes port 8080 then the linked container will only be allowed to access port 8080 and nothing else if inter-container communication is set to false. For example, there is an image called `crosbymichael/redis` that exposes the port 6379 and starts the Redis server. Let’s name the container as `redis` based on that image and run it as daemon. $ sudo docker run -d -name redis crosbymichael/redis We can issue all the commands that you would expect using the name `redis`; start, stop, attach, using the name for our container. The name also allows us to link other containers into this one. Next, we can start a new web application that has a dependency on Redis and apply a link to connect both containers. If you noticed when running our Redis server we did not use the `-p` flag to publish the Redis port to the host system. Redis exposed port 6379 and this is all we need to establish a link. $ sudo docker run -t -i -link redis:db -name webapp ubuntu bash When you specified `-link redis:db` you are telling Docker to link the container named `redis` into this new container with the alias `db`. Environment variables are prefixed with the alias so that the parent container can access network and environment information from the containers that are linked into it. If we inspect the environment variables of the second container, we would see all the information about the child container. $ root@4c01db0b339c:/# env HOSTNAME=4c01db0b339c DB_NAME=/webapp/db TERM=xterm DB_PORT=tcp:// DB_PORT_6379_TCP=tcp:// DB_PORT_6379_TCP_PROTO=tcp DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR= DB_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT=6379 PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/ SHLVL=1 HOME=/ container=lxc _=/usr/bin/env root@4c01db0b339c:/# Accessing the network information along with the environment of the child container allows us to easily connect to the Redis service on the specific IP and port in the environment. > **Note**: > These Environment variables are only set for the first process in the > container. Similarly, some daemons (such as `sshd`) > will scrub them when spawning shells for connection. You can work around this by storing the initial `env` in a file, or looking at `/proc/1/environ`. Running `docker ps` shows the 2 containers, and the `webapp/db` alias name for the Redis container. $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 4c01db0b339c ubuntu:12.04 bash 17 seconds ago Up 16 seconds webapp d7886598dbe2 crosbymichael/redis:latest /redis-server --dir 33 minutes ago Up 33 minutes 6379/tcp redis,webapp/db