#!/usr/bin/env python import re import subprocess import yaml from env import commit_range commit_format = '-%n hash: "%h"%n author: %aN <%aE>%n message: |%n%w(0,2,2)%B' gitlog = subprocess.check_output([ 'git', 'log', '--reverse', '--format=format:'+commit_format, '..'.join(commit_range), '--', ]) commits = yaml.load(gitlog) if not commits: exit(0) # what? how can we have no commits? DCO = 'Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by:' p = re.compile(r'^{0} ([^<]+) <([^<>@]+@[^<>]+)> \(github: (\S+)\)$'.format(re.escape(DCO)), re.MULTILINE|re.UNICODE) failed_commits = 0 for commit in commits: commit['stat'] = subprocess.check_output([ 'git', 'log', '--format=format:', '--max-count=1', '--name-status', commit['hash'], '--', ]) if commit['stat'] == '': print 'Commit {0} has no actual changed content, skipping.'.format(commit['hash']) continue m = p.search(commit['message']) if not m: print 'Commit {1} does not have a properly formatted "{0}" marker.'.format(DCO, commit['hash']) failed_commits += 1 continue # print ALL the commits that don't have a proper DCO (name, email, github) = m.groups() # TODO verify that "github" is the person who actually made this commit via the GitHub API if failed_commits > 0: exit(failed_commits) print 'All commits have a valid "{0}" marker.'.format(DCO) exit(0)