# Manage nodes in a swarm As part of the swarm management lifecycle, you may need to view or update a node as follows: * [list nodes in the swarm](#list-nodes) * [inspect an individual node](#inspect-an-individual-node) * [update a node](#update-a-node) * [leave the swarm](#leave-the-swarm) ## List nodes To view a list of nodes in the swarm run `docker node ls` from a manager node: ```bash $ docker node ls ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS 46aqrk4e473hjbt745z53cr3t node-5 Ready Active Reachable 61pi3d91s0w3b90ijw3deeb2q node-4 Ready Active Reachable a5b2m3oghd48m8eu391pefq5u node-3 Ready Active e7p8btxeu3ioshyuj6lxiv6g0 node-2 Ready Active ehkv3bcimagdese79dn78otj5 * node-1 Ready Active Leader ``` The `AVAILABILITY` column shows whether or not the scheduler can assign tasks to the node: * `Active` means that the scheduler can assign tasks to a node. * `Pause` means the scheduler doesn't assign new tasks to the node, but existing tasks remain running. * `Drain` means the scheduler doesn't assign new tasks to the node. The scheduler shuts down any existing tasks and schedules them on an available node. The `MANAGER STATUS` column shows node participation in the Raft consensus: * No value indicates a worker node that does not participate in swarm management. * `Leader` means the node is the primary manager node that makes all swarm management and orchestration decisions for the swarm. * `Reachable` means the node is a manager node is participating in the Raft consensus. If the leader node becomes unavailable, the node is eligible for election as the new leader. * `Unavailable` means the node is a manager that is not able to communicate with other managers. If a manager node becomes unavailable, you should either join a new manager node to the swarm or promote a worker node to be a manager. For more information on swarm administration refer to the [Swarm administration guide](admin_guide.md). ## Inspect an individual node You can run `docker node inspect ` on a manager node to view the details for an individual node. The output defaults to JSON format, but you can pass the `--pretty` flag to print the results in human-readable format. For example: ```bash docker node inspect self --pretty ID: ehkv3bcimagdese79dn78otj5 Hostname: node-1 Status: State: Ready Availability: Active Manager Status: Address: Raft Status: Reachable Leader: Yes Platform: Operating System: linux Architecture: x86_64 Resources: CPUs: 2 Memory: 1.954 GiB Plugins: Network: overlay, host, bridge, overlay, null Volume: local Engine Version: 1.12.0-dev ``` ## Update a node You can modify node attributes as follows: * [change node availability](#change-node-availability) * [add or remove label metadata](#add-or-remove-label-metadata) * [change a node role](#promote-or-demote-a-node) ### Change node availability Changing node availability lets you: * drain a manager node so that only performs swarm management tasks and is unavailable for task assignment. * drain a node so you can take it down for maintenance. * pause a node so it is unavailable to receive new tasks. * restore unavailable or paused nodes available status. For example, to change a manager node to `Drain` availability: ```bash $ docker node update --availability drain node-1 node-1 ``` See [list nodes](#list-nodes) for descriptions of the different availability options. ### Add or remove label metadata Node labels provide a flexible method of node organization. You can also use node labels in service constraints. Apply constraints when you create a service to limit the nodes where the scheduler assigns tasks for the service. Run `docker node update --label-add` on a manager node to add label metadata to a node. The `--label-add` flag supports either a `` or a `=` pair. Pass the `--label-add` flag once for each node label you want to add: ```bash $ docker node update --label-add foo --label-add bar=baz node-1 node-1 ``` The labels you set for nodes using docker node update apply only to the node entity within the swarm. Do not confuse them with the docker daemon labels for [dockerd](../userguide/labels-custom-metadata.md#daemon-labels). Refer to the `docker service create` [CLI reference](../reference/commandline/service_create.md) for more information about service constraints. ### Promote or demote a node You can promote a worker node to the manager role. This is useful when a manager node becomes unavailable or if you want to take a manager offline for maintenance. Similarly, you can demote a manager node to the worker role. Regardless of your reason to promote or demote a node, you should always maintain an odd number of manager nodes in the swarm. For more information refer to the [Swarm administration guide](admin_guide.md). To promote a node or set of nodes, run `docker node promote` from a manager node: ```bash $ docker node promote node-3 node-2 Node node-3 promoted to a manager in the swarm. Node node-2 promoted to a manager in the swarm. ``` To demote a node or set of nodes, run `docker node demote` from a manager node: ```bash $ docker node demote node-3 node-2 Manager node-3 demoted in the swarm. Manager node-2 demoted in the swarm. ``` `docker node promote` and `docker node demote` are convenience commands for `docker node update --role manager` and `docker node update --role worker` respectively. ## Leave the swarm Run the `docker swarm leave` command on a node to remove it from the swarm. For example to leave the swarm on a worker node: ```bash $ docker swarm leave Node left the swarm. ``` When a node leaves the swarm, the Docker Engine stops running in swarm mode. The orchestrator no longer schedules tasks to the node. If the node is a manager node, you will receive a warning about maintaining the quorum. To override the warning, pass the `--force` flag. If the last manager node leaves the swarm, the swarm becomes unavailable requiring you to take disaster recovery measures. For information about maintaining a quorum and disaster recovery, refer to the [Swarm administration guide](admin_guide.md). After a node leaves the swarm, you can run the `docker node rm` command on a manager node to remove the node from the node list. For instance: ```bash docker node rm node-2 node-2 ``` ## Learn More * [Swarm administration guide](admin_guide.md) * [Docker Engine command line reference](../reference/commandline/index.md) * [Swarm mode tutorial](swarm-tutorial/index.md)