# Inspect a service on the swarm When you have [deployed a service](deploy-service.md) to your swarm, you can use the Docker CLI to see details about the service running in the swarm. 1. If you haven't already, open a terminal and ssh into the machine where you run your manager node. For example, the tutorial uses a machine named `manager1`. 2. Run `docker service inspect --pretty ` to display the details about a service in an easily readable format. To see the details on the `helloworld` service: ``` $ docker service inspect --pretty helloworld ID: 9uk4639qpg7npwf3fn2aasksr Name: helloworld Mode: REPLICATED Replicas: 1 Placement: UpdateConfig: Parallelism: 1 ContainerSpec: Image: alpine Args: ping docker.com ``` >**Tip**: To return the service details in json format, run the same command without the `--pretty` flag. ``` $ docker service inspect helloworld [ { "ID": "9uk4639qpg7npwf3fn2aasksr", "Version": { "Index": 418 }, "CreatedAt": "2016-06-16T21:57:11.622222327Z", "UpdatedAt": "2016-06-16T21:57:11.622222327Z", "Spec": { "Name": "helloworld", "TaskTemplate": { "ContainerSpec": { "Image": "alpine", "Args": [ "ping", "docker.com" ] }, "Resources": { "Limits": {}, "Reservations": {} }, "RestartPolicy": { "Condition": "any", "MaxAttempts": 0 }, "Placement": {} }, "Mode": { "Replicated": { "Replicas": 1 } }, "UpdateConfig": { "Parallelism": 1 }, "EndpointSpec": { "Mode": "vip" } }, "Endpoint": { "Spec": {} } } ] ``` 4. Run `docker service ps ` to see which nodes are running the service: ``` $ docker service ps helloworld ID NAME SERVICE IMAGE LAST STATE DESIRED STATE NODE 8p1vev3fq5zm0mi8g0as41w35 helloworld.1 helloworld alpine Running 3 minutes Running worker2 ``` In this case, the one instance of the `helloworld` service is running on the `worker2` node. You may see the service running on your manager node. By default, manager nodes in a swarm can execute tasks just like worker nodes. Swarm also shows you the `DESIRED STATE` and `LAST STATE` of the service task so you can see if tasks are running according to the service definition. 4. Run `docker ps` on the node where the task is running to see details about the container for the task. >**Tip**: If `helloworld` is running on a node other than your manager node, you must ssh to that node. ```bash $docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e609dde94e47 alpine:latest "ping docker.com" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes helloworld.1.8p1vev3fq5zm0mi8g0as41w35 ``` ## What's next? Next, you can [change the scale](scale-service.md) for the service running in the swarm.