page_title: Installation on CentOS page_description: Instructions for installing Docker on CentOS page_keywords: Docker, Docker documentation, requirements, linux, centos, epel,, docker-io # CentOS The Docker package is available via the EPEL repository. These instructions work for CentOS 6 and later. They will likely work for other binary compatible EL6 distributions such as Scientific Linux, but they haven't been tested. Please note that this package is part of [Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)](, a community effort to create and maintain additional packages for the RHEL distribution. Also note that due to the current Docker limitations, Docker is able to run only on the **64 bit** architecture. To run Docker, you will need [CentOS6]( or higher, with a kernel version 2.6.32-431 or higher as this has specific kernel fixes to allow Docker to run. ## Installation Firstly, you need to ensure you have the EPEL repository enabled. Please follow the [EPEL installation instructions]( The `docker-io` package provides Docker on EPEL. If you already have the (unrelated) `docker` package installed, it will conflict with `docker-io`. There's a [bug report]( filed for it. To proceed with `docker-io` installation, please remove `docker` first. Next, let's install the `docker-io` package which will install Docker on our host. $ sudo yum install docker-io Now that it's installed, let's start the Docker daemon. $ sudo service docker start If we want Docker to start at boot, we should also: $ sudo chkconfig docker on Now let's verify that Docker is working. First we'll need to get the latest `centos` image. $ sudo docker pull centos:latest Next we'll make sure that we can see the image by running: $ sudo docker images centos This should generate some output similar to: $ sudo docker images centos REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE centos latest 0b443ba03958 2 hours ago 297.6 MB Run a simple bash shell to test the image: $ sudo docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash If everything is working properly, you'll get a simple bash prompt. Type exit to continue. **Done!** You can either continue with the [Docker User Guide](/userguide/) or explore and build on the images yourself. ## Issues? If you have any issues - please report them directly in the [CentOS bug tracker](