:title: Working With Repositories :description: Repositories allow users to share images. :keywords: repo, repositories, usage, pull image, push image, image, documentation .. _working_with_the_repository: Working with Repositories ========================= A *repository* is a hosted collection of tagged :ref:`images ` that together create the file system for a container. The repository's name is a tag that indicates the provenance of the repository, i.e. who created it and where the original copy is located. You can find one or more repositories hosted on a *registry*. There can be an implicit or explicit host name as part of the repository tag. The implicit registry is located at ``index.docker.io``, the home of "top-level" repositories and the Central Index. This registry may also include public "user" repositories. So Docker is not only a tool for creating and managing your own :ref:`containers ` -- **Docker is also a tool for sharing**. The Docker project provides a Central Registry to host public repositories, namespaced by user, and a Central Index which provides user authentication and search over all the public repositories. You can host your own Registry too! Docker acts as a client for these services via ``docker search, pull, login`` and ``push``. .. _using_public_repositories: Public Repositories ------------------- There are two types of public repositories: *top-level* repositories which are controlled by the Docker team, and *user* repositories created by individual contributors. Anyone can read from these repositories -- they really help people get started quickly! You could also use :ref:`using_private_repositories` if you need to keep control of who accesses your images, but we will only refer to public repositories in these examples. * Top-level repositories can easily be recognized by **not** having a ``/`` (slash) in their name. These repositories can generally be trusted. * User repositories always come in the form of ``/``. This is what your published images will look like if you push to the public Central Registry. * Only the authenticated user can push to their *username* namespace on the Central Registry. * User images are not checked, it is therefore up to you whether or not you trust the creator of this image. .. _searching_central_index: Find Public Images on the Central Index --------------------------------------- You can search the Central Index `online `_ or by the CLI. Searching can find images by name, user name or description: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo docker help search Usage: docker search NAME Search the docker index for images -notrunc=false: Don't truncate output $ sudo docker search centos Found 25 results matching your query ("centos") NAME DESCRIPTION centos slantview/centos-chef-solo CentOS 6.4 with chef-solo. ... There you can see two example results: ``centos`` and ``slantview/centos-chef-solo``. The second result shows that it comes from the public repository of a user, ``slantview/``, while the first result (``centos``) doesn't explicitly list a repository so it comes from the trusted Central Repository. The ``/`` character separates a user's repository and the image name. Once you have found the image name, you can download it: .. code-block:: bash # sudo docker pull $ sudo docker pull centos Pulling repository centos 539c0211cd76: Download complete What can you do with that image? Check out the :ref:`example_list` and, when you're ready with your own image, come back here to learn how to share it. Contributing to the Central Registry ------------------------------------ Anyone can pull public images from the Central Registry, but if you would like to share one of your own images, then you must register a unique user name first. You can create your username and login on the `central Docker Index online `_, or by running .. code-block:: bash sudo docker login This will prompt you for a username, which will become a public namespace for your public repositories. If your username is available then ``docker`` will also prompt you to enter a password and your e-mail address. It will then automatically log you in. Now you're ready to commit and push your own images! .. _container_commit: Committing a Container to a Named Image --------------------------------------- When you make changes to an existing image, those changes get saved to a container's file system. You can then promote that container to become an image by making a ``commit``. In addition to converting the container to an image, this is also your opportunity to name the image, specifically a name that includes your user name from the Central Docker Index (as you did a ``login`` above) and a meaningful name for the image. .. code-block:: bash # format is "sudo docker commit /" $ sudo docker commit $CONTAINER_ID myname/kickassapp .. _image_push: Pushing an image to its repository ---------------------------------- In order to push an image to its repository you need to have committed your container to a named image (see above) Now you can commit this image to the repository designated by its name or tag. .. code-block:: bash # format is "docker push /" $ sudo docker push myname/kickassapp .. _using_private_repositories: Private Repositories -------------------- Right now (version 0.6), private repositories are only possible by hosting `your own registry `_. To push or pull to a repository on your own registry, you must prefix the tag with the address of the registry's host, like this: .. code-block:: bash # Tag to create a repository with the full registry location. # The location (e.g. localhost.localdomain:5000) becomes # a permanent part of the repository name sudo docker tag 0u812deadbeef localhost.localdomain:5000/repo_name # Push the new repository to its home location on localhost sudo docker push localhost.localdomain:5000/repo_name Once a repository has your registry's host name as part of the tag, you can push and pull it like any other repository, but it will **not** be searchable (or indexed at all) in the Central Index, and there will be no user name checking performed. Your registry will function completely independently from the Central Index.