#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -o pipefail usage() { cat >&2 <<'EOF' To publish the Docker documentation you need to set your access_key and secret_key in the docs/awsconfig file (with the keys in a [profile $AWS_S3_BUCKET] section - so you can have more than one set of keys in your file) and set the AWS_S3_BUCKET env var to the name of your bucket. make AWS_S3_BUCKET=docs-stage.docker.com docs-release will then push the documentation site to your s3 bucket. EOF exit 1 } [ "$AWS_S3_BUCKET" ] || usage VERSION=$(cat VERSION) if [ "$$AWS_S3_BUCKET" == "docs.docker.com" ]; then if [ "${VERSION%-dev}" != "$VERSION" ]; then echo "Please do not push '-dev' documentation to docs.docker.com ($VERSION)" exit 1 fi fi export BUCKET=$AWS_S3_BUCKET export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/awsconfig [ -e "$AWS_CONFIG_FILE" ] || usage export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=$BUCKET echo "cfg file: $AWS_CONFIG_FILE ; profile: $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE" setup_s3() { echo "Create $BUCKET" # Try creating the bucket. Ignore errors (it might already exist). aws s3 mb --profile $BUCKET s3://$BUCKET 2>/dev/null || true # Check access to the bucket. echo "test $BUCKET exists" aws s3 --profile $BUCKET ls s3://$BUCKET # Make the bucket accessible through website endpoints. echo "make $BUCKET accessible as a website" #aws s3 website s3://$BUCKET --index-document index.html --error-document jsearch/index.html s3conf=$(cat s3_website.json | envsubst) echo echo $s3conf echo aws s3api --profile $BUCKET put-bucket-website --bucket $BUCKET --website-configuration "$s3conf" } build_current_documentation() { mkdocs build } upload_current_documentation() { src=site/ dst=s3://$BUCKET$1 echo echo "Uploading $src" echo " to $dst" echo #s3cmd --recursive --follow-symlinks --preserve --acl-public sync "$src" "$dst" #aws s3 cp --profile $BUCKET --cache-control "max-age=3600" --acl public-read "site/search_content.json" "$dst" # a really complicated way to send only the files we want # if there are too many in any one set, aws s3 sync seems to fall over with 2 files to go endings=( json html xml css js gif png JPG ttf svg woff) for i in ${endings[@]}; do include="" for j in ${endings[@]}; do if [ "$i" != "$j" ];then include="$include --exclude *.$j" fi done echo "uploading *.$i" run="aws s3 sync --profile $BUCKET --cache-control \"max-age=3600\" --acl public-read \ $include \ --exclude *.txt \ --exclude *.text* \ --exclude *Dockerfile \ --exclude *.DS_Store \ --exclude *.psd \ --exclude *.ai \ --exclude *.eot \ --exclude *.otf \ --exclude *.rej \ --exclude *.rst \ --exclude *.orig \ --exclude *.py \ $src $dst" echo "=======================" #echo "$run" #echo "=======================" $run done } setup_s3 build_current_documentation upload_current_documentation # Remove the last version - 1.0.2-dev -> 1.0 MAJOR_MINOR="v${VERSION%.*}" #build again with /v1.0/ prefix sed -i "s/^site_url:.*/site_url: \/$MAJOR_MINOR\//" mkdocs.yml build_current_documentation upload_current_documentation "/$MAJOR_MINOR/"