### Configure project for IDE (optional) In this section you will configure the project in order to make use of [GoLand](https://www.jetbrains.com/go) integrated development environment's (IDE) features like syntax highlighting and code completion. ## 1. Place repository to the GOPATH The repository has to be placed under `src` directory in GOPATH. The default location for Linux and macOS users is `~/go`, while for Windows it is `%USERPROFILE%\go`. Move the previously cloned repository or clone it again to the `/src/github.com/docker/docker` directory. ## 2. Configure IDE Open the `/src/github.com/docker/docker` directory in GoLand. Then open the settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) and change two settings: 1. Disable Go modules integration ![Disabling Go modules integration](images/ide_go_modules_integration.png) 3. Disable using system environment's GOPATH ![Disabling using system environment's GOPATH](images/ide_system_environment_gopath.png) ### Custom GOPATH In case the custom GOPATH is used (for example to have multiple copies of the cloned repository), it has to be configured in the settings as well: ![Configuring custom GOPATH](images/ide_custom_gopath.png) ## Where to go next Congratulations, you have finished configuring project to work with the IDE. In the next section you'll [learn how to set up and work in a Moby development container](set-up-dev-env.md).