package containerd import ( "context" "io" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" imagetype "" registrytypes "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" specs "" ) // ImageService implements daemon.ImageService type ImageService struct { client *containerd.Client } // NewService creates a new ImageService. func NewService(c *containerd.Client) *ImageService { return &ImageService{ client: c, } } // PullImage initiates a pull operation. image is the repository name to pull, and // tagOrDigest may be either empty, or indicate a specific tag or digest to pull. func (cs *ImageService) PullImage(ctx context.Context, image, tagOrDigest string, platform *specs.Platform, metaHeaders map[string][]string, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error { var opts []containerd.RemoteOpt if platform != nil { opts = append(opts, containerd.WithPlatform(platforms.Format(*platform))) } ref, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(image) if err != nil { return errdefs.InvalidParameter(err) } // TODO(thaJeztah) this could use a WithTagOrDigest() utility if tagOrDigest != "" { // The "tag" could actually be a digest. var dgst digest.Digest dgst, err = digest.Parse(tagOrDigest) if err == nil { ref, err = reference.WithDigest(reference.TrimNamed(ref), dgst) } else { ref, err = reference.WithTag(ref, tagOrDigest) } if err != nil { return errdefs.InvalidParameter(err) } } _, err = cs.client.Pull(ctx, ref.String(), opts...) return err } // Images returns a filtered list of images. func (cs *ImageService) Images(ctx context.Context, opts types.ImageListOptions) ([]*types.ImageSummary, error) { imgs, err := cs.client.ListImages(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ret []*types.ImageSummary for _, img := range imgs { size, err := img.Size(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } ret = append(ret, &types.ImageSummary{ RepoDigests: []string{img.Name() + "@" + img.Target().Digest.String()}, // "hello-world@sha256:bfea6278a0a267fad2634554f4f0c6f31981eea41c553fdf5a83e95a41d40c38"}, RepoTags: []string{img.Name()}, Containers: -1, ParentID: "", SharedSize: -1, VirtualSize: 10, ID: img.Target().Digest.String(), Created: img.Metadata().CreatedAt.Unix(), Size: size, }) } return ret, nil } // LogImageEvent generates an event related to an image with only the // default attributes. func (cs *ImageService) LogImageEvent(imageID, refName, action string) { panic("not implemented") } // LogImageEventWithAttributes generates an event related to an image with // specific given attributes. func (cs *ImageService) LogImageEventWithAttributes(imageID, refName, action string, attributes map[string]string) { panic("not implemented") } // GetLayerFolders returns the layer folders from an image RootFS. func (cs *ImageService) GetLayerFolders(img *image.Image, rwLayer layer.RWLayer) ([]string, error) { panic("not implemented") } // GetLayerByID returns a layer by ID // called from daemon.go Daemon.restore(), and Daemon.containerExport(). func (cs *ImageService) GetLayerByID(string) (layer.RWLayer, error) { panic("not implemented") } // GetLayerMountID returns the mount ID for a layer // called from daemon.go Daemon.Shutdown(), and Daemon.Cleanup() (cleanup is actually continerCleanup) // TODO: needs to be refactored to Unmount (see callers), or removed and replaced with GetLayerByID func (cs *ImageService) GetLayerMountID(string) (string, error) { panic("not implemented") } // Cleanup resources before the process is shutdown. // called from daemon.go Daemon.Shutdown() func (cs *ImageService) Cleanup() error { return nil } // GraphDriverName returns the name of the graph drvier // moved from Daemon.GraphDriverName, used by: // - newContainer // - to report an error in Daemon.Mount(container) func (cs *ImageService) GraphDriverName() string { return "" } // CommitBuildStep is used by the builder to create an image for each step in // the build. // // This method is different from CreateImageFromContainer: // - it doesn't attempt to validate container state // - it doesn't send a commit action to metrics // - it doesn't log a container commit event // // This is a temporary shim. Should be removed when builder stops using commit. func (cs *ImageService) CommitBuildStep(c backend.CommitConfig) (image.ID, error) { panic("not implemented") } // CreateImage creates a new image by adding a config and ID to the image store. // This is similar to LoadImage() except that it receives JSON encoded bytes of // an image instead of a tar archive. func (cs *ImageService) CreateImage(config []byte, parent string) (builder.Image, error) { panic("not implemented") } // GetImageAndReleasableLayer returns an image and releaseable layer for a // eference or ID. Every call to GetImageAndReleasableLayer MUST call // releasableLayer.Release() to prevent leaking of layers. func (cs *ImageService) GetImageAndReleasableLayer(ctx context.Context, refOrID string, opts backend.GetImageAndLayerOptions) (builder.Image, builder.ROLayer, error) { panic("not implemented") } // MakeImageCache creates a stateful image cache. func (cs *ImageService) MakeImageCache(sourceRefs []string) builder.ImageCache { panic("not implemented") } // TagImageWithReference adds the given reference to the image ID provided. func (cs *ImageService) TagImageWithReference(imageID image.ID, newTag reference.Named) error { panic("not implemented") } // SquashImage creates a new image with the diff of the specified image and // the specified parent. This new image contains only the layers from its // parent + 1 extra layer which contains the diff of all the layers in between. // The existing image(s) is not destroyed. If no parent is specified, a new // image with the diff of all the specified image's layers merged into a new // layer that has no parents. func (cs *ImageService) SquashImage(id, parent string) (string, error) { panic("not implemented") } // ExportImage exports a list of images to the given output stream. The // exported images are archived into a tar when written to the output // stream. All images with the given tag and all versions containing // the same tag are exported. names is the set of tags to export, and // outStream is the writer which the images are written to. func (cs *ImageService) ExportImage(names []string, outStream io.Writer) error { panic("not implemented") } // ImageDelete deletes the image referenced by the given imageRef from this // daemon. The given imageRef can be an image ID, ID prefix, or a repository // reference (with an optional tag or digest, defaulting to the tag name // "latest"). There is differing behavior depending on whether the given // imageRef is a repository reference or not. // // If the given imageRef is a repository reference then that repository // reference will be removed. However, if there exists any containers which // were created using the same image reference then the repository reference // cannot be removed unless either there are other repository references to the // same image or force is true. Following removal of the repository reference, // the referenced image itself will attempt to be deleted as described below // but quietly, meaning any image delete conflicts will cause the image to not // be deleted and the conflict will not be reported. // // There may be conflicts preventing deletion of an image and these conflicts // are divided into two categories grouped by their severity: // // Hard Conflict: // - a pull or build using the image. // - any descendant image. // - any running container using the image. // // Soft Conflict: // - any stopped container using the image. // - any repository tag or digest references to the image. // // The image cannot be removed if there are any hard conflicts and can be // removed if there are soft conflicts only if force is true. // // If prune is true, ancestor images will each attempt to be deleted quietly, // meaning any delete conflicts will cause the image to not be deleted and the // conflict will not be reported. func (cs *ImageService) ImageDelete(imageRef string, force, prune bool) ([]types.ImageDeleteResponseItem, error) { panic("not implemented") } // ImageHistory returns a slice of ImageHistory structures for the specified // image name by walking the image lineage. func (cs *ImageService) ImageHistory(name string) ([]*imagetype.HistoryResponseItem, error) { panic("not implemented") } // ImagesPrune removes unused images func (cs *ImageService) ImagesPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args) (*types.ImagesPruneReport, error) { panic("not implemented") } // ImportImage imports an image, getting the archived layer data either from // inConfig (if src is "-"), or from a URI specified in src. Progress output is // written to outStream. Repository and tag names can optionally be given in // the repo and tag arguments, respectively. func (cs *ImageService) ImportImage(src string, repository string, platform *specs.Platform, tag string, msg string, inConfig io.ReadCloser, outStream io.Writer, changes []string) error { panic("not implemented") } // LoadImage uploads a set of images into the repository. This is the // complement of ExportImage. The input stream is an uncompressed tar // ball containing images and metadata. func (cs *ImageService) LoadImage(inTar io.ReadCloser, outStream io.Writer, quiet bool) error { panic("not implemented") } // PushImage initiates a push operation on the repository named localName. func (cs *ImageService) PushImage(ctx context.Context, image, tag string, metaHeaders map[string][]string, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error { panic("not implemented") } // SearchRegistryForImages queries the registry for images matching // term. authConfig is used to login. // // TODO: this could be implemented in a registry service instead of the image // service. func (cs *ImageService) SearchRegistryForImages(ctx context.Context, searchFilters filters.Args, term string, limit int, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, metaHeaders map[string][]string) (*registrytypes.SearchResults, error) { panic("not implemented") } // TagImage creates the tag specified by newTag, pointing to the image named // imageName (alternatively, imageName can also be an image ID). func (cs *ImageService) TagImage(imageName, repository, tag string) (string, error) { panic("not implemented") } // GetRepository returns a repository from the registry. func (cs *ImageService) GetRepository(context.Context, reference.Named, *types.AuthConfig) (distribution.Repository, error) { panic("not implemented") } // ImageDiskUsage returns information about image data disk usage. func (cs *ImageService) ImageDiskUsage(ctx context.Context) ([]*types.ImageSummary, error) { panic("not implemented") } // LayerDiskUsage returns the number of bytes used by layer stores // called from disk_usage.go func (cs *ImageService) LayerDiskUsage(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) { panic("not implemented") } // ReleaseLayer releases a layer allowing it to be removed // called from delete.go Daemon.cleanupContainer(), and Daemon.containerExport() func (cs *ImageService) ReleaseLayer(rwlayer layer.RWLayer) error { panic("not implemented") } // CommitImage creates a new image from a commit config. func (cs *ImageService) CommitImage(c backend.CommitConfig) (image.ID, error) { panic("not implemented") } // GetImage returns an image corresponding to the image referred to by refOrID. func (cs *ImageService) GetImage(refOrID string, platform *specs.Platform) (retImg *image.Image, retErr error) { panic("not implemented") } // CreateLayer creates a filesystem layer for a container. // called from create.go // TODO: accept an opt struct instead of container? func (cs *ImageService) CreateLayer(container *container.Container, initFunc layer.MountInit) (layer.RWLayer, error) { panic("not implemented") } // DistributionServices return services controlling daemon image storage. func (cs *ImageService) DistributionServices() images.DistributionServices { return images.DistributionServices{} } // CountImages returns the number of images stored by ImageService // called from info.go func (cs *ImageService) CountImages() int { imgs, err := cs.client.ListImages(context.TODO()) if err != nil { return 0 } return len(imgs) } // LayerStoreStatus returns the status for each layer store // called from info.go func (cs *ImageService) LayerStoreStatus() [][2]string { return [][2]string{} } // GetContainerLayerSize returns the real size & virtual size of the container. func (cs *ImageService) GetContainerLayerSize(containerID string) (int64, int64) { panic("not implemented") } // UpdateConfig values // // called from reload.go func (cs *ImageService) UpdateConfig(maxDownloads, maxUploads int) { panic("not implemented") } // Children returns the children image.IDs for a parent image. // called from list.go to filter containers // TODO: refactor to expose an ancestry for image.ID? func (cs *ImageService) Children(id image.ID) []image.ID { panic("not implemented") }