package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" ) type fileType uint32 const ( ftRegular fileType = iota ftDir ftSymlink ) type fileData struct { filetype fileType path string contents string } func (fd fileData) creationCommand() string { var command string switch fd.filetype { case ftRegular: // Don't overwrite the file if it already exists! command = fmt.Sprintf("if [ ! -f %s ]; then echo %q > %s; fi", fd.path, fd.contents, fd.path) case ftDir: command = fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s", fd.path) case ftSymlink: command = fmt.Sprintf("ln -fs %s %s", fd.contents, fd.path) } return command } func mkFilesCommand(fds []fileData) string { commands := make([]string, len(fds)) for i, fd := range fds { commands[i] = fd.creationCommand() } return strings.Join(commands, " && ") } var defaultFileData = []fileData{ {ftRegular, "file1", "file1"}, {ftRegular, "file2", "file2"}, {ftRegular, "file3", "file3"}, {ftRegular, "file4", "file4"}, {ftRegular, "file5", "file5"}, {ftRegular, "file6", "file6"}, {ftRegular, "file7", "file7"}, {ftDir, "dir1", ""}, {ftRegular, "dir1/file1-1", "file1-1"}, {ftRegular, "dir1/file1-2", "file1-2"}, {ftDir, "dir2", ""}, {ftRegular, "dir2/file2-1", "file2-1"}, {ftRegular, "dir2/file2-2", "file2-2"}, {ftDir, "dir3", ""}, {ftRegular, "dir3/file3-1", "file3-1"}, {ftRegular, "dir3/file3-2", "file3-2"}, {ftDir, "dir4", ""}, {ftRegular, "dir4/file3-1", "file4-1"}, {ftRegular, "dir4/file3-2", "file4-2"}, {ftDir, "dir5", ""}, {ftSymlink, "symlinkToFile1", "file1"}, {ftSymlink, "symlinkToDir1", "dir1"}, {ftSymlink, "brokenSymlinkToFileX", "fileX"}, {ftSymlink, "brokenSymlinkToDirX", "dirX"}, {ftSymlink, "symlinkToAbsDir", "/root"}, } func defaultMkContentCommand() string { return mkFilesCommand(defaultFileData) } func makeTestContentInDir(c *check.C, dir string) { for _, fd := range defaultFileData { path := filepath.Join(dir, filepath.FromSlash(fd.path)) switch fd.filetype { case ftRegular: c.Assert(ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(fd.contents+"\n"), os.FileMode(0666)), checker.IsNil) case ftDir: c.Assert(os.Mkdir(path, os.FileMode(0777)), checker.IsNil) case ftSymlink: c.Assert(os.Symlink(fd.contents, path), checker.IsNil) } } } type testContainerOptions struct { addContent bool readOnly bool volumes []string workDir string command string } func makeTestContainer(c *check.C, options testContainerOptions) (containerID string) { if options.addContent { mkContentCmd := defaultMkContentCommand() if options.command == "" { options.command = mkContentCmd } else { options.command = fmt.Sprintf("%s && %s", defaultMkContentCommand(), options.command) } } if options.command == "" { options.command = "#(nop)" } args := []string{"run", "-d"} for _, volume := range options.volumes { args = append(args, "-v", volume) } if options.workDir != "" { args = append(args, "-w", options.workDir) } if options.readOnly { args = append(args, "--read-only") } args = append(args, "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", options.command) out, _ := dockerCmd(c, args...) containerID = strings.TrimSpace(out) out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "wait", containerID) exitCode := strings.TrimSpace(out) if exitCode != "0" { out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "logs", containerID) } c.Assert(exitCode, checker.Equals, "0", check.Commentf("failed to make test container: %s", out)) return } func makeCatFileCommand(path string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("if [ -f %s ]; then cat %s; fi", path, path) } func cpPath(pathElements ...string) string { localizedPathElements := make([]string, len(pathElements)) for i, path := range pathElements { localizedPathElements[i] = filepath.FromSlash(path) } return strings.Join(localizedPathElements, string(filepath.Separator)) } func cpPathTrailingSep(pathElements ...string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%c", cpPath(pathElements...), filepath.Separator) } func containerCpPath(containerID string, pathElements ...string) string { joined := strings.Join(pathElements, "/") return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", containerID, joined) } func containerCpPathTrailingSep(containerID string, pathElements ...string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/", containerCpPath(containerID, pathElements...)) } func runDockerCp(c *check.C, src, dst string) (err error) { c.Logf("running `docker cp %s %s`", src, dst) args := []string{"cp", src, dst} out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(exec.Command(dockerBinary, args...)) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("error executing `docker cp` command: %s: %s", err, out) } return } func startContainerGetOutput(c *check.C, containerID string) (out string, err error) { c.Logf("running `docker start -a %s`", containerID) args := []string{"start", "-a", containerID} out, _, err = runCommandWithOutput(exec.Command(dockerBinary, args...)) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("error executing `docker start` command: %s: %s", err, out) } return } func getTestDir(c *check.C, label string) (tmpDir string) { var err error tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", label) // unable to make temporary directory c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) return } func isCpNotExist(err error) bool { return strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such file or directory") || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "cannot find the file specified") } func isCpDirNotExist(err error) bool { return strings.Contains(err.Error(), archive.ErrDirNotExists.Error()) } func isCpNotDir(err error) bool { return strings.Contains(err.Error(), archive.ErrNotDirectory.Error()) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect") } func isCpCannotCopyDir(err error) bool { return strings.Contains(err.Error(), archive.ErrCannotCopyDir.Error()) } func isCpCannotCopyReadOnly(err error) bool { return strings.Contains(err.Error(), "marked read-only") } func isCannotOverwriteNonDirWithDir(err error) bool { return strings.Contains(err.Error(), "cannot overwrite non-directory") } func fileContentEquals(c *check.C, filename, contents string) (err error) { c.Logf("checking that file %q contains %q\n", filename, contents) fileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { return } expectedBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(strings.NewReader(contents)) if err != nil { return } if !bytes.Equal(fileBytes, expectedBytes) { err = fmt.Errorf("file content not equal - expected %q, got %q", string(expectedBytes), string(fileBytes)) } return } func symlinkTargetEquals(c *check.C, symlink, expectedTarget string) (err error) { c.Logf("checking that the symlink %q points to %q\n", symlink, expectedTarget) actualTarget, err := os.Readlink(symlink) if err != nil { return } if actualTarget != expectedTarget { err = fmt.Errorf("symlink target points to %q not %q", actualTarget, expectedTarget) } return } func containerStartOutputEquals(c *check.C, containerID, contents string) (err error) { c.Logf("checking that container %q start output contains %q\n", containerID, contents) out, err := startContainerGetOutput(c, containerID) if err != nil { return } if out != contents { err = fmt.Errorf("output contents not equal - expected %q, got %q", contents, out) } return } func defaultVolumes(tmpDir string) []string { if SameHostDaemon() { return []string{ "/vol1", fmt.Sprintf("%s:/vol2", tmpDir), fmt.Sprintf("%s:/vol3", filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vol3")), fmt.Sprintf("%s:/vol_ro:ro", filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vol_ro")), } } // Can't bind-mount volumes with separate host daemon. return []string{"/vol1", "/vol2", "/vol3", "/vol_ro:/vol_ro:ro"} }