# Getting “no space left on device” errors with Boot2Docker? If you're using Boot2Docker with a large number of images, or the images you're working with are very large, your pulls might start failing with "no space left on device" errors when the Boot2Docker volume fills up. There are two solutions you can try. ## Solution 1: Add the `DiskImage` property in boot2docker profile The `boot2docker` command reads its configuration from the `$BOOT2DOCKER_PROFILE` if set, or `$BOOT2DOCKER_DIR/profile` or `$HOME/.boot2docker/profile` (on Windows this is `%USERPROFILE%/.boot2docker/profile`). 1. View the existing configuration, use the `boot2docker config` command. $ boot2docker config # boot2docker profile filename: /Users/mary/.boot2docker/profile Init = false Verbose = false Driver = "virtualbox" Clobber = true ForceUpgradeDownload = false SSH = "ssh" SSHGen = "ssh-keygen" SSHKey = "/Users/mary/.ssh/id_boot2docker" VM = "boot2docker-vm" Dir = "/Users/mary/.boot2docker" ISOURL = "https://api.github.com/repos/boot2docker/boot2docker/releases" ISO = "/Users/mary/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso" DiskSize = 20000 Memory = 2048 CPUs = 8 SSHPort = 2022 DockerPort = 0 HostIP = "" DHCPIP = "" NetMask = [255, 255, 255, 0] LowerIP = "" UpperIP = "" DHCPEnabled = true Serial = false SerialFile = "/Users/mary/.boot2docker/boot2docker-vm.sock" Waittime = 300 Retries = 75 The configuration shows you where `boot2docker` is looking for the `profile` file. It also output the settings that are in use. 2. Initialize a default file to customize using `boot2docker config > ~/.boot2docker/profile` command. 3. Add the following lines to `$HOME/.boot2docker/profile`: # Disk image size in MB DiskSize = 50000 4. Run the following sequence of commands to restart Boot2Docker with the new settings. $ boot2docker poweroff $ boot2docker destroy $ boot2docker init $ boot2docker up ## Solution 2: Increase the size of boot2docker volume This solution increases the volume size by first cloning it, then resizing it using a disk partitioning tool. We recommend [GParted](http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php/index.php). The tool comes as a bootable ISO, is a free download, and works well with VirtualBox. 1. Stop Boot2Docker Issue the command to stop the Boot2Docker VM on the command line: $ boot2docker stop 2. Clone the VMDK image to a VDI image Boot2Docker ships with a VMDK image, which can't be resized by VirtualBox's native tools. We will instead create a VDI volume and clone the VMDK volume to it. 3. Using the command line VirtualBox tools, clone the VMDK image to a VDI image: $ vboxmanage clonehd /full/path/to/boot2docker-hd.vmdk /full/path/to/.vdi --format VDI --variant Standard 4. Resize the VDI volume Choose a size that will be appropriate for your needs. If you're spinning up a lot of containers, or your containers are particularly large, larger will be better: $ vboxmanage modifyhd /full/path/to/.vdi --resize 5. Download a disk partitioning tool ISO To resize the volume, we'll use [GParted](http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php/). Once you've downloaded the tool, add the ISO to the Boot2Docker VM IDE bus. You might need to create the bus before you can add the ISO. > **Note:** > It's important that you choose a partitioning tool that is available as an ISO so > that the Boot2Docker VM can be booted with it.

6. Add the new VDI image In the settings for the Boot2Docker image in VirtualBox, remove the VMDK image from the SATA controller and add the VDI image. 7. Verify the boot order In the **System** settings for the Boot2Docker VM, make sure that **CD/DVD** is at the top of the **Boot Order** list. 8. Boot to the disk partitioning ISO Manually start the Boot2Docker VM in VirtualBox, and the disk partitioning ISO should start up. Using GParted, choose the **GParted Live (default settings)** option. Choose the default keyboard, language, and XWindows settings, and the GParted tool will start up and display the VDI volume you created. Right click on the VDI and choose **Resize/Move**. 9. Drag the slider representing the volume to the maximum available size. 10. Click **Resize/Move** followed by **Apply**. 11. Quit GParted and shut down the VM. 12. Remove the GParted ISO from the IDE controller for the Boot2Docker VM in VirtualBox. 13. Start the Boot2Docker VM Fire up the Boot2Docker VM manually in VirtualBox. The VM should log in automatically, but if it doesn't, the credentials are `docker/tcuser`. Using the `df -h` command, verify that your changes took effect. You're done!