#!/bin/sh cd / #run the sphinx build first make -C /docs clean docs cd /docs #find sources -name '*.md*' -exec rm '{}' \; # convert from rst to md for mkdocs.org # TODO: we're using a sphinx specific rst thing to do between docs links, which we then need to convert to mkdocs specific markup (and pandoc loses it when converting to html / md) HTML_FILES=$(find _build -name '*.html' | sed 's/_build\/html\/\(.*\)\/index.html/\1/') for name in ${HTML_FILES} do echo $name # lets not use gratuitious unicode quotes that cause terrible copy and paste issues sed -i 's/“/"/g' _build/html/${name}/index.html sed -i 's/”/"/g' _build/html/${name}/index.html pandoc -f html -t markdown --atx-headers -o sources/${name}.md1 _build/html/${name}/index.html #add the meta-data from the rst egrep ':(title|description|keywords):' sources/${name}.rst | sed 's/^:/page_/' > sources/${name}.md echo >> sources/${name}.md #cat sources/${name}.md1 >> sources/${name}.md # remove the paragraph links from the source cat sources/${name}.md1 | sed 's/\[..\](#.*)//' >> sources/${name}.md rm sources/${name}.md1 sed -i 's/{.docutils .literal}//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/{.docutils$//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/^.literal} //g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/`{.descname}`//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/{.descname}//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/{.xref}//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/{.xref .doc .docutils .literal}//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/{.xref .http .http-post .docutils$//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/^ .literal}//g' sources/${name}.md sed -i 's/\\\$container\\_id/\$container_id/' sources/examples/hello_world.md sed -i 's/\\\$TESTFLAGS/\$TESTFLAGS/' sources/contributing/devenvironment.md sed -i 's/\\\$MYVAR1/\$MYVAR1/g' sources/reference/commandline/cli.md # git it all so we can test # git add ${name}.md done #annoyingly, there are lots of failures patch --fuzz 50 -t -p2 < pr4923.patch || true patch --fuzz 50 -t -p2 < asciinema.patch || true