#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # This file is used to auto-generate Dockerfiles for making debs via 'make deb' # # usage: ./generate.sh [versions] # ie: ./generate.sh # to update all Dockerfiles in this directory # or: ./generate.sh ubuntu-xenial # to only update ubuntu-xenial/Dockerfile # or: ./generate.sh ubuntu-newversion # to create a new folder and a Dockerfile within it cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")" versions=( "$@" ) if [ ${#versions[@]} -eq 0 ]; then versions=( */ ) fi versions=( "${versions[@]%/}" ) for version in "${versions[@]}"; do echo "${versions[@]}" distro="${version%-*}" suite="${version##*-}" from="ppc64le/${distro}:${suite}" mkdir -p "$version" echo "$version -> FROM $from" cat > "$version/Dockerfile" <<-EOF # # THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED; SEE "contrib/builder/deb/ppc64le/generate.sh"! # FROM $from EOF extraBuildTags='pkcs11' runcBuildTags= # this list is sorted alphabetically; please keep it that way packages=( apparmor # for apparmor_parser for testing the profile bash-completion # for bash-completion debhelper integration btrfs-tools # for "btrfs/ioctl.h" (and "version.h" if possible) build-essential # "essential for building Debian packages" cmake # tini dep curl ca-certificates # for downloading Go debhelper # for easy ".deb" building dh-apparmor # for apparmor debhelper dh-systemd # for systemd debhelper integration git # for "git commit" info in "docker -v" libapparmor-dev # for "sys/apparmor.h" libdevmapper-dev # for "libdevmapper.h" libltdl-dev # for pkcs11 "ltdl.h" pkg-config # for detecting things like libsystemd-journal dynamically vim-common # tini dep ) case "$suite" in trusty) packages+=( libsystemd-journal-dev ) ;; *) # libseccomp isn't available until ubuntu xenial and is required for "seccomp.h" & "libseccomp.so" packages+=( libseccomp-dev ) packages+=( libsystemd-dev ) ;; esac # buildtags case "$suite" in # trusty has no seccomp package trusty) runcBuildTags="apparmor selinux" ;; # ppc64le support was backported into libseccomp 2.2.3-2, # so enable seccomp by default *) extraBuildTags+=' seccomp' runcBuildTags="apparmor seccomp selinux" ;; esac # update and install packages echo "RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ${packages[*]} --no-install-recommends && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*" >> "$version/Dockerfile" echo >> "$version/Dockerfile" awk '$1 == "ENV" && $2 == "GO_VERSION" { print; exit }' ../../../../Dockerfile.ppc64le >> "$version/Dockerfile" echo 'RUN curl -fsSL "https://golang.org/dl/go${GO_VERSION}.linux-ppc64le.tar.gz" | tar xzC /usr/local' >> "$version/Dockerfile" echo 'ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> "$version/Dockerfile" echo >> "$version/Dockerfile" echo 'ENV AUTO_GOPATH 1' >> "$version/Dockerfile" echo >> "$version/Dockerfile" # print build tags in alphabetical order buildTags=$( echo "apparmor selinux $extraBuildTags" | xargs -n1 | sort -n | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' ) echo "ENV DOCKER_BUILDTAGS $buildTags" >> "$version/Dockerfile" echo "ENV RUNC_BUILDTAGS $runcBuildTags" >> "$version/Dockerfile" done