#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source "${SCRIPTDIR}/.validate" go_mod_tidy(){ ${SCRIPTDIR}/../go-mod-prepare.sh GO111MODULE=auto go mod tidy -modfile 'vendor.mod' -compat 1.17 } validate_vendor_diff(){ IFS=$'\n' check_files=( 'vendor.sum' 'vendor.mod' 'vendor/' ) # shellcheck disable=SC2207 changed_files=( $(validate_diff --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only -- "${check_files[@]}" || true) ) unset IFS if [ -n "${TEST_FORCE_VALIDATE:-}" ] || [ "${#changed_files[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then # recreate vendor/ ./hack/vendor.sh # check if any files have changed diffs="$(git status --porcelain -- "${check_files[@]}" 2>/dev/null)" mfiles="$(echo "$diffs" | awk '/^ M / {print $2}')" if [ "$diffs" ]; then { echo 'The result of go mod vendor differs' echo echo "$diffs" echo echo 'Please vendor your package with hack/vendor.sh.' echo if [ -n "$mfiles" ] ; then git diff -- "$mfiles" fi } >&2 false else echo 'Congratulations! All vendoring changes are done the right way.' fi else echo 'No vendor changes in diff.' fi } # 1. make sure all the vendored packages are used # 2. make sure all the packages contain license information (just warning, because it can cause false-positive) validate_vendor_used() { for f in $(mawk '$1 = "#" { print $2 }' 'vendor/modules.txt'); do if [ -d "vendor/$f" ]; then if ! echo "vendor/$f"/* | grep -qiEc '/(LICENSE|COPYING)'; then echo "WARNING: could not find copyright information for $f" fi fi done } go_mod_tidy validate_vendor_diff validate_vendor_used