:title: Hello world daemon example :description: A simple hello world daemon example with Docker :keywords: docker, example, hello world, daemon .. _hello_world_daemon: Hello World Daemon ================== .. include:: example_header.inc The most boring daemon ever written. This example assumes you have Docker installed and with the ubuntu image already imported ``docker pull ubuntu``. We will use the ubuntu image to run a simple hello world daemon that will just print hello world to standard out every second. It will continue to do this until we stop it. **Steps:** .. code-block:: bash CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done") We are going to run a simple hello world daemon in a new container made from the ubuntu image. - **"docker run -d "** run a command in a new container. We pass "-d" so it runs as a daemon. - **"ubuntu"** is the image we want to run the command inside of. - **"/bin/sh -c"** is the command we want to run in the container - **"while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"** is the mini script we want to run, that will just print hello world once a second until we stop it. - **$CONTAINER_ID** the output of the run command will return a container id, we can use in future commands to see what is going on with this process. .. code-block:: bash docker logs $CONTAINER_ID Check the logs make sure it is working correctly. - **"docker logs**" This will return the logs for a container - **$CONTAINER_ID** The Id of the container we want the logs for. .. code-block:: bash docker attach $CONTAINER_ID Attach to the container to see the results in realtime. - **"docker attach**" This will allow us to attach to a background process to see what is going on. - **$CONTAINER_ID** The Id of the container we want to attach too. .. code-block:: bash docker ps Check the process list to make sure it is running. - **"docker ps"** this shows all running process managed by docker .. code-block:: bash docker stop $CONTAINER_ID Stop the container, since we don't need it anymore. - **"docker stop"** This stops a container - **$CONTAINER_ID** The Id of the container we want to stop. .. code-block:: bash docker ps Make sure it is really stopped. **Video:** See the example in action .. raw:: html
Continue to the :ref:`python_web_app` example.