#!/bin/bash # Setup of buildbot configuration. Package installation is being done by # Vagrantfile # Dependencies: buildbot, buildbot-slave, supervisor USER=$1 CFG_PATH=$2 BUILDBOT_PWD=$3 IRC_PWD=$4 IRC_CHANNEL=$5 SMTP_USER=$6 SMTP_PWD=$7 EMAIL_RCP=$8 BUILDBOT_PATH="/data/buildbot" DOCKER_PATH="/data/docker" SLAVE_NAME="buildworker" SLAVE_SOCKET="localhost:9989" export PATH="/bin:sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin" function run { su $USER -c "$1"; } # Exit if buildbot has already been installed [ -d "$BUILDBOT_PATH" ] && exit 0 # Setup buildbot run "mkdir -p $BUILDBOT_PATH" cd $BUILDBOT_PATH run "buildbot create-master master" run "cp $CFG_PATH/master.cfg master" run "sed -i -E 's#(BUILDBOT_PWD = ).+#\1\"$BUILDBOT_PWD\"#' master/master.cfg" run "sed -i -E 's#(IRC_PWD = ).+#\1\"$IRC_PWD\"#' master/master.cfg" run "sed -i -E 's#(IRC_CHANNEL = ).+#\1\"$IRC_CHANNEL\"#' master/master.cfg" run "sed -i -E 's#(SMTP_USER = ).+#\1\"$SMTP_USER\"#' master/master.cfg" run "sed -i -E 's#(SMTP_PWD = ).+#\1\"$SMTP_PWD\"#' master/master.cfg" run "sed -i -E 's#(EMAIL_RCP = ).+#\1\"$EMAIL_RCP\"#' master/master.cfg" run "buildslave create-slave slave $SLAVE_SOCKET $SLAVE_NAME $BUILDBOT_PWD" # Patch github webstatus to capture pull requests cp $CFG_PATH/github.py /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/buildbot/status/web/hooks # Allow buildbot subprocesses (docker tests) to properly run in containers, # in particular with docker -u run "sed -i 's/^umask = None/umask = 000/' slave/buildbot.tac" # Setup supervisor cp $CFG_PATH/buildbot.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/buildbot.conf sed -i -E "s/^chmod=0700.+/chmod=0770\nchown=root:$USER/" /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf kill -HUP $(pgrep -f "/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/supervisord")