.PHONY: all binary build cross deb help init-go-pkg-cache install manpages rpm run shell test test-docker-py test-integration-cli test-unit tgz validate win # set the graph driver as the current graphdriver if not set DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER := $(if $(DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER),$(DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER),$(shell docker info 2>&1 | grep "Storage Driver" | sed 's/.*: //')) # get OS/Arch of docker engine DOCKER_OSARCH := $(shell bash -c 'source hack/make/.detect-daemon-osarch && echo $${DOCKER_ENGINE_OSARCH:-$$DOCKER_CLIENT_OSARCH}') DOCKERFILE := $(shell bash -c 'source hack/make/.detect-daemon-osarch && echo $${DOCKERFILE}') # env vars passed through directly to Docker's build scripts # to allow things like `make KEEPBUNDLE=1 binary` easily # `project/PACKAGERS.md` have some limited documentation of some of these DOCKER_ENVS := \ -e BUILD_APT_MIRROR \ -e BUILDFLAGS \ -e KEEPBUNDLE \ -e DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS \ -e DOCKER_BUILD_GOGC \ -e DOCKER_BUILD_PKGS \ -e DOCKER_DEBUG \ -e DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL \ -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT \ -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER=$(DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER) \ -e DOCKER_INCREMENTAL_BINARY \ -e DOCKER_PORT \ -e DOCKER_REMAP_ROOT \ -e DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTS \ -e DOCKER_USERLANDPROXY \ -e TESTDIRS \ -e TESTFLAGS \ -e TIMEOUT \ -e HTTP_PROXY \ -e HTTPS_PROXY \ -e NO_PROXY \ -e http_proxy \ -e https_proxy \ -e no_proxy # note: we _cannot_ add "-e DOCKER_BUILDTAGS" here because even if it's unset in the shell, that would shadow the "ENV DOCKER_BUILDTAGS" set in our Dockerfile, which is very important for our official builds # to allow `make BIND_DIR=. shell` or `make BIND_DIR= test` # (default to no bind mount if DOCKER_HOST is set) # note: BINDDIR is supported for backwards-compatibility here BIND_DIR := $(if $(BINDDIR),$(BINDDIR),$(if $(DOCKER_HOST),,bundles)) DOCKER_MOUNT := $(if $(BIND_DIR),-v "$(CURDIR)/$(BIND_DIR):/go/src/github.com/docker/docker/$(BIND_DIR)") # This allows the test suite to be able to run without worrying about the underlying fs used by the container running the daemon (e.g. aufs-on-aufs), so long as the host running the container is running a supported fs. # The volume will be cleaned up when the container is removed due to `--rm`. # Note that `BIND_DIR` will already be set to `bundles` if `DOCKER_HOST` is not set (see above BIND_DIR line), in such case this will do nothing since `DOCKER_MOUNT` will already be set. DOCKER_MOUNT := $(if $(DOCKER_MOUNT),$(DOCKER_MOUNT),-v /go/src/github.com/docker/docker/bundles) # enable .go-pkg-cache if DOCKER_INCREMENTAL_BINARY and DOCKER_MOUNT (i.e.DOCKER_HOST) are set PKGCACHE_DIR := $(if $(PKGCACHE_DIR),$(PKGCACHE_DIR),.go-pkg-cache) PKGCACHE_MAP := gopath:/go/pkg vendor:/go/src/github.com/docker/docker/vendor/pkg goroot-linux_amd64_netgo:/usr/local/go/pkg/linux_amd64_netgo DOCKER_MOUNT := $(if $(DOCKER_INCREMENTAL_BINARY),$(DOCKER_MOUNT) $(shell echo $(PKGCACHE_MAP) | sed -E 's@([^ ]*)@-v "$(CURDIR)/$(PKGCACHE_DIR)/\1"@g'),$(DOCKER_MOUNT)) GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN := $(shell echo $(GIT_BRANCH) | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g") DOCKER_IMAGE := docker-dev$(if $(GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN),:$(GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN)) DOCKER_PORT_FORWARD := $(if $(DOCKER_PORT),-p "$(DOCKER_PORT)",) DOCKER_FLAGS := docker run --rm -i --privileged $(DOCKER_ENVS) $(DOCKER_MOUNT) $(DOCKER_PORT_FORWARD) BUILD_APT_MIRROR := $(if $(DOCKER_BUILD_APT_MIRROR),--build-arg APT_MIRROR=$(DOCKER_BUILD_APT_MIRROR)) export BUILD_APT_MIRROR # if this session isn't interactive, then we don't want to allocate a # TTY, which would fail, but if it is interactive, we do want to attach # so that the user can send e.g. ^C through. INTERACTIVE := $(shell [ -t 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0) ifeq ($(INTERACTIVE), 1) DOCKER_FLAGS += -t endif DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER := $(DOCKER_FLAGS) "$(DOCKER_IMAGE)" default: binary all: build ## validate all checks, build linux binaries, run all tests\ncross build non-linux binaries and generate archives $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary: build ## build the linux binaries $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary build: bundles init-go-pkg-cache docker build ${BUILD_APT_MIRROR} ${DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS} -t "$(DOCKER_IMAGE)" -f "$(DOCKERFILE)" . bundles: mkdir bundles cross: build ## cross build the binaries for darwin, freebsd and\nwindows $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary binary cross deb: build ## build the deb packages $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary build-deb help: ## this help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {sub("\\\\n",sprintf("\n%22c"," "), $$2);printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) init-go-pkg-cache: mkdir -p $(shell echo $(PKGCACHE_MAP) | sed -E 's@([^: ]*):[^ ]*@$(PKGCACHE_DIR)/\1@g') install: ## install the linux binaries KEEPBUNDLE=1 hack/make.sh install-binary manpages: ## Generate man pages from go source and markdown docker build -t docker-manpage-dev -f "man/$(DOCKERFILE)" ./man docker run --rm \ -v $(PWD):/go/src/github.com/docker/docker/ \ docker-manpage-dev rpm: build ## build the rpm packages $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary build-rpm run: build ## run the docker daemon in a container $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) sh -c "KEEPBUNDLE=1 hack/make.sh install-binary run" shell: build ## start a shell inside the build env $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) bash test: build ## run the unit, integration and docker-py tests $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary cross test-unit test-integration-cli test-docker-py test-docker-py: build ## run the docker-py tests $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary test-docker-py test-integration-cli: build ## run the integration tests $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh build-integration-test-binary dynbinary test-integration-cli test-unit: build ## run the unit tests $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh test-unit tgz: build ## build the archives (.zip on windows and .tgz\notherwise) containing the binaries $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary binary cross tgz validate: build ## validate DCO, Seccomp profile generation, gofmt,\n./pkg/ isolation, golint, tests, tomls, go vet and vendor $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh validate-dco validate-default-seccomp validate-gofmt validate-pkg validate-lint validate-test validate-toml validate-vet validate-vendor win: build ## cross build the binary for windows $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh win .PHONY: swagger-gen swagger-gen: docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/go/src/github.com/docker/docker \ -w /go/src/github.com/docker/docker \ --entrypoint hack/generate-swagger-api.sh \ -e GOPATH=/go \ quay.io/goswagger/swagger