package dockerfile // internals for handling commands. Covers many areas and a lot of // non-contiguous functionality. Please read the comments. import ( "crypto/sha256" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" containerpkg "" "" "" "" ) func (b *Builder) commit(dispatchState *dispatchState, comment string) error { if b.disableCommit { return nil } if !dispatchState.hasFromImage() { return errors.New("Please provide a source image with `from` prior to commit") } runConfigWithCommentCmd := copyRunConfig(dispatchState.runConfig, withCmdComment(comment)) hit, err := b.probeCache(dispatchState, runConfigWithCommentCmd) if err != nil || hit { return err } id, err := b.create(runConfigWithCommentCmd) if err != nil { return err } return b.commitContainer(dispatchState, id, runConfigWithCommentCmd) } // TODO: see if any args can be dropped func (b *Builder) commitContainer(dispatchState *dispatchState, id string, containerConfig *container.Config) error { if b.disableCommit { return nil } commitCfg := &backend.ContainerCommitConfig{ ContainerCommitConfig: types.ContainerCommitConfig{ Author: dispatchState.maintainer, Pause: true, // TODO: this should be done by Commit() Config: copyRunConfig(dispatchState.runConfig), }, ContainerConfig: containerConfig, } // Commit the container imageID, err := b.docker.Commit(id, commitCfg) if err != nil { return err } dispatchState.imageID = imageID b.buildStages.update(imageID, dispatchState.runConfig) return nil } func (b *Builder) performCopy(state *dispatchState, inst copyInstruction) error { srcHash := getSourceHashFromInfos(inst.infos) // TODO: should this have been using origPaths instead of srcHash in the comment? runConfigWithCommentCmd := copyRunConfig( state.runConfig, withCmdCommentString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s in %s ", inst.cmdName, srcHash, inst.dest))) if hit, err := b.probeCache(state, runConfigWithCommentCmd); err != nil || hit { return err } container, err := b.docker.ContainerCreate(types.ContainerCreateConfig{ Config: runConfigWithCommentCmd, // Set a log config to override any default value set on the daemon HostConfig: &container.HostConfig{LogConfig: defaultLogConfig}, }) if err != nil { return err } b.tmpContainers[container.ID] = struct{}{} // Twiddle the destination when it's a relative path - meaning, make it // relative to the WORKINGDIR dest, err := normaliseDest(inst.cmdName, state.runConfig.WorkingDir, inst.dest) if err != nil { return err } for _, info := range inst.infos { if err := b.docker.CopyOnBuild(container.ID, dest, info.root, info.path, inst.allowLocalDecompression); err != nil { return err } } return b.commitContainer(state, container.ID, runConfigWithCommentCmd) } // For backwards compat, if there's just one info then use it as the // cache look-up string, otherwise hash 'em all into one func getSourceHashFromInfos(infos []copyInfo) string { if len(infos) == 1 { return infos[0].hash } var hashs []string for _, info := range infos { hashs = append(hashs, info.hash) } return hashStringSlice("multi", hashs) } func hashStringSlice(prefix string, slice []string) string { hasher := sha256.New() hasher.Write([]byte(strings.Join(slice, ","))) return prefix + ":" + hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) } type runConfigModifier func(*container.Config) func copyRunConfig(runConfig *container.Config, modifiers ...runConfigModifier) *container.Config { copy := *runConfig for _, modifier := range modifiers { modifier(©) } return © } func withCmd(cmd []string) runConfigModifier { return func(runConfig *container.Config) { runConfig.Cmd = cmd } } // withCmdComment sets Cmd to a nop comment string. See withCmdCommentString for // why there are two almost identical versions of this. func withCmdComment(comment string) runConfigModifier { return func(runConfig *container.Config) { runConfig.Cmd = append(getShell(runConfig), "#(nop) ", comment) } } // withCmdCommentString exists to maintain compatibility with older versions. // A few instructions (workdir, copy, add) used a nop comment that is a single arg // where as all the other instructions used a two arg comment string. This // function implements the single arg version. func withCmdCommentString(comment string) runConfigModifier { return func(runConfig *container.Config) { runConfig.Cmd = append(getShell(runConfig), "#(nop) "+comment) } } func withEnv(env []string) runConfigModifier { return func(runConfig *container.Config) { runConfig.Env = env } } // withEntrypointOverride sets an entrypoint on runConfig if the command is // not empty. The entrypoint is left unmodified if command is empty. // // The dockerfile RUN instruction expect to run without an entrypoint // so the runConfig entrypoint needs to be modified accordingly. ContainerCreate // will change a []string{""} entrypoint to nil, so we probe the cache with the // nil entrypoint. func withEntrypointOverride(cmd []string, entrypoint []string) runConfigModifier { return func(runConfig *container.Config) { if len(cmd) > 0 { runConfig.Entrypoint = entrypoint } } } // getShell is a helper function which gets the right shell for prefixing the // shell-form of RUN, ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions func getShell(c *container.Config) []string { if 0 == len(c.Shell) { return append([]string{}, defaultShell[:]...) } return append([]string{}, c.Shell[:]...) } // probeCache checks if cache match can be found for current build instruction. // If an image is found, probeCache returns `(true, nil)`. // If no image is found, it returns `(false, nil)`. // If there is any error, it returns `(false, err)`. func (b *Builder) probeCache(dispatchState *dispatchState, runConfig *container.Config) (bool, error) { c := b.imageCache if c == nil || b.options.NoCache || b.cacheBusted { return false, nil } cache, err := c.GetCache(dispatchState.imageID, runConfig) if err != nil { return false, err } if len(cache) == 0 { logrus.Debugf("[BUILDER] Cache miss: %s", runConfig.Cmd) b.cacheBusted = true return false, nil } fmt.Fprint(b.Stdout, " ---> Using cache\n") logrus.Debugf("[BUILDER] Use cached version: %s", runConfig.Cmd) dispatchState.imageID = string(cache) b.buildStages.update(dispatchState.imageID, runConfig) return true, nil } func (b *Builder) create(runConfig *container.Config) (string, error) { resources := container.Resources{ CgroupParent: b.options.CgroupParent, CPUShares: b.options.CPUShares, CPUPeriod: b.options.CPUPeriod, CPUQuota: b.options.CPUQuota, CpusetCpus: b.options.CPUSetCPUs, CpusetMems: b.options.CPUSetMems, Memory: b.options.Memory, MemorySwap: b.options.MemorySwap, Ulimits: b.options.Ulimits, } // TODO: why not embed a hostconfig in builder? hostConfig := &container.HostConfig{ SecurityOpt: b.options.SecurityOpt, Isolation: b.options.Isolation, ShmSize: b.options.ShmSize, Resources: resources, NetworkMode: container.NetworkMode(b.options.NetworkMode), // Set a log config to override any default value set on the daemon LogConfig: defaultLogConfig, ExtraHosts: b.options.ExtraHosts, } // Create the container c, err := b.docker.ContainerCreate(types.ContainerCreateConfig{ Config: runConfig, HostConfig: hostConfig, }) if err != nil { return "", err } for _, warning := range c.Warnings { fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> [Warning] %s\n", warning) } b.tmpContainers[c.ID] = struct{}{} fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> Running in %s\n", stringid.TruncateID(c.ID)) return c.ID, nil } var errCancelled = errors.New("build cancelled") func (b *Builder) run(cID string, cmd []string) (err error) { attached := make(chan struct{}) errCh := make(chan error) go func() { errCh <- b.docker.ContainerAttachRaw(cID, nil, b.Stdout, b.Stderr, true, attached) }() select { case err := <-errCh: return err case <-attached: } finished := make(chan struct{}) cancelErrCh := make(chan error, 1) go func() { select { case <-b.clientCtx.Done(): logrus.Debugln("Build cancelled, killing and removing container:", cID) b.docker.ContainerKill(cID, 0) b.removeContainer(cID) cancelErrCh <- errCancelled case <-finished: cancelErrCh <- nil } }() if err := b.docker.ContainerStart(cID, nil, "", ""); err != nil { close(finished) if cancelErr := <-cancelErrCh; cancelErr != nil { logrus.Debugf("Build cancelled (%v) and got an error from ContainerStart: %v", cancelErr, err) } return err } // Block on reading output from container, stop on err or chan closed if err := <-errCh; err != nil { close(finished) if cancelErr := <-cancelErrCh; cancelErr != nil { logrus.Debugf("Build cancelled (%v) and got an error from errCh: %v", cancelErr, err) } return err } waitC, err := b.docker.ContainerWait(b.clientCtx, cID, containerpkg.WaitConditionNotRunning) if err != nil { // Unable to begin waiting for container. close(finished) if cancelErr := <-cancelErrCh; cancelErr != nil { logrus.Debugf("Build cancelled (%v) and unable to begin ContainerWait: %d", cancelErr, err) } return err } if status := <-waitC; status.ExitCode() != 0 { close(finished) if cancelErr := <-cancelErrCh; cancelErr != nil { logrus.Debugf("Build cancelled (%v) and got a non-zero code from ContainerWait: %d", cancelErr, status.ExitCode()) } // TODO: change error type, because jsonmessage.JSONError assumes HTTP return &jsonmessage.JSONError{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("The command '%s' returned a non-zero code: %d", strings.Join(cmd, " "), status.ExitCode()), Code: status.ExitCode(), } } close(finished) return <-cancelErrCh } func (b *Builder) removeContainer(c string) error { rmConfig := &types.ContainerRmConfig{ ForceRemove: true, RemoveVolume: true, } if err := b.docker.ContainerRm(c, rmConfig); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, "Error removing intermediate container %s: %v\n", stringid.TruncateID(c), err) return err } return nil } func (b *Builder) clearTmp() { for c := range b.tmpContainers { if err := b.removeContainer(c); err != nil { return } delete(b.tmpContainers, c) fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, "Removing intermediate container %s\n", stringid.TruncateID(c)) } }