% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals % William Henry % APRIL 2014 # NAME docker-ps - List containers # SYNOPSIS **docker ps** [**-a**|**--all**=*false*] [**--before**=""] [**-l**|**--latest**=*false*] [**-n**=*-1*] [**--no-trunc**=*false*] [**-q**|**--quiet**=*false*] [**-s**|**--size**=*false*] [**--since**=""] # DESCRIPTION List the containers in the local repository. By default this show only the running containers. # OPTIONS **-a**, **--all**=*true*|*false* When true show all containers. Only running containers are shown by default. Default is false. **--before**="" Show only container created before Id or Name, include non-running ones. **-l**, **--latest**=*true*|*false* When true show only the latest created container, include non-running ones. The default is false. **-n**=NUM Show NUM (integer) last created containers, include non-running ones. The default is -1 (none) **--no-trunc**=*true*|*false* When true truncate output. Default is false. **-q**, **--quiet**=*true*|*false* When false only display numeric IDs. Default is false. **-s**, **--size**=*true*|*false* When true display container sizes. Default is false. **--since**="" Show only containers created since Id or Name, include non-running ones. # EXAMPLE # Display all containers, including non-running # docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a87ecb4f327c fedora:20 /bin/sh -c #(nop) MA 20 minutes ago Exit 0 desperate_brattain 01946d9d34d8 vpavlin/rhel7:latest /bin/sh -c #(nop) MA 33 minutes ago Exit 0 thirsty_bell c1d3b0166030 acffc0358b9e /bin/sh -c yum -y up 2 weeks ago Exit 1 determined_torvalds 41d50ecd2f57 fedora:20 /bin/sh -c #(nop) MA 2 weeks ago Exit 0 drunk_pike # Display only IDs of all containers, including non-running # docker ps -a -q a87ecb4f327c 01946d9d34d8 c1d3b0166030 41d50ecd2f57 # HISTORY April 2014, Originally compiled by William Henry (whenry at redhat dot com) based on docker.io source material and internal work.