package daemon

import (

	derr ""

var (
	// ErrVolumeReadonly is used to signal an error when trying to copy data into
	// a volume mount that is not writable.
	ErrVolumeReadonly = errors.New("mounted volume is marked read-only")

type mounts []execdriver.Mount

// volumeToAPIType converts a volume.Volume to the type used by the remote API
func volumeToAPIType(v volume.Volume) *types.Volume {
	return &types.Volume{
		Name:       v.Name(),
		Driver:     v.DriverName(),
		Mountpoint: v.Path(),

// createVolume creates a volume.
func (daemon *Daemon) createVolume(name, driverName string, opts map[string]string) (volume.Volume, error) {
	v, err := daemon.volumes.Create(name, driverName, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return v, nil

// Len returns the number of mounts. Used in sorting.
func (m mounts) Len() int {
	return len(m)

// Less returns true if the number of parts (a/b/c would be 3 parts) in the
// mount indexed by parameter 1 is less than that of the mount indexed by
// parameter 2. Used in sorting.
func (m mounts) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return <

// Swap swaps two items in an array of mounts. Used in sorting
func (m mounts) Swap(i, j int) {
	m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i]

// parts returns the number of parts in the destination of a mount. Used in sorting.
func (m mounts) parts(i int) int {
	return strings.Count(filepath.Clean(m[i].Destination), string(os.PathSeparator))

// registerMountPoints initializes the container mount points with the configured volumes and bind mounts.
// It follows the next sequence to decide what to mount in each final destination:
// 1. Select the previously configured mount points for the containers, if any.
// 2. Select the volumes mounted from another containers. Overrides previously configured mount point destination.
// 3. Select the bind mounts set by the client. Overrides previously configured mount point destinations.
// 4. Cleanup old volumes that are about to be reasigned.
func (daemon *Daemon) registerMountPoints(container *Container, hostConfig *runconfig.HostConfig) error {
	binds := map[string]bool{}
	mountPoints := map[string]*volume.MountPoint{}

	// 1. Read already configured mount points.
	for name, point := range container.MountPoints {
		mountPoints[name] = point

	// 2. Read volumes from other containers.
	for _, v := range hostConfig.VolumesFrom {
		containerID, mode, err := volume.ParseVolumesFrom(v)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		c, err := daemon.Get(containerID)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, m := range c.MountPoints {
			cp := &volume.MountPoint{
				Name:        m.Name,
				Source:      m.Source,
				RW:          m.RW && volume.ReadWrite(mode),
				Driver:      m.Driver,
				Destination: m.Destination,

			if len(cp.Source) == 0 {
				v, err := daemon.createVolume(cp.Name, cp.Driver, nil)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				cp.Volume = v

			mountPoints[cp.Destination] = cp

	// 3. Read bind mounts
	for _, b := range hostConfig.Binds {
		// #10618
		bind, err := volume.ParseMountSpec(b, hostConfig.VolumeDriver)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if binds[bind.Destination] {
			return derr.ErrorCodeVolumeDup.WithArgs(bind.Destination)

		if len(bind.Name) > 0 && len(bind.Driver) > 0 {
			// create the volume
			v, err := daemon.createVolume(bind.Name, bind.Driver, nil)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			bind.Volume = v
			bind.Source = v.Path()
			// bind.Name is an already existing volume, we need to use that here
			bind.Driver = v.DriverName()
			bind = setBindModeIfNull(bind)
		if label.RelabelNeeded(bind.Mode) {
			if err := label.Relabel(bind.Source, container.MountLabel, label.IsShared(bind.Mode)); err != nil {
				return err
		binds[bind.Destination] = true
		mountPoints[bind.Destination] = bind


	// 4. Cleanup old volumes that are about to be reasigned.
	for _, m := range mountPoints {
		if m.BackwardsCompatible() {
			if mp, exists := container.MountPoints[m.Destination]; exists && mp.Volume != nil {
	container.MountPoints = mountPoints


	return nil