:title: Installation on Amazon EC2 :description: Please note this project is currently under heavy development. It should not be used in production. :keywords: amazon ec2, virtualization, cloud, docker, documentation, installation Amazon EC2 ========== .. include:: install_header.inc There are several ways to install Docker on AWS EC2: * :ref:`amazonquickstart` or * :ref:`amazonstandard` **You'll need an** `AWS account `_ **first, of course.** .. _amazonquickstart: Amazon QuickStart ----------------- 1. **Choose an image:** * Launch the `Create Instance Wizard `_ menu on your AWS Console. * Click the ``Select`` button for a 64Bit Ubuntu image. For example: Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 LTS * For testing you can use the default (possibly free) ``t1.micro`` instance (more info on `pricing `_). * Click the ``Next: Configure Instance Details`` button at the bottom right. 2. **Tell CloudInit to install Docker:** * When you're on the "Configure Instance Details" step, expand the "Advanced Details" section. * Under "User data", select "As text". * Enter ``#include https://get.docker.io`` into the instance *User Data*. `CloudInit `_ is part of the Ubuntu image you chose; it will bootstrap Docker by running the shell script located at this URL. 3. After a few more standard choices where defaults are probably ok, your AWS Ubuntu instance with Docker should be running! **If this is your first AWS instance, you may need to set up your Security Group to allow SSH.** By default all incoming ports to your new instance will be blocked by the AWS Security Group, so you might just get timeouts when you try to connect. Installing with ``get.docker.io`` (as above) will create a service named ``lxc-docker``. It will also set up a :ref:`docker group ` and you may want to add the *ubuntu* user to it so that you don't have to use ``sudo`` for every Docker command. Once you've got Docker installed, you're ready to try it out -- head on over to the :doc:`../use/basics` or :doc:`../examples/index` section. .. _amazonstandard: Standard Ubuntu Installation ---------------------------- If you want a more hands-on installation, then you can follow the :ref:`ubuntu_linux` instructions installing Docker on any EC2 instance running Ubuntu. Just follow Step 1 from :ref:`amazonquickstart` to pick an image (or use one of your own) and skip the step with the *User Data*. Then continue with the :ref:`ubuntu_linux` instructions. Continue with the :ref:`hello_world` example.