# Deprecated Features The following list of features are deprecated. ### Command line short variant options **Deprecated In Release: v1.9** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.11** The following short variant options are deprecated in favor of their long variants: docker run -c (--cpu-shares) ### Driver Specific Log Tags **Deprecated In Release: v1.9** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.11** Log tags are now generated in a standard way across different logging drivers. Because of which, the driver specific log tag options `syslog-tag`, `gelf-tag` and `fluentd-tag` have been deprecated in favor of the generic `tag` option. docker --log-driver=syslog --log-opt tag="{{.ImageName}}/{{.Name}}/{{.ID}}" ### LXC built-in exec driver **Deprecated In Release: v1.8** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.10** The built-in LXC execution driver is deprecated for an external implementation. The lxc-conf flag and API fields will also be removed. ### Old Command Line Options **Deprecated In Release: [v1.8.0](/release-notes/#docker-engine-1-8-0)** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.10** The flags `-d` and `--daemon` are deprecated in favor of the `daemon` subcommand: docker daemon -H ... The following single-dash (`-opt`) variant of certain command line options are deprecated and replaced with double-dash options (`--opt`): docker attach -nostdin docker attach -sig-proxy docker build -no-cache docker build -rm docker commit -author docker commit -run docker events -since docker history -notrunc docker images -notrunc docker inspect -format docker ps -beforeId docker ps -notrunc docker ps -sinceId docker rm -link docker run -cidfile docker run -cpuset docker run -dns docker run -entrypoint docker run -expose docker run -link docker run -lxc-conf docker run -n docker run -privileged docker run -volumes-from docker search -notrunc docker search -stars docker search -t docker search -trusted docker tag -force The following double-dash options are deprecated and have no replacement: docker run --networking docker ps --since-id docker ps --before-id docker search --trusted ### Auto-creating missing host paths for bind mounts **Deprected in Release: v1.9** **Target for Removal in Release: 1.11** When creating a container with a bind-mounted volume-- `docker run -v /host/path:/container/path` -- docker was automatically creating the `/host/path` if it didn't already exist. This auto-creation of the host path is deprecated and docker will error out if the path does not exist. ### Interacting with V1 registries Version 1.9 adds a flag (`--no-legacy-registry=false`) which prevents the docker daemon from `pull`, `push`, and `login` operations against v1 registries. Though disabled by default, this signals the intent to deprecate the v1 protocol.