# Docker project infrastructure

This is an overview of the Docker infrastructure.

**Note: obviously, credentials should not be stored in this repository.**
However, when there are credentials, we should list how to obtain them
(e.g. who has them).

## Providers

This should be the list of all the entities providing some kind of
infrastructure service to the Docker project (either for free,
or paid by dotCloud).

Provider      | Service
AWS           | packages (S3 bucket), dotCloud PAAS, dev-env, ci
CloudFlare    | cdn
Digital Ocean | ci
dotCloud PAAS | website, index, registry, ssl, blog
DynECT        | dns (docker.io)            
GitHub        | repository
Linode        | stackbrew
Mailgun       | outgoing e-mail            
ReadTheDocs   | docs

*Ordered-by: lexicographic*

## URLs

This should be the list of all the infrastructure-related URLs
and which service is handling them.

URL                                          | Service
 http://blog.docker.io/                      | blog
*http://cdn-registry-1.docker.io/            | registry (pull)
 http://debug.docker.io/                     | debug tool
 http://docs.docker.io/                      | docsproxy (proxy to readthedocs)
 http://docker-ci.dotcloud.com/              | ci
 http://docker.io/                           | redirect to www.docker.io (dynect)
 http://docker.readthedocs.org/              | docs
*http://get.docker.io/                       | packages
 https://github.com/dotcloud/docker          | repository
*https://index.docker.io/                    | index
 http://registry-1.docker.io/                | registry (push)
 http://staging-docker-ci.dotcloud.com/      | ci
*http://test.docker.io/                      | packages
*http://www.docker.io/                       | website
 http://? (internal URL, not for public use) | stackbrew

*Ordered-by: lexicographic*

**Note:** an asterisk in front of the URL means that it is cached by CloudFlare.

## Services

This should be the list of all services referenced above.

Service             | Maintainer(s)              | How to update    | Source
blog                | [@jbarbier]                | dotcloud push    | https://github.com/dotcloud/blog.docker.io
cdn                 | [@jpetazzo][] [@samalba][] | cloudflare panel | N/A
ci                  | [@mzdaniel]                | See [docker-ci]  | See [docker-ci]
docs                | [@metalivedev]             | github webhook   | docker repo
docsproxy           | [@dhrp]                    | dotcloud push    | https://github.com/dotcloud/docker-docs-dotcloud-proxy
index               | [@kencochrane]             | dotcloud push    | private
packages            | [@jpetazzo]                | hack/release     | docker repo
registry            | [@samalba]                 | dotcloud push    | https://github.com/dotcloud/docker-registry
repository (github) | N/A                        | N/A              | N/A
ssl (dotcloud)      | [@jpetazzo]                | dotcloud ops     | N/A
ssl (cloudflare)    | [@jpetazzo]                | cloudflare panel | N/A
stackbrew           | [@shin-]                   | manual           | https://github.com/dotcloud/stackbrew/stackbrew
website             | [@dhrp]                    | dotcloud push    | https://github.com/dotcloud/www.docker.io

*Ordered-by: lexicographic*

[docker-ci]: docker-ci.rst
[@dhrp]: https://github.com/dhrp
[@jbarbier]: https://github.com/jbarbier
[@jpetazzo]: https://github.com/jpetazzo
[@kencochrane]: https://github.com/kencochrane
[@metalivedev]: https://github.com/metalivedev
[@mzdaniel]: https://github.com/mzdaniel
[@samalba]: https://github.com/samalba
[@shin-]: https://github.com/shin-