:title: Upgrading :description: These instructions are for upgrading Docker :keywords: Docker, Docker documentation, upgrading docker, upgrade .. _upgrading: Upgrading ============ **These instructions are for upgrading Docker** After normal installation ------------------------- If you installed Docker normally using apt-get or used Vagrant, use apt-get to upgrade. .. code-block:: bash # update your sources list sudo apt-get update # install the latest sudo apt-get install lxc-docker After manual installation ------------------------- If you installed the Docker binary .. code-block:: bash # kill the running docker daemon killall docker .. code-block:: bash # get the latest binary wget http://get.docker.io/builds/Linux/x86_64/docker-latest.tgz .. code-block:: bash # Unpack it to your current dir tar -xf docker-latest.tgz Start docker in daemon mode (-d) and disconnect (&) starting ./docker will start the version in your current dir rather than a version which might reside in your path. .. code-block:: bash # start the new version sudo ./docker -d & Alternatively you can replace the docker binary in ``/usr/local/bin``