package main import ( "os" "path/filepath" "" "" flag "" ) var ( dockerCertPath = os.Getenv("DOCKER_CERT_PATH") ) func init() { if dockerCertPath == "" { dockerCertPath = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".docker") } } var ( flVersion = flag.Bool([]string{"v", "-version"}, false, "Print version information and quit") flDaemon = flag.Bool([]string{"d", "-daemon"}, false, "Enable daemon mode") flGraphOpts opts.ListOpts flDebug = flag.Bool([]string{"D", "-debug"}, false, "Enable debug mode") flAutoRestart = flag.Bool([]string{"r", "-restart"}, true, "Restart previously running containers") bridgeName = flag.String([]string{"b", "-bridge"}, "", "Attach containers to a pre-existing network bridge\nuse 'none' to disable container networking") bridgeIp = flag.String([]string{"#bip", "-bip"}, "", "Use this CIDR notation address for the network bridge's IP, not compatible with -b") pidfile = flag.String([]string{"p", "-pidfile"}, "/var/run/", "Path to use for daemon PID file") flRoot = flag.String([]string{"g", "-graph"}, "/var/lib/docker", "Path to use as the root of the Docker runtime") flSocketGroup = flag.String([]string{"G", "-group"}, "docker", "Group to assign the unix socket specified by -H when running in daemon mode\nuse '' (the empty string) to disable setting of a group") flEnableCors = flag.Bool([]string{"#api-enable-cors", "-api-enable-cors"}, false, "Enable CORS headers in the remote API") flDns = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateIPAddress) flDnsSearch = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateDnsSearch) flEnableIptables = flag.Bool([]string{"#iptables", "-iptables"}, true, "Enable Docker's addition of iptables rules") flEnableIpForward = flag.Bool([]string{"#ip-forward", "-ip-forward"}, true, "Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward") flDefaultIp = flag.String([]string{"#ip", "-ip"}, "", "Default IP address to use when binding container ports") flInterContainerComm = flag.Bool([]string{"#icc", "-icc"}, true, "Enable inter-container communication") flGraphDriver = flag.String([]string{"s", "-storage-driver"}, "", "Force the Docker runtime to use a specific storage driver") flExecDriver = flag.String([]string{"e", "-exec-driver"}, "native", "Force the Docker runtime to use a specific exec driver") flHosts = opts.NewListOpts(api.ValidateHost) flMtu = flag.Int([]string{"#mtu", "-mtu"}, 0, "Set the containers network MTU\nif no value is provided: default to the default route MTU or 1500 if no default route is available") flTls = flag.Bool([]string{"-tls"}, false, "Use TLS; implied by tls-verify flags") flTlsVerify = flag.Bool([]string{"-tlsverify"}, false, "Use TLS and verify the remote (daemon: verify client, client: verify daemon)") flSelinuxEnabled = flag.Bool([]string{"-selinux-enabled"}, false, "Enable selinux support. SELinux does not presently support the BTRFS storage driver") // these are initialized in init() below since their default values depend on dockerCertPath which isn't fully initialized until init() runs flCa *string flCert *string flKey *string ) func init() { flCa = flag.String([]string{"-tlscacert"}, filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, defaultCaFile), "Trust only remotes providing a certificate signed by the CA given here") flCert = flag.String([]string{"-tlscert"}, filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, defaultCertFile), "Path to TLS certificate file") flKey = flag.String([]string{"-tlskey"}, filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, defaultKeyFile), "Path to TLS key file") flag.Var(&flDns, []string{"#dns", "-dns"}, "Force Docker to use specific DNS servers") flag.Var(&flDnsSearch, []string{"-dns-search"}, "Force Docker to use specific DNS search domains") flag.Var(&flHosts, []string{"H", "-host"}, "The socket(s) to bind to in daemon mode\nspecified using one or more tcp://host:port, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd.") flag.Var(&flGraphOpts, []string{"-storage-opt"}, "Set storage driver options") }