package dockerfile import ( "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "" "" "" ) func TestChownFlagParsing(t *testing.T) { testFiles := map[string]string{ "passwd": `root:x:0:0::/bin:/bin/false bin:x:1:1::/bin:/bin/false wwwwww:x:21:33::/bin:/bin/false unicorn:x:1001:1002::/bin:/bin/false `, "group": `root:x:0: bin:x:1: wwwwww:x:33: unicorn:x:1002: somegrp:x:5555: othergrp:x:6666: `, } // test mappings for validating use of maps idMaps := []idtools.IDMap{ { ContainerID: 0, HostID: 100000, Size: 65536, }, } remapped := idtools.NewIDMappingsFromMaps(idMaps, idMaps) unmapped := &idtools.IDMappings{} contextDir, cleanup := createTestTempDir(t, "", "builder-chown-parse-test") defer cleanup() if err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(contextDir, "etc"), 0755); err != nil { t.Fatalf("error creating test directory: %v", err) } for filename, content := range testFiles { createTestTempFile(t, filepath.Join(contextDir, "etc"), filename, content, 0644) } // positive tests for _, testcase := range []struct { name string chownStr string idMapping *idtools.IDMappings expected idtools.IDPair }{ { name: "UIDNoMap", chownStr: "1", idMapping: unmapped, expected: idtools.IDPair{UID: 1, GID: 1}, }, { name: "UIDGIDNoMap", chownStr: "0:1", idMapping: unmapped, expected: idtools.IDPair{UID: 0, GID: 1}, }, { name: "UIDWithMap", chownStr: "0", idMapping: remapped, expected: idtools.IDPair{UID: 100000, GID: 100000}, }, { name: "UIDGIDWithMap", chownStr: "1:33", idMapping: remapped, expected: idtools.IDPair{UID: 100001, GID: 100033}, }, { name: "UserNoMap", chownStr: "bin:5555", idMapping: unmapped, expected: idtools.IDPair{UID: 1, GID: 5555}, }, { name: "GroupWithMap", chownStr: "0:unicorn", idMapping: remapped, expected: idtools.IDPair{UID: 100000, GID: 101002}, }, { name: "UserOnlyWithMap", chownStr: "unicorn", idMapping: remapped, expected: idtools.IDPair{UID: 101001, GID: 101002}, }, } { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { idPair, err := parseChownFlag(testcase.chownStr, contextDir, testcase.idMapping) require.NoError(t, err, "Failed to parse chown flag: %q", testcase.chownStr) assert.Equal(t, testcase.expected, idPair, "chown flag mapping failure") }) } // error tests for _, testcase := range []struct { name string chownStr string idMapping *idtools.IDMappings descr string }{ { name: "BadChownFlagFormat", chownStr: "bob:1:555", idMapping: unmapped, descr: "invalid chown string format: bob:1:555", }, { name: "UserNoExist", chownStr: "bob", idMapping: unmapped, descr: "can't find uid for user bob: no such user: bob", }, { name: "GroupNoExist", chownStr: "root:bob", idMapping: unmapped, descr: "can't find gid for group bob: no such group: bob", }, } { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { _, err := parseChownFlag(testcase.chownStr, contextDir, testcase.idMapping) assert.EqualError(t, err, testcase.descr, "Expected error string doesn't match") }) } }