package ps import ( "bytes" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "text/tabwriter" "text/template" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( tableKey = "table" idHeader = "CONTAINER ID" imageHeader = "IMAGE" namesHeader = "NAMES" commandHeader = "COMMAND" createdAtHeader = "CREATED AT" runningForHeader = "CREATED" statusHeader = "STATUS" portsHeader = "PORTS" sizeHeader = "SIZE" labelsHeader = "LABELS" ) type containerContext struct { trunc bool header []string c types.Container } func (c *containerContext) ID() string { c.addHeader(idHeader) if c.trunc { return stringid.TruncateID(c.c.ID) } return c.c.ID } func (c *containerContext) Names() string { c.addHeader(namesHeader) names := stripNamePrefix(c.c.Names) if c.trunc { for _, name := range names { if len(strings.Split(name, "/")) == 1 { names = []string{name} break } } } return strings.Join(names, ",") } func (c *containerContext) Image() string { c.addHeader(imageHeader) if c.c.Image == "" { return "" } return c.c.Image } func (c *containerContext) Command() string { c.addHeader(commandHeader) command := c.c.Command if c.trunc { command = stringutils.Truncate(command, 20) } return strconv.Quote(command) } func (c *containerContext) CreatedAt() string { c.addHeader(createdAtHeader) return time.Unix(int64(c.c.Created), 0).String() } func (c *containerContext) RunningFor() string { c.addHeader(runningForHeader) createdAt := time.Unix(int64(c.c.Created), 0) return units.HumanDuration(time.Now().UTC().Sub(createdAt)) } func (c *containerContext) Ports() string { c.addHeader(portsHeader) return api.DisplayablePorts(c.c.Ports) } func (c *containerContext) Status() string { c.addHeader(statusHeader) return c.c.Status } func (c *containerContext) Size() string { c.addHeader(sizeHeader) srw := units.HumanSize(float64(c.c.SizeRw)) sv := units.HumanSize(float64(c.c.SizeRootFs)) sf := srw if c.c.SizeRootFs > 0 { sf = fmt.Sprintf("%s (virtual %s)", srw, sv) } return sf } func (c *containerContext) Labels() string { c.addHeader(labelsHeader) if c.c.Labels == nil { return "" } var joinLabels []string for k, v := range c.c.Labels { joinLabels = append(joinLabels, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v)) } return strings.Join(joinLabels, ",") } func (c *containerContext) Label(name string) string { n := strings.Split(name, ".") r := strings.NewReplacer("-", " ", "_", " ") h := r.Replace(n[len(n)-1]) c.addHeader(h) if c.c.Labels == nil { return "" } return c.c.Labels[name] } func (c *containerContext) fullHeader() string { if c.header == nil { return "" } return strings.Join(c.header, "\t") } func (c *containerContext) addHeader(header string) { if c.header == nil { c.header = []string{} } c.header = append(c.header, strings.ToUpper(header)) } func customFormat(ctx Context, containers []types.Container) { var ( table bool header string format = ctx.Format buffer = bytes.NewBufferString("") ) if strings.HasPrefix(ctx.Format, tableKey) { table = true format = format[len(tableKey):] } format = strings.Trim(format, " ") r := strings.NewReplacer(`\t`, "\t", `\n`, "\n") format = r.Replace(format) if table && ctx.Size { format += "\t{{.Size}}" } tmpl, err := template.New("").Parse(format) if err != nil { buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Template parsing error: %v\n", err)) buffer.WriteTo(ctx.Output) return } for _, container := range containers { containerCtx := &containerContext{ trunc: ctx.Trunc, c: container, } if err := tmpl.Execute(buffer, containerCtx); err != nil { buffer = bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("Template parsing error: %v\n", err)) buffer.WriteTo(ctx.Output) return } if table && len(header) == 0 { header = containerCtx.fullHeader() } buffer.WriteString("\n") } if table { if len(header) == 0 { // if we still don't have a header, we didn't have any containers so we need to fake it to get the right headers from the template containerCtx := &containerContext{} tmpl.Execute(bytes.NewBufferString(""), containerCtx) header = containerCtx.fullHeader() } t := tabwriter.NewWriter(ctx.Output, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) t.Write([]byte(header)) t.Write([]byte("\n")) buffer.WriteTo(t) t.Flush() } else { buffer.WriteTo(ctx.Output) } } func stripNamePrefix(ss []string) []string { for i, s := range ss { ss[i] = s[1:] } return ss }