#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e source "${MAKEDIR}/.go-autogen" source hack/make/.integration-test-helpers # subshell so that we can export PATH without breaking other things ( build_test_suite_binaries bundle .integration-daemon-start bundle .integration-daemon-setup bundle_test_integration bundle .integration-daemon-stop if [ "$(go env GOOS)" != 'windows' ] then leftovers=$(ps -ax -o pid,cmd | awk '$2 == "docker-containerd-shim" && $4 ~ /.*\/bundles\/.*\/test-integration/ { print $1 }') if [ -n "$leftovers" ] then ps aux kill -9 $leftovers 2> /dev/null echo "!!!! WARNING you have left over shim(s), Cleanup your test !!!!" exit 1 fi fi ) 2>&1 | tee -a "$DEST/test.log"