package mounts // import "" import ( "strings" "testing" "" ) func TestLCOWParseMountRaw(t *testing.T) { previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }() currentFileInfoProvider = mockFiProvider{} valid := []string{ `/foo`, `/foo/`, `/foo bar`, `c:\:/foo`, `c:\windows\:/foo`, `c:\windows:/s p a c e`, `c:\windows:/s p a c e:RW`, `c:\program files:/s p a c e i n h o s t d i r`, `0123456789name:/foo`, `MiXeDcAsEnAmE:/foo`, `name:/foo`, `name:/foo:rW`, `name:/foo:RW`, `name:/foo:RO`, `c:/:/forward/slashes/are/good/too`, `c:/:/including with/spaces:ro`, `/Program Files (x86)`, // With capitals and brackets } invalid := map[string]string{ ``: "invalid volume specification: ", `.`: "invalid volume specification: ", `c:`: "invalid volume specification: ", `c:\`: "invalid volume specification: ", `../`: "invalid volume specification: ", `c:\:../`: "invalid volume specification: ", `c:\:/foo:xyzzy`: "invalid volume specification: ", `/`: "destination can't be '/'", `/..`: "destination can't be '/'", `c:\notexist:/foo`: `source path does not exist: c:\notexist`, `c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll:/foo`: `source path must be a directory`, `name<:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name>:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name::/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name":/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name\:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name*:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name|:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name?:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `name/:/foo`: `invalid volume specification`, `/foo:rw`: `invalid volume specification`, `/foo:ro`: `invalid volume specification`, `con:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `PRN:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `aUx:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `nul:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com1:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com2:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com3:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com4:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com5:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com6:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com7:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com8:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `com9:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt1:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt2:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt3:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt4:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt5:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt6:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt7:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt8:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `lpt9:/foo`: `cannot be a reserved word for Windows filenames`, `\\.\pipe\foo:/foo`: `Linux containers on Windows do not support named pipe mounts`, } parser := &lcowParser{} for _, path := range valid { if _, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(path, "local"); err != nil { t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) should succeed: error %q", path, err) } } for path, expectedError := range invalid { if mp, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(path, "local"); err == nil { t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) should have failed validation. Err '%v' - MP: %v", path, err, mp) } else { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedError) { t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw(`%q`) error should contain %q, got %v", path, expectedError, err.Error()) } } } } func TestLCOWParseMountRawSplit(t *testing.T) { previousProvider := currentFileInfoProvider defer func() { currentFileInfoProvider = previousProvider }() currentFileInfoProvider = mockFiProvider{} cases := []struct { bind string driver string expType mount.Type expDest string expSource string expName string expDriver string expRW bool fail bool }{ {`c:\:/foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false}, {`c:\:/foo:ro`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, false}, {`c:\:/foo:rw`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", true, false}, {`c:\:/foo:foo`, "local", mount.TypeBind, `/foo`, `c:\`, ``, "", false, true}, {`name:/foo:rw`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false}, {`name:/foo`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", true, false}, {`name:/foo:ro`, "local", mount.TypeVolume, `/foo`, ``, `name`, "local", false, false}, {`name:/`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true}, {`driver/name:/`, "", mount.TypeVolume, ``, ``, ``, "", true, true}, {`\\.\pipe\foo:\\.\pipe\bar`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, `\\.\pipe\bar`, `\\.\pipe\foo`, "", "", true, true}, {`\\.\pipe\foo:/data`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true}, {`c:\foo\bar:\\.\pipe\foo`, "local", mount.TypeNamedPipe, ``, ``, "", "", true, true}, } parser := &lcowParser{} for i, c := range cases { t.Logf("case %d", i) m, err := parser.ParseMountRaw(c.bind, c.driver) if { if err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected error, was nil, for spec %s\n", c.bind) } continue } if m == nil || err != nil { t.Errorf("ParseMountRaw failed for spec '%s', driver '%s', error '%v'", c.bind, c.driver, err) continue } if m.Destination != c.expDest { t.Errorf("Expected destination '%s, was %s', for spec '%s'", c.expDest, m.Destination, c.bind) } if m.Source != c.expSource { t.Errorf("Expected source '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expSource, m.Source, c.bind) } if m.Name != c.expName { t.Errorf("Expected name '%s', was '%s' for spec '%s'", c.expName, m.Name, c.bind) } if m.Driver != c.expDriver { t.Errorf("Expected driver '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expDriver, m.Driver, c.bind) } if m.RW != c.expRW { t.Errorf("Expected RW '%v', was '%v' for spec '%s'", c.expRW, m.RW, c.bind) } if m.Type != c.expType { t.Fatalf("Expected type '%s', was '%s', for spec '%s'", c.expType, m.Type, c.bind) } } }