:title: Installation on openSUSE :description: Please note this project is currently under heavy development. It should not be used in production. :keywords: openSUSE, virtualbox, docker, documentation, installation .. _openSUSE: openSUSE ======== .. include:: install_header.inc .. include:: install_unofficial.inc Docker is available in **openSUSE 12.3 and later**. Please note that due to the current Docker limitations Docker is able to run only on the **64 bit** architecture. Installation ------------ The ``docker`` package from the `Virtualization project`_ on `OBS`_ provides Docker on openSUSE. To proceed with Docker installation please add the right Virtualization repository. .. code-block:: bash # openSUSE 12.3 sudo zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization/openSUSE_12.3/ Virtualization # openSUSE 13.1 sudo zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization/openSUSE_13.1/ Virtualization Install the Docker package. .. code-block:: bash sudo zypper in docker It's also possible to install Docker using openSUSE's 1-click install. Just visit `this`_ page, select your openSUSE version and click on the installation link. This will add the right repository to your system and it will also install the `docker` package. Now that it's installed, let's start the Docker daemon. .. code-block:: bash sudo systemctl start docker If we want Docker to start at boot, we should also: .. code-block:: bash sudo systemctl enable docker The `docker` package creates a new group named `docker`. Users, other than `root` user, need to be part of this group in order to interact with the Docker daemon. .. code-block:: bash sudo usermod -G docker **Done!**, now continue with the :ref:`hello_world` example. .. _Virtualization project: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/Virtualization .. _OBS: https://build.opensuse.org/ .. _this: http://software.opensuse.org/package/docker