# Deploy a service to the Swarm After you [create a Swarm](create-swarm.md), you can deploy a service to the Swarm. For this tutorial, you also [added worker nodes](add-nodes.md), but that is not a requirement to deploy a service. 1. Open a terminal and ssh into the machine where you run your manager node. For example, the tutorial uses a machine named `manager1`. 2. Run the the following command: ```bash $ docker service create --scale 1 --name helloworld alpine ping docker.com 2zs4helqu64f3k3iuwywbk49w ``` * The `docker service create` command creates the service. * The `--name` flag names the service `helloworld`. * The `--scale` flag specifies the desired state of 1 running instance. * The arguments `alpine ping docker.com` define the service as an Alpine Linux container that executes the command `ping docker.com`. 3. Run `docker service ls` to see the list of running services: ``` $ docker service ls ID NAME SCALE IMAGE COMMAND 2zs4helqu64f helloworld 1 alpine ping docker.com ``` ## What's next? Now you've deployed a service to the Swarm, you're ready to [inspect the service](inspect-service.md).