title: "plugin set"
description: "the plugin set command description and usage"
keywords: "plugin, set"

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# plugin set

Usage:  docker plugin set PLUGIN KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE...]

Change settings for a plugin

      --help                    Print usage

Change settings for a plugin. The plugin must be disabled.

The settings currently supported are:
 * env variables
 * source of mounts
 * path of devices
 * args

The following example change the env variable `DEBUG` on the
`sample-volume-plugin` plugin.

$ docker plugin inspect -f {{.Settings.Env}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin

$ docker plugin set tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin DEBUG=1

$ docker plugin inspect -f {{.Settings.Env}} tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin

The following example change the source of the `mymount` mount on
the `myplugin` plugin.

$ docker plugin inspect -f '{{with $mount := index .Settings.Mounts 0}}{{$mount.Source}}{{end}}' myplugin

$ docker plugins set myplugin mymount.source=/bar

$ docker plugin inspect -f '{{with $mount := index .Settings.Mounts 0}}{{$mount.Source}}{{end}}' myplugin

Note: since only `source` is settable in `mymount`, `docker plugins set mymount=/bar myplugin` would work too.

The following example change the path of the `mydevice` device on
the `myplugin` plugin.

$ docker plugin inspect -f '{{with $device := index .Settings.Devices 0}}{{$device.Path}}{{end}}' myplugin

$ docker plugins set myplugin mydevice.path=/dev/bar

$ docker plugin inspect -f '{{with $device := index .Settings.Devices 0}}{{$device.Path}}{{end}}' myplugin

Note: since only `path` is settable in `mydevice`, `docker plugins set mydevice=/dev/bar myplugin` would work too.

The following example change the source of the args on the `myplugin` plugin.

$ docker plugin inspect -f '{{.Settings.Args}}' myplugin
["foo", "bar"]

$ docker plugins set myplugin args="foo bar baz"

$ docker plugin inspect -f '{{.Settings.Args}}' myplugin
["foo", "bar", "baz"]

## Related information

* [plugin create](plugin_create.md)
* [plugin disable](plugin_disable.md)
* [plugin enable](plugin_enable.md)
* [plugin inspect](plugin_inspect.md)
* [plugin install](plugin_install.md)
* [plugin ls](plugin_ls.md)
* [plugin push](plugin_push.md)
* [plugin rm](plugin_rm.md)