title: "node ps"
description: "The node ps command description and usage"
keywords: node, tasks, ps
aliases: ["/engine/reference/commandline/node_tasks/"]

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# node ps

Usage:  docker node ps [OPTIONS] [NODE...]

List tasks running on one or more nodes, defaults to current node.

  -a, --all            Show all tasks (default shows tasks that are or will be running)
  -f, --filter value   Filter output based on conditions provided
      --help           Print usage
      --no-resolve     Do not map IDs to Names
      --no-trunc       Do not truncate output

Lists all the tasks on a Node that Docker knows about. You can filter using the `-f` or `--filter` flag. Refer to the [filtering](#filtering) section for more information about available filter options.

Example output:

    $ docker node ps swarm-manager1
    NAME                                IMAGE        NODE            DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE
    redis.1.7q92v0nr1hcgts2amcjyqg3pq   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 hours
    redis.6.b465edgho06e318egmgjbqo4o   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 29 seconds
    redis.7.bg8c07zzg87di2mufeq51a2qp   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 seconds
    redis.9.dkkual96p4bb3s6b10r7coxxt   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 seconds
    redis.10.0tgctg8h8cech4w0k0gwrmr23  redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 seconds

## Filtering

The filtering flag (`-f` or `--filter`) format is of "key=value". If there is more
than one filter, then pass multiple flags (e.g., `--filter "foo=bar" --filter "bif=baz"`)

The currently supported filters are:

* [name](#name)
* [id](#id)
* [label](#label)
* [desired-state](#desired-state)

#### name

The `name` filter matches on all or part of a task's name.

The following filter matches all tasks with a name containing the `redis` string.

    $ docker node ps -f name=redis swarm-manager1
    NAME                                IMAGE        NODE            DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE
    redis.1.7q92v0nr1hcgts2amcjyqg3pq   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 hours
    redis.6.b465edgho06e318egmgjbqo4o   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 29 seconds
    redis.7.bg8c07zzg87di2mufeq51a2qp   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 seconds
    redis.9.dkkual96p4bb3s6b10r7coxxt   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 seconds
    redis.10.0tgctg8h8cech4w0k0gwrmr23  redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 seconds

#### id

The `id` filter matches a task's id.

    $ docker node ps -f id=bg8c07zzg87di2mufeq51a2qp swarm-manager1
    NAME                                IMAGE        NODE            DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE
    redis.7.bg8c07zzg87di2mufeq51a2qp   redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 5 seconds

#### label

The `label` filter matches tasks based on the presence of a `label` alone or a `label` and a

The following filter matches tasks with the `usage` label regardless of its value.

$ docker node ps -f "label=usage"
NAME                               IMAGE        NODE            DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE
redis.6.b465edgho06e318egmgjbqo4o  redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 10 minutes
redis.7.bg8c07zzg87di2mufeq51a2qp  redis:3.0.6  swarm-manager1  Running        Running 9 minutes

#### desired-state

The `desired-state` filter can take the values `running`, `shutdown`, and `accepted`.

## Related information

* [node inspect](node_inspect.md)
* [node update](node_update.md)
* [node ls](node_ls.md)
* [node rm](node_rm.md)