# Development Report for May 08, 2017 ## Daily Meeting A daily meeting is hosted on [slack](https://dockercommunity.slack.com) every business day at 9am PST on the channel `#moby-project`. During this meeting, we are talking about the [tasks](https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/32867) needed to be done for splitting moby and docker. ## Topics discussed last week ### The CLI split The Docker CLI was succesfully moved to [https://github.com/docker/cli](https://github.com/docker/cli) last week thanks to @tiborvass The Docker CLI is now compiled from the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/a762ceace4e8c1c7ce4fb582789af9d8074be3e1/Dockerfile#L248) ### Mailing list Discourse is available at [forums.mobyproject.org](https://forums.mobyproject.org/) thanks to @thaJeztah. mailing-list mode is enabled, so once you register there, you will received every new threads / messages via email. So far, 3 categories were created: Architecture, Meta & Support. The last step missing is to setup an email address to be able to start a new thread via email. ### Find a place for `/pkg` Lots of discussion and progress made on this [topic](https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/32989) thanks to @dnephin. [Here is the list](https://gist.github.com/dnephin/35dc10f6b6b7017f058a71908b301d38) proposed to split/reorganize the pkgs. ### Find a good and non-confusing home for the remaining monolith @cpuguy83 is leading the effort [here](https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/33022). It's still WIP but the way we are experimenting with is to reorganise directories within the moby/moby. ## Componentization So far only work on the builder, by @tonistiigi, happened regarding the componentization effort. ### builder The builder dev report can be found [here](builder/2017-05-08.md)