#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # bits of this were adapted from lxc-checkconfig # see also https://github.com/lxc/lxc/blob/lxc-1.0.2/src/lxc/lxc-checkconfig.in possibleConfigs=( '/proc/config.gz' "/boot/config-$(uname -r)" "/usr/src/linux-$(uname -r)/.config" '/usr/src/linux/.config' ) if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then CONFIG="$1" else : ${CONFIG:="${possibleConfigs[0]}"} fi if ! command -v zgrep &> /dev/null; then zgrep() { zcat "$2" | grep "$1" } fi is_set() { zgrep "CONFIG_$1=[y|m]" "$CONFIG" > /dev/null } # see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors declare -A colors=( [black]=30 [red]=31 [green]=32 [yellow]=33 [blue]=34 [magenta]=35 [cyan]=36 [white]=37 ) color() { color=() if [ "$1" = 'bold' ]; then color+=( '1' ) shift fi if [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ "${colors[$1]}" ]; then color+=( "${colors[$1]}" ) fi local IFS=';' echo -en '\033['"${color[*]}"m } wrap_color() { text="$1" shift color "$@" echo -n "$text" color reset echo } wrap_good() { echo "$(wrap_color "$1" white): $(wrap_color "$2" green)" } wrap_bad() { echo "$(wrap_color "$1" bold): $(wrap_color "$2" bold red)" } wrap_warning() { wrap_color >&2 "$*" red } check_flag() { if is_set "$1"; then wrap_good "CONFIG_$1" 'enabled' else wrap_bad "CONFIG_$1" 'missing' fi } check_flags() { for flag in "$@"; do echo "- $(check_flag "$flag")" done } if [ ! -e "$CONFIG" ]; then wrap_warning "warning: $CONFIG does not exist, searching other paths for kernel config..." for tryConfig in "${possibleConfigs[@]}"; do if [ -e "$tryConfig" ]; then CONFIG="$tryConfig" break fi done if [ ! -e "$CONFIG" ]; then wrap_warning "error: cannot find kernel config" wrap_warning " try running this script again, specifying the kernel config:" wrap_warning " CONFIG=/path/to/kernel/.config $0 or $0 /path/to/kernel/.config" exit 1 fi fi wrap_color "info: reading kernel config from $CONFIG ..." white echo echo 'Generally Necessary:' echo -n '- ' cgroupSubsystemDir="$(awk '/[, ](cpu|cpuacct|cpuset|devices|freezer|memory)[, ]/ && $3 == "cgroup" { print $2 }' /proc/mounts | head -n1)" cgroupDir="$(dirname "$cgroupSubsystemDir")" if [ -d "$cgroupDir/cpu" -o -d "$cgroupDir/cpuacct" -o -d "$cgroupDir/cpuset" -o -d "$cgroupDir/devices" -o -d "$cgroupDir/freezer" -o -d "$cgroupDir/memory" ]; then echo "$(wrap_good 'cgroup hierarchy' 'properly mounted') [$cgroupDir]" else if [ "$cgroupSubsystemDir" ]; then echo "$(wrap_bad 'cgroup hierarchy' 'single mountpoint!') [$cgroupSubsystemDir]" else echo "$(wrap_bad 'cgroup hierarchy' 'nonexistent??')" fi echo " $(wrap_color '(see https://github.com/tianon/cgroupfs-mount)' yellow)" fi if [ "$(cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled 2>/dev/null)" = 'Y' ]; then echo -n '- ' if command -v apparmor_parser &> /dev/null; then echo "$(wrap_good 'apparmor' 'enabled and tools installed')" else echo "$(wrap_bad 'apparmor' 'enabled, but apparmor_parser missing')" echo -n ' ' if command -v apt-get &> /dev/null; then echo "$(wrap_color '(use "apt-get install apparmor" to fix this)')" elif command -v yum &> /dev/null; then echo "$(wrap_color '(your best bet is "yum install apparmor-parser")')" else echo "$(wrap_color '(look for an "apparmor" package for your distribution)')" fi fi fi flags=( NAMESPACES {NET,PID,IPC,UTS}_NS DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES CGROUPS CGROUP_CPUACCT CGROUP_DEVICE CGROUP_FREEZER CGROUP_SCHED CPUSETS MACVLAN VETH BRIDGE NF_NAT_IPV4 IP_NF_FILTER IP_NF_TARGET_MASQUERADE NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_{ADDRTYPE,CONNTRACK} NF_NAT NF_NAT_NEEDED # required for bind-mounting /dev/mqueue into containers POSIX_MQUEUE ) check_flags "${flags[@]}" echo echo 'Optional Features:' flags=( MEMCG_SWAP RESOURCE_COUNTERS CGROUP_PERF ) check_flags "${flags[@]}" echo '- Storage Drivers:' { echo '- "'$(wrap_color 'aufs' blue)'":' check_flags AUFS_FS | sed 's/^/ /' if ! is_set AUFS_FS && grep -q aufs /proc/filesystems; then echo " $(wrap_color '(note that some kernels include AUFS patches but not the AUFS_FS flag)' bold black)" fi check_flags EXT4_FS_POSIX_ACL EXT4_FS_SECURITY | sed 's/^/ /' echo '- "'$(wrap_color 'btrfs' blue)'":' check_flags BTRFS_FS | sed 's/^/ /' echo '- "'$(wrap_color 'devicemapper' blue)'":' check_flags BLK_DEV_DM DM_THIN_PROVISIONING EXT4_FS EXT4_FS_POSIX_ACL EXT4_FS_SECURITY | sed 's/^/ /' echo '- "'$(wrap_color 'overlay' blue)'":' check_flags OVERLAY_FS EXT4_FS_SECURITY EXT4_FS_POSIX_ACL | sed 's/^/ /' } | sed 's/^/ /' echo #echo 'Potential Future Features:' #check_flags USER_NS #echo