package docker import ( "archive/tar" "bufio" "bytes" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "io" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httputil" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "path/filepath" "reflect" "regexp" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "text/tabwriter" "time" ) var ( GITCOMMIT string VERSION string ) var ( ErrConnectionRefused = errors.New("Can't connect to docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?") ) func (cli *DockerCli) getMethod(name string) (func(...string) error, bool) { methodName := "Cmd" + strings.ToUpper(name[:1]) + strings.ToLower(name[1:]) method := reflect.ValueOf(cli).MethodByName(methodName) if !method.IsValid() { return nil, false } return method.Interface().(func(...string) error), true } func ParseCommands(proto, addr string, args ...string) error { cli := NewDockerCli(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, proto, addr) if len(args) > 0 { method, exists := cli.getMethod(args[0]) if !exists { fmt.Println("Error: Command not found:", args[0]) return cli.CmdHelp(args[1:]...) } return method(args[1:]...) } return cli.CmdHelp(args...) } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdHelp(args ...string) error { if len(args) > 0 { method, exists := cli.getMethod(args[0]) if !exists { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "Error: Command not found: %s\n", args[0]) } else { method("--help") return nil } } help := fmt.Sprintf("Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]\n -H=[unix://%s]: tcp://host:port to bind/connect to or unix://path/to/socket to use\n\nA self-sufficient runtime for linux containers.\n\nCommands:\n", DEFAULTUNIXSOCKET) for _, command := range [][]string{ {"attach", "Attach to a running container"}, {"build", "Build a container from a Dockerfile"}, {"commit", "Create a new image from a container's changes"}, {"cp", "Copy files/folders from the containers filesystem to the host path"}, {"diff", "Inspect changes on a container's filesystem"}, {"events", "Get real time events from the server"}, {"export", "Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive"}, {"history", "Show the history of an image"}, {"images", "List images"}, {"import", "Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball"}, {"info", "Display system-wide information"}, {"insert", "Insert a file in an image"}, {"inspect", "Return low-level information on a container"}, {"kill", "Kill a running container"}, {"login", "Register or Login to the docker registry server"}, {"logs", "Fetch the logs of a container"}, {"port", "Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT"}, {"ps", "List containers"}, {"pull", "Pull an image or a repository from the docker registry server"}, {"push", "Push an image or a repository to the docker registry server"}, {"restart", "Restart a running container"}, {"rm", "Remove one or more containers"}, {"rmi", "Remove one or more images"}, {"run", "Run a command in a new container"}, {"search", "Search for an image in the docker index"}, {"start", "Start a stopped container"}, {"stop", "Stop a running container"}, {"tag", "Tag an image into a repository"}, {"top", "Lookup the running processes of a container"}, {"version", "Show the docker version information"}, {"wait", "Block until a container stops, then print its exit code"}, } { help += fmt.Sprintf(" %-10.10s%s\n", command[0], command[1]) } fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", help) return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdInsert(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("insert", "IMAGE URL PATH", "Insert a file from URL in the IMAGE at PATH") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 3 { cmd.Usage() return nil } v := url.Values{} v.Set("url", cmd.Arg(1)) v.Set("path", cmd.Arg(2)) return"POST", "/images/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/insert?"+v.Encode(), nil, cli.out, nil) } // mkBuildContext returns an archive of an empty context with the contents // of `dockerfile` at the path ./Dockerfile func MkBuildContext(dockerfile string, files [][2]string) (archive.Archive, error) { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) tw := tar.NewWriter(buf) files = append(files, [2]string{"Dockerfile", dockerfile}) for _, file := range files { name, content := file[0], file[1] hdr := &tar.Header{ Name: name, Size: int64(len(content)), } if err := tw.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil { return nil, err } if _, err := tw.Write([]byte(content)); err != nil { return nil, err } } if err := tw.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } return buf, nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdBuild(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("build", "[OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -", "Build a new container image from the source code at PATH") tag := cmd.String("t", "", "Repository name (and optionally a tag) to be applied to the resulting image in case of success") suppressOutput := cmd.Bool("q", false, "Suppress verbose build output") noCache := cmd.Bool("no-cache", false, "Do not use cache when building the image") rm := cmd.Bool("rm", false, "Remove intermediate containers after a successful build") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var ( context archive.Archive isRemote bool err error ) if cmd.Arg(0) == "-" { // As a special case, 'docker build -' will build from an empty context with the // contents of stdin as a Dockerfile dockerfile, err := ioutil.ReadAll( if err != nil { return err } context, err = MkBuildContext(string(dockerfile), nil) } else if utils.IsURL(cmd.Arg(0)) || utils.IsGIT(cmd.Arg(0)) { isRemote = true } else { if _, err := os.Stat(cmd.Arg(0)); err != nil { return err } context, err = archive.Tar(cmd.Arg(0), archive.Uncompressed) } var body io.Reader // Setup an upload progress bar // FIXME: ProgressReader shouldn't be this annoying to use if context != nil { sf := utils.NewStreamFormatter(false) body = utils.ProgressReader(ioutil.NopCloser(context), 0, cli.err, sf.FormatProgress("", "Uploading context", "%v bytes%0.0s%0.0s"), sf, true) } // Upload the build context v := &url.Values{} v.Set("t", *tag) if *suppressOutput { v.Set("q", "1") } if isRemote { v.Set("remote", cmd.Arg(0)) } if *noCache { v.Set("nocache", "1") } if *rm { v.Set("rm", "1") } req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/v%g/build?%s", APIVERSION, v.Encode()), body) if err != nil { return err } if context != nil { req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/tar") } dial, err := net.Dial(cli.proto, cli.addr) if err != nil { return err } clientconn := httputil.NewClientConn(dial, nil) resp, err := clientconn.Do(req) defer clientconn.Close() if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() // Check for errors if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 400 { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return err } if len(body) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)) } return fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", body) } // Output the result if _, err := io.Copy(cli.out, resp.Body); err != nil { return err } return nil } // 'docker login': login / register a user to registry service. func (cli *DockerCli) CmdLogin(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("login", "[OPTIONS] [SERVER]", "Register or Login to a docker registry server, if no server is specified \""+auth.IndexServerAddress()+"\" is the default.") var username, password, email string cmd.StringVar(&username, "u", "", "username") cmd.StringVar(&password, "p", "", "password") cmd.StringVar(&email, "e", "", "email") err := cmd.Parse(args) if err != nil { return nil } serverAddress := auth.IndexServerAddress() if len(cmd.Args()) > 0 { serverAddress, err = registry.ExpandAndVerifyRegistryUrl(cmd.Arg(0)) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Login against server at %s\n", serverAddress) } promptDefault := func(prompt string, configDefault string) { if configDefault == "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s: ", prompt) } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s (%s): ", prompt, configDefault) } } readInput := func(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) string { reader := bufio.NewReader(in) line, _, err := reader.ReadLine() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(out, err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } return string(line) } cli.LoadConfigFile() authconfig, ok := cli.configFile.Configs[serverAddress] if !ok { authconfig = auth.AuthConfig{} } if username == "" { promptDefault("Username", authconfig.Username) username = readInput(, cli.out) if username == "" { username = authconfig.Username } } if username != authconfig.Username { if password == "" { oldState, _ := term.SaveState(cli.terminalFd) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Password: ") term.DisableEcho(cli.terminalFd, oldState) password = readInput(, cli.out) fmt.Fprint(cli.out, "\n") term.RestoreTerminal(cli.terminalFd, oldState) if password == "" { return fmt.Errorf("Error : Password Required") } } if email == "" { promptDefault("Email", authconfig.Email) email = readInput(, cli.out) if email == "" { email = authconfig.Email } } } else { password = authconfig.Password email = authconfig.Email } authconfig.Username = username authconfig.Password = password authconfig.Email = email authconfig.ServerAddress = serverAddress cli.configFile.Configs[serverAddress] = authconfig body, statusCode, err :="POST", "/auth", cli.configFile.Configs[serverAddress]) if statusCode == 401 { delete(cli.configFile.Configs, serverAddress) auth.SaveConfig(cli.configFile) return err } if err != nil { return err } var out2 APIAuth err = json.Unmarshal(body, &out2) if err != nil { cli.configFile, _ = auth.LoadConfig(os.Getenv("HOME")) return err } auth.SaveConfig(cli.configFile) if out2.Status != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", out2.Status) } return nil } // 'docker wait': block until a container stops func (cli *DockerCli) CmdWait(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("wait", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Block until a container stops, then print its exit code.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var encounteredError error for _, name := range cmd.Args() { status, err := waitForExit(cli, name) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to wait one or more containers") } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%d\n", status) } } return encounteredError } // 'docker version': show version information func (cli *DockerCli) CmdVersion(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("version", "", "Show the docker version information.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() > 0 { cmd.Usage() return nil } if VERSION != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Client version: %s\n", VERSION) } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Go version (client): %s\n", runtime.Version()) if GITCOMMIT != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Git commit (client): %s\n", GITCOMMIT) } body, _, err :="GET", "/version", nil) if err != nil { return err } var out APIVersion err = json.Unmarshal(body, &out) if err != nil { utils.Errorf("Error unmarshal: body: %s, err: %s\n", body, err) return err } if out.Version != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Server version: %s\n", out.Version) } if out.GitCommit != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Git commit (server): %s\n", out.GitCommit) } if out.GoVersion != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Go version (server): %s\n", out.GoVersion) } release := utils.GetReleaseVersion() if release != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Last stable version: %s", release) if (VERSION != "" || out.Version != "") && (strings.Trim(VERSION, "-dev") != release || strings.Trim(out.Version, "-dev") != release) { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, ", please update docker") } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "\n") } return nil } // 'docker info': display system-wide information. func (cli *DockerCli) CmdInfo(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("info", "", "Display system-wide information") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() > 0 { cmd.Usage() return nil } body, _, err :="GET", "/info", nil) if err != nil { return err } var out APIInfo if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &out); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Containers: %d\n", out.Containers) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Images: %d\n", out.Images) if out.Debug || os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Debug mode (server): %v\n", out.Debug) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Debug mode (client): %v\n", os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "") fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Fds: %d\n", out.NFd) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Goroutines: %d\n", out.NGoroutines) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "LXC Version: %s\n", out.LXCVersion) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "EventsListeners: %d\n", out.NEventsListener) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Kernel Version: %s\n", out.KernelVersion) } if len(out.IndexServerAddress) != 0 { cli.LoadConfigFile() u := cli.configFile.Configs[out.IndexServerAddress].Username if len(u) > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Username: %v\n", u) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Registry: %v\n", out.IndexServerAddress) } } if !out.MemoryLimit { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "WARNING: No memory limit support\n") } if !out.SwapLimit { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "WARNING: No swap limit support\n") } if !out.IPv4Forwarding { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "WARNING: IPv4 forwarding is disabled.\n") } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdStop(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("stop", "[OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Stop a running container (Send SIGTERM, and then SIGKILL after grace period)") nSeconds := cmd.Int("t", 10, "Number of seconds to wait for the container to stop before killing it.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } v := url.Values{} v.Set("t", strconv.Itoa(*nSeconds)) var encounteredError error for _, name := range cmd.Args() { _, _, err :="POST", "/containers/"+name+"/stop?"+v.Encode(), nil) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to stop one or more containers") } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", name) } } return encounteredError } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdRestart(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("restart", "[OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Restart a running container") nSeconds := cmd.Int("t", 10, "Number of seconds to try to stop for before killing the container. Once killed it will then be restarted. Default=10") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } v := url.Values{} v.Set("t", strconv.Itoa(*nSeconds)) var encounteredError error for _, name := range cmd.Args() { _, _, err :="POST", "/containers/"+name+"/restart?"+v.Encode(), nil) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to restart one or more containers") } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", name) } } return encounteredError } func (cli *DockerCli) forwardAllSignals(cid string) chan os.Signal { sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1) utils.CatchAll(sigc) go func() { for s := range sigc { if s == syscall.SIGCHLD { continue } if _, _, err :="POST", fmt.Sprintf("/containers/%s/kill?signal=%d", cid, s), nil); err != nil { utils.Debugf("Error sending signal: %s", err) } } }() return sigc } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdStart(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("start", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Restart a stopped container") attach := cmd.Bool("a", false, "Attach container's stdout/stderr and forward all signals to the process") openStdin := cmd.Bool("i", false, "Attach container's stdin") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var cErr chan error if *attach || *openStdin { if cmd.NArg() > 1 { return fmt.Errorf("Impossible to start and attach multiple containers at once.") } body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/json", nil) if err != nil { return err } container := &Container{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, container) if err != nil { return err } if !container.Config.Tty { sigc := cli.forwardAllSignals(cmd.Arg(0)) defer utils.StopCatch(sigc) } if container.Config.Tty && cli.isTerminal { if err := cli.monitorTtySize(cmd.Arg(0)); err != nil { return err } } var in io.ReadCloser v := url.Values{} v.Set("stream", "1") if *openStdin && container.Config.OpenStdin { v.Set("stdin", "1") in = } v.Set("stdout", "1") v.Set("stderr", "1") cErr = utils.Go(func() error { return cli.hijack("POST", "/containers/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/attach?"+v.Encode(), container.Config.Tty, in, cli.out, cli.err, nil) }) } var encounteredError error for _, name := range cmd.Args() { _, _, err :="POST", "/containers/"+name+"/start", nil) if err != nil { if !*attach || !*openStdin { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to start one or more containers") } } else { if !*attach || !*openStdin { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", name) } } } if encounteredError != nil { if *openStdin || *attach { <-cErr } return encounteredError } if *openStdin || *attach { return <-cErr } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdInspect(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("inspect", "CONTAINER|IMAGE [CONTAINER|IMAGE...]", "Return low-level information on a container/image") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } indented := new(bytes.Buffer) status := 0 for _, name := range args { obj, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+name+"/json", nil) if err != nil { obj, _, err ="GET", "/images/"+name+"/json", nil) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "No such") { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "Error: No such image or container: %s\n", name) } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s", err) } status = 1 continue } } if err = json.Indent(indented, obj, "", " "); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) status = 1 continue } indented.WriteString(",") } if indented.Len() > 0 { // Remove trailing ',' indented.Truncate(indented.Len() - 1) } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "[") if _, err := io.Copy(cli.out, indented); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "]") if status != 0 { return &utils.StatusError{Status: status} } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdTop(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("top", "CONTAINER [ps OPTIONS]", "Lookup the running processes of a container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() == 0 { cmd.Usage() return nil } val := url.Values{} if cmd.NArg() > 1 { val.Set("ps_args", strings.Join(cmd.Args()[1:], " ")) } body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/top?"+val.Encode(), nil) if err != nil { return err } procs := APITop{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, &procs) if err != nil { return err } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(cli.out, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprintln(w, strings.Join(procs.Titles, "\t")) for _, proc := range procs.Processes { fmt.Fprintln(w, strings.Join(proc, "\t")) } w.Flush() return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdPort(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("port", "CONTAINER PRIVATE_PORT", "Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 2 { cmd.Usage() return nil } port := cmd.Arg(1) proto := "tcp" parts := strings.SplitN(port, "/", 2) if len(parts) == 2 && len(parts[1]) != 0 { port = parts[0] proto = parts[1] } body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/json", nil) if err != nil { return err } var out Container err = json.Unmarshal(body, &out) if err != nil { return err } if frontends, exists := out.NetworkSettings.Ports[Port(port+"/"+proto)]; exists { if frontends == nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", port) } else { for _, frontend := range frontends { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s:%s\n", frontend.HostIp, frontend.HostPort) } } } else { return fmt.Errorf("Error: No private port '%s' allocated on %s", cmd.Arg(1), cmd.Arg(0)) } return nil } // 'docker rmi IMAGE' removes all images with the name IMAGE func (cli *DockerCli) CmdRmi(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("rmi", "IMAGE [IMAGE...]", "Remove one or more images") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var encounteredError error for _, name := range cmd.Args() { body, _, err :="DELETE", "/images/"+name, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to remove one or more images") } else { var outs []APIRmi err = json.Unmarshal(body, &outs) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to remove one or more images") continue } for _, out := range outs { if out.Deleted != "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Deleted: %s\n", out.Deleted) } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "Untagged: %s\n", out.Untagged) } } } } return encounteredError } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdHistory(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("history", "[OPTIONS] IMAGE", "Show the history of an image") quiet := cmd.Bool("q", false, "only show numeric IDs") noTrunc := cmd.Bool("notrunc", false, "Don't truncate output") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } body, _, err :="GET", "/images/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/history", nil) if err != nil { return err } var outs []APIHistory err = json.Unmarshal(body, &outs) if err != nil { return err } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(cli.out, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) if !*quiet { fmt.Fprintln(w, "IMAGE\tCREATED\tCREATED BY\tSIZE") } for _, out := range outs { if !*quiet { if *noTrunc { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", out.ID) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", utils.TruncateID(out.ID)) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s ago\t", utils.HumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(out.Created, 0)))) if *noTrunc { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", out.CreatedBy) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", utils.Trunc(out.CreatedBy, 45)) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", utils.HumanSize(out.Size)) } else { if *noTrunc { fmt.Fprintln(w, out.ID) } else { fmt.Fprintln(w, utils.TruncateID(out.ID)) } } } w.Flush() return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdRm(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("rm", "[OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Remove one or more containers") v := cmd.Bool("v", false, "Remove the volumes associated to the container") link := cmd.Bool("link", false, "Remove the specified link and not the underlying container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } val := url.Values{} if *v { val.Set("v", "1") } if *link { val.Set("link", "1") } var encounteredError error for _, name := range cmd.Args() { _, _, err :="DELETE", "/containers/"+name+"?"+val.Encode(), nil) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to remove one or more containers") } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", name) } } return encounteredError } // 'docker kill NAME' kills a running container func (cli *DockerCli) CmdKill(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("kill", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Kill a running container (send SIGKILL)") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var encounteredError error for _, name := range args { if _, _, err :="POST", "/containers/"+name+"/kill", nil); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s\n", err) encounteredError = fmt.Errorf("Error: failed to kill one or more containers") } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", name) } } return encounteredError } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdImport(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("import", "URL|- [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]", "Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball(.tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .bzip, .tar.xz, .txz).") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var src, repository, tag string if cmd.NArg() == 3 { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "[DEPRECATED] The format 'URL|- [REPOSITORY [TAG]]' as been deprecated. Please use URL|- [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]\n") src, repository, tag = cmd.Arg(0), cmd.Arg(1), cmd.Arg(2) } else { src = cmd.Arg(0) repository, tag = utils.ParseRepositoryTag(cmd.Arg(1)) } v := url.Values{} v.Set("repo", repository) v.Set("tag", tag) v.Set("fromSrc", src) var in io.Reader if src == "-" { in = } return"POST", "/images/create?"+v.Encode(), in, cli.out, nil) } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdPush(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("push", "NAME", "Push an image or a repository to the registry") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) if name == "" { cmd.Usage() return nil } cli.LoadConfigFile() // Resolve the Repository name from fqn to endpoint + name endpoint, _, err := registry.ResolveRepositoryName(name) if err != nil { return err } // Resolve the Auth config relevant for this server authConfig := cli.configFile.ResolveAuthConfig(endpoint) // If we're not using a custom registry, we know the restrictions // applied to repository names and can warn the user in advance. // Custom repositories can have different rules, and we must also // allow pushing by image ID. if len(strings.SplitN(name, "/", 2)) == 1 { username := cli.configFile.Configs[auth.IndexServerAddress()].Username if username == "" { username = "" } return fmt.Errorf("Impossible to push a \"root\" repository. Please rename your repository in / (ex: %s/%s)", username, name) } v := url.Values{} push := func(authConfig auth.AuthConfig) error { buf, err := json.Marshal(authConfig) if err != nil { return err } registryAuthHeader := []string{ base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(buf), } return"POST", "/images/"+name+"/push?"+v.Encode(), nil, cli.out, map[string][]string{ "X-Registry-Auth": registryAuthHeader, }) } if err := push(authConfig); err != nil { if err.Error() == registry.ErrLoginRequired.Error() { fmt.Fprintln(cli.out, "\nPlease login prior to push:") if err := cli.CmdLogin(endpoint); err != nil { return err } authConfig := cli.configFile.ResolveAuthConfig(endpoint) return push(authConfig) } return err } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdPull(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("pull", "NAME", "Pull an image or a repository from the registry") tag := cmd.String("t", "", "Download tagged image in repository") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } remote, parsedTag := utils.ParseRepositoryTag(cmd.Arg(0)) if *tag == "" { *tag = parsedTag } // Resolve the Repository name from fqn to endpoint + name endpoint, _, err := registry.ResolveRepositoryName(remote) if err != nil { return err } cli.LoadConfigFile() // Resolve the Auth config relevant for this server authConfig := cli.configFile.ResolveAuthConfig(endpoint) v := url.Values{} v.Set("fromImage", remote) v.Set("tag", *tag) pull := func(authConfig auth.AuthConfig) error { buf, err := json.Marshal(authConfig) if err != nil { return err } registryAuthHeader := []string{ base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(buf), } return"POST", "/images/create?"+v.Encode(), nil, cli.out, map[string][]string{ "X-Registry-Auth": registryAuthHeader, }) } if err := pull(authConfig); err != nil { if err.Error() == registry.ErrLoginRequired.Error() { fmt.Fprintln(cli.out, "\nPlease login prior to push:") if err := cli.CmdLogin(endpoint); err != nil { return err } authConfig := cli.configFile.ResolveAuthConfig(endpoint) return pull(authConfig) } return err } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdImages(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("images", "[OPTIONS] [NAME]", "List images") quiet := cmd.Bool("q", false, "only show numeric IDs") all := cmd.Bool("a", false, "show all images") noTrunc := cmd.Bool("notrunc", false, "Don't truncate output") flViz := cmd.Bool("viz", false, "output graph in graphviz format") flTree := cmd.Bool("tree", false, "output graph in tree format") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() > 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } if *flViz { body, _, err :="GET", "/images/json?all=1", nil) if err != nil { return err } var outs []APIImages err = json.Unmarshal(body, &outs) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "digraph docker {\n") for _, image := range outs { if image.ParentId == "" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, " base -> \"%s\" [style=invis]\n", utils.TruncateID(image.ID)) } else { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, " \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", utils.TruncateID(image.ParentId), utils.TruncateID(image.ID)) } if image.RepoTags[0] != ":" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, " \"%s\" [label=\"%s\\n%s\",shape=box,fillcolor=\"paleturquoise\",style=\"filled,rounded\"];\n", utils.TruncateID(image.ID), utils.TruncateID(image.ID), strings.Join(image.RepoTags, "\\n")) } } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, " base [style=invisible]\n}\n") } else if *flTree { body, _, err :="GET", "/images/json?all=1", nil) if err != nil { return err } var outs []APIImages err = json.Unmarshal(body, &outs) if err != nil { return err } var startImageArg = cmd.Arg(0) var startImage APIImages var roots []APIImages var byParent = make(map[string][]APIImages) for _, image := range outs { if image.ParentId == "" { roots = append(roots, image) } else { if children, exists := byParent[image.ParentId]; exists { byParent[image.ParentId] = append(children, image) } else { byParent[image.ParentId] = []APIImages{image} } } if startImageArg != "" { if startImageArg == image.ID || startImageArg == utils.TruncateID(image.ID) { startImage = image } for _, repotag := range image.RepoTags { if repotag == startImageArg { startImage = image } } } } if startImageArg != "" { WalkTree(cli, noTrunc, []APIImages{startImage}, byParent, "") } else { WalkTree(cli, noTrunc, roots, byParent, "") } } else { v := url.Values{} if cmd.NArg() == 1 { v.Set("filter", cmd.Arg(0)) } if *all { v.Set("all", "1") } body, _, err :="GET", "/images/json?"+v.Encode(), nil) if err != nil { return err } var outs []APIImages err = json.Unmarshal(body, &outs) if err != nil { return err } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(cli.out, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) if !*quiet { fmt.Fprintln(w, "REPOSITORY\tTAG\tIMAGE ID\tCREATED\tSIZE") } for _, out := range outs { for _, repotag := range out.RepoTags { repo, tag := utils.ParseRepositoryTag(repotag) if !*noTrunc { out.ID = utils.TruncateID(out.ID) } if !*quiet { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s ago\t", repo, tag, out.ID, utils.HumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(out.Created, 0)))) if out.VirtualSize > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s (virtual %s)\n", utils.HumanSize(out.Size), utils.HumanSize(out.VirtualSize)) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", utils.HumanSize(out.Size)) } } else { fmt.Fprintln(w, out.ID) } } } if !*quiet { w.Flush() } } return nil } func WalkTree(cli *DockerCli, noTrunc *bool, images []APIImages, byParent map[string][]APIImages, prefix string) { if len(images) > 1 { length := len(images) for index, image := range images { if index+1 == length { PrintTreeNode(cli, noTrunc, image, prefix+"└─") if subimages, exists := byParent[image.ID]; exists { WalkTree(cli, noTrunc, subimages, byParent, prefix+" ") } } else { PrintTreeNode(cli, noTrunc, image, prefix+"|─") if subimages, exists := byParent[image.ID]; exists { WalkTree(cli, noTrunc, subimages, byParent, prefix+"| ") } } } } else { for _, image := range images { PrintTreeNode(cli, noTrunc, image, prefix+"└─") if subimages, exists := byParent[image.ID]; exists { WalkTree(cli, noTrunc, subimages, byParent, prefix+" ") } } } } func PrintTreeNode(cli *DockerCli, noTrunc *bool, image APIImages, prefix string) { var imageID string if *noTrunc { imageID = image.ID } else { imageID = utils.TruncateID(image.ID) } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s%s Size: %s (virtual %s)", prefix, imageID, utils.HumanSize(image.Size), utils.HumanSize(image.VirtualSize)) if image.RepoTags[0] != ":" { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, " Tags: %s\n", strings.Join(image.RepoTags, ", ")) } else { fmt.Fprint(cli.out, "\n") } } func displayablePorts(ports []APIPort) string { result := []string{} for _, port := range ports { if port.IP == "" { result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", port.PublicPort, port.Type)) } else { result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d->%d/%s", port.IP, port.PublicPort, port.PrivatePort, port.Type)) } } sort.Strings(result) return strings.Join(result, ", ") } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdPs(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("ps", "[OPTIONS]", "List containers") quiet := cmd.Bool("q", false, "Only display numeric IDs") size := cmd.Bool("s", false, "Display sizes") all := cmd.Bool("a", false, "Show all containers. Only running containers are shown by default.") noTrunc := cmd.Bool("notrunc", false, "Don't truncate output") nLatest := cmd.Bool("l", false, "Show only the latest created container, include non-running ones.") since := cmd.String("sinceId", "", "Show only containers created since Id, include non-running ones.") before := cmd.String("beforeId", "", "Show only container created before Id, include non-running ones.") last := cmd.Int("n", -1, "Show n last created containers, include non-running ones.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } v := url.Values{} if *last == -1 && *nLatest { *last = 1 } if *all { v.Set("all", "1") } if *last != -1 { v.Set("limit", strconv.Itoa(*last)) } if *since != "" { v.Set("since", *since) } if *before != "" { v.Set("before", *before) } if *size { v.Set("size", "1") } body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/json?"+v.Encode(), nil) if err != nil { return err } var outs []APIContainers err = json.Unmarshal(body, &outs) if err != nil { return err } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(cli.out, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) if !*quiet { fmt.Fprint(w, "CONTAINER ID\tIMAGE\tCOMMAND\tCREATED\tSTATUS\tPORTS\tNAMES") if *size { fmt.Fprintln(w, "\tSIZE") } else { fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") } } for _, out := range outs { if !*noTrunc { out.ID = utils.TruncateID(out.ID) } // Remove the leading / from the names for i := 0; i < len(out.Names); i++ { out.Names[i] = out.Names[i][1:] } if !*quiet { if !*noTrunc { out.Command = utils.Trunc(out.Command, 20) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s ago\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", out.ID, out.Image, out.Command, utils.HumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(out.Created, 0))), out.Status, displayablePorts(out.Ports), strings.Join(out.Names, ",")) if *size { if out.SizeRootFs > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s (virtual %s)\n", utils.HumanSize(out.SizeRw), utils.HumanSize(out.SizeRootFs)) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", utils.HumanSize(out.SizeRw)) } } else { fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") } } else { fmt.Fprintln(w, out.ID) } } if !*quiet { w.Flush() } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdCommit(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("commit", "[OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]", "Create a new image from a container's changes") flComment := cmd.String("m", "", "Commit message") flAuthor := cmd.String("author", "", "Author (eg. \"John Hannibal Smith \"") flConfig := cmd.String("run", "", "Config automatically applied when the image is run. "+`(ex: {"Cmd": ["cat", "/world"], "PortSpecs": ["22"]}')`) if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } var name, repository, tag string if cmd.NArg() == 3 { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "[DEPRECATED] The format 'CONTAINER [REPOSITORY [TAG]]' as been deprecated. Please use CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]\n") name, repository, tag = cmd.Arg(0), cmd.Arg(1), cmd.Arg(2) } else { name = cmd.Arg(0) repository, tag = utils.ParseRepositoryTag(cmd.Arg(1)) } if name == "" { cmd.Usage() return nil } v := url.Values{} v.Set("container", name) v.Set("repo", repository) v.Set("tag", tag) v.Set("comment", *flComment) v.Set("author", *flAuthor) var config *Config if *flConfig != "" { config = &Config{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*flConfig), config); err != nil { return err } } body, _, err :="POST", "/commit?"+v.Encode(), config) if err != nil { return err } apiID := &APIID{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, apiID) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", apiID.ID) return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdEvents(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("events", "[OPTIONS]", "Get real time events from the server") since := cmd.String("since", "", "Show previously created events and then stream.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 0 { cmd.Usage() return nil } v := url.Values{} if *since != "" { loc := time.FixedZone(time.Now().Zone()) format := "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 MST" if len(*since) < len(format) { format = format[:len(*since)] } if t, err := time.ParseInLocation(format, *since, loc); err == nil { v.Set("since", strconv.FormatInt(t.Unix(), 10)) } else { v.Set("since", *since) } } if err :="GET", "/events?"+v.Encode(), nil, cli.out, nil); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdExport(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("export", "CONTAINER", "Export the contents of a filesystem as a tar archive") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } if err :="GET", "/containers/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/export", nil, cli.out, nil); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdDiff(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("diff", "CONTAINER", "Inspect changes on a container's filesystem") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/changes", nil) if err != nil { return err } changes := []Change{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, &changes) if err != nil { return err } for _, change := range changes { fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", change.String()) } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdLogs(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("logs", "CONTAINER", "Fetch the logs of a container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+name+"/json", nil) if err != nil { return err } container := &Container{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, container) if err != nil { return err } if err := cli.hijack("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/attach?logs=1&stdout=1&stderr=1", container.Config.Tty, nil, cli.out, cli.err, nil); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdAttach(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("attach", "[OPTIONS] CONTAINER", "Attach to a running container") noStdin := cmd.Bool("nostdin", false, "Do not attach stdin") proxy := cmd.Bool("sig-proxy", true, "Proxify all received signal to the process (even in non-tty mode)") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+name+"/json", nil) if err != nil { return err } container := &Container{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, container) if err != nil { return err } if !container.State.Running { return fmt.Errorf("Impossible to attach to a stopped container, start it first") } if container.Config.Tty && cli.isTerminal { if err := cli.monitorTtySize(cmd.Arg(0)); err != nil { utils.Debugf("Error monitoring TTY size: %s", err) } } var in io.ReadCloser v := url.Values{} v.Set("stream", "1") if !*noStdin && container.Config.OpenStdin { v.Set("stdin", "1") in = } v.Set("stdout", "1") v.Set("stderr", "1") if *proxy && !container.Config.Tty { sigc := cli.forwardAllSignals(cmd.Arg(0)) defer utils.StopCatch(sigc) } if err := cli.hijack("POST", "/containers/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/attach?"+v.Encode(), container.Config.Tty, in, cli.out, cli.err, nil); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdSearch(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("search", "TERM", "Search the docker index for images") noTrunc := cmd.Bool("notrunc", false, "Don't truncate output") trusted := cmd.Bool("trusted", false, "Only show trusted builds") stars := cmd.Int("stars", 0, "Only displays with at least xxx stars") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } v := url.Values{} v.Set("term", cmd.Arg(0)) body, _, err :="GET", "/images/search?"+v.Encode(), nil) if err != nil { return err } outs := []registry.SearchResult{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, &outs) if err != nil { return err } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(cli.out, 10, 1, 3, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprintf(w, "NAME\tDESCRIPTION\tSTARS\tOFFICIAL\tTRUSTED\n") for _, out := range outs { if (*trusted && !out.IsTrusted) || (*stars > out.StarCount) { continue } desc := strings.Replace(out.Description, "\n", " ", -1) desc = strings.Replace(desc, "\r", " ", -1) if !*noTrunc && len(desc) > 45 { desc = utils.Trunc(desc, 42) + "..." } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%d\t", out.Name, desc, out.StarCount) if out.IsOfficial { fmt.Fprint(w, "[OK]") } fmt.Fprint(w, "\t") if out.IsTrusted { fmt.Fprint(w, "[OK]") } fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") } w.Flush() return nil } // Ports type - Used to parse multiple -p flags type ports []int // AttachOpts stores arguments to 'docker run -a', eg. which streams to attach to type AttachOpts map[string]bool func NewAttachOpts() AttachOpts { return make(AttachOpts) } func (opts AttachOpts) String() string { // Cast to underlying map type to avoid infinite recursion return fmt.Sprintf("%v", map[string]bool(opts)) } func (opts AttachOpts) Set(val string) error { if val != "stdin" && val != "stdout" && val != "stderr" { return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported stream name: %s", val) } opts[val] = true return nil } func (opts AttachOpts) Get(val string) bool { if res, exists := opts[val]; exists { return res } return false } // PathOpts stores a unique set of absolute paths type PathOpts map[string]struct{} func NewPathOpts() PathOpts { return make(PathOpts) } func (opts PathOpts) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", map[string]struct{}(opts)) } func (opts PathOpts) Set(val string) error { var containerPath string splited := strings.SplitN(val, ":", 2) if len(splited) == 1 { containerPath = splited[0] val = filepath.Clean(splited[0]) } else { containerPath = splited[1] val = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", splited[0], filepath.Clean(splited[1])) } if !filepath.IsAbs(containerPath) { utils.Debugf("%s is not an absolute path", containerPath) return fmt.Errorf("%s is not an absolute path", containerPath) } opts[val] = struct{}{} return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdTag(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("tag", "[OPTIONS] IMAGE REPOSITORY[:TAG]", "Tag an image into a repository") force := cmd.Bool("f", false, "Force") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 2 && cmd.NArg() != 3 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var repository, tag string if cmd.NArg() == 3 { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "[DEPRECATED] The format 'IMAGE [REPOSITORY [TAG]]' as been deprecated. Please use IMAGE [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]\n") repository, tag = cmd.Arg(1), cmd.Arg(2) } else { repository, tag = utils.ParseRepositoryTag(cmd.Arg(1)) } v := url.Values{} v.Set("repo", repository) v.Set("tag", tag) if *force { v.Set("force", "1") } if _, _, err :="POST", "/images/"+cmd.Arg(0)+"/tag?"+v.Encode(), nil); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdRun(args ...string) error { config, hostConfig, cmd, err := ParseRun(args, nil) if err != nil { return err } if config.Image == "" { cmd.Usage() return nil } flRm := cmd.Lookup("rm") autoRemove, _ := strconv.ParseBool(flRm.Value.String()) flSigProxy := cmd.Lookup("sig-proxy") sigProxy, _ := strconv.ParseBool(flSigProxy.Value.String()) flName := cmd.Lookup("name") if config.Tty { sigProxy = false } var containerIDFile *os.File if len(hostConfig.ContainerIDFile) > 0 { if _, err := ioutil.ReadFile(hostConfig.ContainerIDFile); err == nil { return fmt.Errorf("cid file found, make sure the other container isn't running or delete %s", hostConfig.ContainerIDFile) } containerIDFile, err = os.Create(hostConfig.ContainerIDFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create the container ID file: %s", err) } defer containerIDFile.Close() } containerValues := url.Values{} name := flName.Value.String() if name != "" { containerValues.Set("name", name) } //create the container body, statusCode, err :="POST", "/containers/create?"+containerValues.Encode(), config) //if image not found try to pull it if statusCode == 404 { _, tag := utils.ParseRepositoryTag(config.Image) if tag == "" { tag = DEFAULTTAG } fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "Unable to find image '%s' (tag: %s) locally\n", config.Image, tag) v := url.Values{} repos, tag := utils.ParseRepositoryTag(config.Image) v.Set("fromImage", repos) v.Set("tag", tag) // Resolve the Repository name from fqn to endpoint + name var endpoint string endpoint, _, err = registry.ResolveRepositoryName(repos) if err != nil { return err } // Load the auth config file, to be able to pull the image cli.LoadConfigFile() // Resolve the Auth config relevant for this server authConfig := cli.configFile.ResolveAuthConfig(endpoint) buf, err := json.Marshal(authConfig) if err != nil { return err } registryAuthHeader := []string{ base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(buf), } err ="POST", "/images/create?"+v.Encode(), nil, cli.err, map[string][]string{ "X-Registry-Auth": registryAuthHeader, }) if err != nil { return err } body, _, err ="POST", "/containers/create?"+containerValues.Encode(), config) if err != nil { return err } } if err != nil { return err } runResult := &APIRun{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, runResult) if err != nil { return err } for _, warning := range runResult.Warnings { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "WARNING: %s\n", warning) } if len(hostConfig.ContainerIDFile) > 0 { if _, err = containerIDFile.WriteString(runResult.ID); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write the container ID to the file: %s", err) } } if sigProxy { sigc := cli.forwardAllSignals(runResult.ID) defer utils.StopCatch(sigc) } var ( wait chan struct{} errCh chan error ) if !config.AttachStdout && !config.AttachStderr { // Make this asynchrone in order to let the client write to stdin before having to read the ID wait = make(chan struct{}) go func() { defer close(wait) fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s\n", runResult.ID) }() } hijacked := make(chan bool) if config.AttachStdin || config.AttachStdout || config.AttachStderr { v := url.Values{} v.Set("stream", "1") var out, stderr io.Writer var in io.ReadCloser if config.AttachStdin { v.Set("stdin", "1") in = } if config.AttachStdout { v.Set("stdout", "1") out = cli.out } if config.AttachStderr { v.Set("stderr", "1") if config.Tty { stderr = cli.out } else { stderr = cli.err } } errCh = utils.Go(func() error { return cli.hijack("POST", "/containers/"+runResult.ID+"/attach?"+v.Encode(), config.Tty, in, out, stderr, hijacked) }) } else { close(hijacked) } // Acknowledge the hijack before starting select { case <-hijacked: case err := <-errCh: if err != nil { utils.Debugf("Error hijack: %s", err) return err } } //start the container if _, _, err ="POST", "/containers/"+runResult.ID+"/start", hostConfig); err != nil { return err } if (config.AttachStdin || config.AttachStdout || config.AttachStderr) && config.Tty && cli.isTerminal { if err := cli.monitorTtySize(runResult.ID); err != nil { utils.Errorf("Error monitoring TTY size: %s\n", err) } } if errCh != nil { if err := <-errCh; err != nil { utils.Debugf("Error hijack: %s", err) return err } } if !config.AttachStdout && !config.AttachStderr { // Detached mode <-wait } else { running, status, err := getExitCode(cli, runResult.ID) if err != nil { return err } if autoRemove { if running { return fmt.Errorf("Impossible to auto-remove a detached container") } // Wait for the process to if _, _, err :="POST", "/containers/"+runResult.ID+"/wait", nil); err != nil { return err } if _, _, err :="DELETE", "/containers/"+runResult.ID, nil); err != nil { return err } } if status != 0 { return &utils.StatusError{Status: status} } } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) CmdCp(args ...string) error { cmd := Subcmd("cp", "CONTAINER:RESOURCE HOSTPATH", "Copy files/folders from the RESOURCE to the HOSTPATH") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 2 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var copyData APICopy info := strings.Split(cmd.Arg(0), ":") if len(info) != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("Error: Resource not specified") } copyData.Resource = info[1] copyData.HostPath = cmd.Arg(1) data, statusCode, err :="POST", "/containers/"+info[0]+"/copy", copyData) if err != nil { return err } if statusCode == 200 { r := bytes.NewReader(data) if err := archive.Untar(r, copyData.HostPath); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) call(method, path string, data interface{}) ([]byte, int, error) { var params io.Reader if data != nil { buf, err := json.Marshal(data) if err != nil { return nil, -1, err } params = bytes.NewBuffer(buf) } // fixme: refactor client to support redirect re := regexp.MustCompile("/+") path = re.ReplaceAllString(path, "/") req, err := http.NewRequest(method, fmt.Sprintf("/v%g%s", APIVERSION, path), params) if err != nil { return nil, -1, err } req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Docker-Client/"+VERSION) req.Host = cli.addr if data != nil { req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") } else if method == "POST" { req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "plain/text") } dial, err := net.Dial(cli.proto, cli.addr) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { return nil, -1, ErrConnectionRefused } return nil, -1, err } clientconn := httputil.NewClientConn(dial, nil) resp, err := clientconn.Do(req) defer clientconn.Close() if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { return nil, -1, ErrConnectionRefused } return nil, -1, err } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return nil, -1, err } if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 400 { if len(body) == 0 { return nil, resp.StatusCode, fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)) } return nil, resp.StatusCode, fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", bytes.TrimSpace(body)) } return body, resp.StatusCode, nil } func (cli *DockerCli) stream(method, path string, in io.Reader, out io.Writer, headers map[string][]string) error { if (method == "POST" || method == "PUT") && in == nil { in = bytes.NewReader([]byte{}) } // fixme: refactor client to support redirect re := regexp.MustCompile("/+") path = re.ReplaceAllString(path, "/") req, err := http.NewRequest(method, fmt.Sprintf("/v%g%s", APIVERSION, path), in) if err != nil { return err } req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Docker-Client/"+VERSION) req.Host = cli.addr if method == "POST" { req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "plain/text") } if headers != nil { for k, v := range headers { req.Header[k] = v } } dial, err := net.Dial(cli.proto, cli.addr) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { return fmt.Errorf("Can't connect to docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?") } return err } clientconn := httputil.NewClientConn(dial, nil) resp, err := clientconn.Do(req) defer clientconn.Close() if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { return fmt.Errorf("Can't connect to docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?") } return err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 400 { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return err } if len(body) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Error :%s", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)) } return fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", bytes.TrimSpace(body)) } if matchesContentType(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "application/json") { return utils.DisplayJSONMessagesStream(resp.Body, out) } else { if _, err := io.Copy(out, resp.Body); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) hijack(method, path string, setRawTerminal bool, in io.ReadCloser, stdout, stderr io.Writer, started chan bool) error { // fixme: refactor client to support redirect re := regexp.MustCompile("/+") path = re.ReplaceAllString(path, "/") req, err := http.NewRequest(method, fmt.Sprintf("/v%g%s", APIVERSION, path), nil) if err != nil { return err } req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Docker-Client/"+VERSION) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "plain/text") req.Host = cli.addr dial, err := net.Dial(cli.proto, cli.addr) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { return fmt.Errorf("Can't connect to docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?") } return err } clientconn := httputil.NewClientConn(dial, nil) defer clientconn.Close() // Server hijacks the connection, error 'connection closed' expected clientconn.Do(req) rwc, br := clientconn.Hijack() defer rwc.Close() if started != nil { started <- true } var receiveStdout chan error if stdout != nil { receiveStdout = utils.Go(func() (err error) { // When TTY is ON, use regular copy if setRawTerminal { _, err = io.Copy(stdout, br) } else { _, err = utils.StdCopy(stdout, stderr, br) } utils.Debugf("[hijack] End of stdout") return err }) } if in != nil && setRawTerminal && cli.isTerminal && os.Getenv("NORAW") == "" { oldState, err := term.SetRawTerminal(cli.terminalFd) if err != nil { return err } defer term.RestoreTerminal(cli.terminalFd, oldState) } sendStdin := utils.Go(func() error { if in != nil { io.Copy(rwc, in) utils.Debugf("[hijack] End of stdin") } if tcpc, ok := rwc.(*net.TCPConn); ok { if err := tcpc.CloseWrite(); err != nil { utils.Errorf("Couldn't send EOF: %s\n", err) } } else if unixc, ok := rwc.(*net.UnixConn); ok { if err := unixc.CloseWrite(); err != nil { utils.Errorf("Couldn't send EOF: %s\n", err) } } // Discard errors due to pipe interruption return nil }) if stdout != nil { if err := <-receiveStdout; err != nil { utils.Errorf("Error receiveStdout: %s", err) return err } } if !cli.isTerminal { if err := <-sendStdin; err != nil { utils.Errorf("Error sendStdin: %s", err) return err } } return nil } func (cli *DockerCli) getTtySize() (int, int) { if !cli.isTerminal { return 0, 0 } ws, err := term.GetWinsize(cli.terminalFd) if err != nil { utils.Errorf("Error getting size: %s", err) if ws == nil { return 0, 0 } } return int(ws.Height), int(ws.Width) } func (cli *DockerCli) resizeTty(id string) { height, width := cli.getTtySize() if height == 0 && width == 0 { return } v := url.Values{} v.Set("h", strconv.Itoa(height)) v.Set("w", strconv.Itoa(width)) if _, _, err :="POST", "/containers/"+id+"/resize?"+v.Encode(), nil); err != nil { utils.Errorf("Error resize: %s", err) } } func (cli *DockerCli) monitorTtySize(id string) error { cli.resizeTty(id) sigchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigchan, syscall.SIGWINCH) go func() { for _ = range sigchan { cli.resizeTty(id) } }() return nil } func Subcmd(name, signature, description string) *flag.FlagSet { flags := flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ContinueOnError) flags.Usage = func() { // FIXME: use custom stdout or return error fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\nUsage: docker %s %s\n\n%s\n\n", name, signature, description) flags.PrintDefaults() } return flags } func (cli *DockerCli) LoadConfigFile() (err error) { cli.configFile, err = auth.LoadConfig(os.Getenv("HOME")) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "WARNING: %s\n", err) } return err } func waitForExit(cli *DockerCli, containerId string) (int, error) { body, _, err :="POST", "/containers/"+containerId+"/wait", nil) if err != nil { // If we can't connect, then the daemon probably died. if err != ErrConnectionRefused { return -1, err } return -1, nil } var out APIWait if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &out); err != nil { return -1, err } return out.StatusCode, nil } // getExitCode perform an inspect on the container. It returns // the running state and the exit code. func getExitCode(cli *DockerCli, containerId string) (bool, int, error) { body, _, err :="GET", "/containers/"+containerId+"/json", nil) if err != nil { // If we can't connect, then the daemon probably died. if err != ErrConnectionRefused { return false, -1, err } return false, -1, nil } c := &Container{} if err := json.Unmarshal(body, c); err != nil { return false, -1, err } return c.State.Running, c.State.ExitCode, nil } func NewDockerCli(in io.ReadCloser, out, err io.Writer, proto, addr string) *DockerCli { var ( isTerminal = false terminalFd uintptr ) if in != nil { if file, ok := in.(*os.File); ok { terminalFd = file.Fd() isTerminal = term.IsTerminal(terminalFd) } } if err == nil { err = out } return &DockerCli{ proto: proto, addr: addr, in: in, out: out, err: err, isTerminal: isTerminal, terminalFd: terminalFd, } } type DockerCli struct { proto string addr string configFile *auth.ConfigFile in io.ReadCloser out io.Writer err io.Writer isTerminal bool terminalFd uintptr }