package docker import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "strings" ) // Compare two Config struct. Do not compare the "Image" nor "Hostname" fields // If OpenStdin is set, then it differs func CompareConfig(a, b *Config) bool { if a == nil || b == nil || a.OpenStdin || b.OpenStdin { return false } if a.AttachStdout != b.AttachStdout || a.AttachStderr != b.AttachStderr || a.User != b.User || a.Memory != b.Memory || a.MemorySwap != b.MemorySwap || a.CpuShares != b.CpuShares || a.OpenStdin != b.OpenStdin || a.Tty != b.Tty || a.VolumesFrom != b.VolumesFrom { return false } if len(a.Cmd) != len(b.Cmd) || len(a.Dns) != len(b.Dns) || len(a.Env) != len(b.Env) || len(a.PortSpecs) != len(b.PortSpecs) || len(a.Entrypoint) != len(b.Entrypoint) || len(a.Volumes) != len(b.Volumes) { return false } for i := 0; i < len(a.Cmd); i++ { if a.Cmd[i] != b.Cmd[i] { return false } } for i := 0; i < len(a.Dns); i++ { if a.Dns[i] != b.Dns[i] { return false } } for i := 0; i < len(a.Env); i++ { if a.Env[i] != b.Env[i] { return false } } for i := 0; i < len(a.PortSpecs); i++ { if a.PortSpecs[i] != b.PortSpecs[i] { return false } } for i := 0; i < len(a.Entrypoint); i++ { if a.Entrypoint[i] != b.Entrypoint[i] { return false } } for key := range a.Volumes { if _, exists := b.Volumes[key]; !exists { return false } } return true } func MergeConfig(userConf, imageConf *Config) { if userConf.User == "" { userConf.User = imageConf.User } if userConf.Memory == 0 { userConf.Memory = imageConf.Memory } if userConf.MemorySwap == 0 { userConf.MemorySwap = imageConf.MemorySwap } if userConf.CpuShares == 0 { userConf.CpuShares = imageConf.CpuShares } if userConf.PortSpecs == nil || len(userConf.PortSpecs) == 0 { userConf.PortSpecs = imageConf.PortSpecs } else { for _, imagePortSpec := range imageConf.PortSpecs { found := false imageNat, _ := parseNat(imagePortSpec) for _, userPortSpec := range userConf.PortSpecs { userNat, _ := parseNat(userPortSpec) if imageNat.Proto == userNat.Proto && imageNat.Backend == userNat.Backend { found = true } } if !found { userConf.PortSpecs = append(userConf.PortSpecs, imagePortSpec) } } } if !userConf.Tty { userConf.Tty = imageConf.Tty } if !userConf.OpenStdin { userConf.OpenStdin = imageConf.OpenStdin } if !userConf.StdinOnce { userConf.StdinOnce = imageConf.StdinOnce } if userConf.Env == nil || len(userConf.Env) == 0 { userConf.Env = imageConf.Env } else { for _, imageEnv := range imageConf.Env { found := false imageEnvKey := strings.Split(imageEnv, "=")[0] for _, userEnv := range userConf.Env { userEnvKey := strings.Split(userEnv, "=")[0] if imageEnvKey == userEnvKey { found = true } } if !found { userConf.Env = append(userConf.Env, imageEnv) } } } if userConf.Cmd == nil || len(userConf.Cmd) == 0 { userConf.Cmd = imageConf.Cmd } if userConf.Dns == nil || len(userConf.Dns) == 0 { userConf.Dns = imageConf.Dns } else { //duplicates aren't an issue here userConf.Dns = append(userConf.Dns, imageConf.Dns...) } if userConf.Entrypoint == nil || len(userConf.Entrypoint) == 0 { userConf.Entrypoint = imageConf.Entrypoint } if userConf.WorkingDir == "" { userConf.WorkingDir = imageConf.WorkingDir } if userConf.VolumesFrom == "" { userConf.VolumesFrom = imageConf.VolumesFrom } if userConf.Volumes == nil || len(userConf.Volumes) == 0 { userConf.Volumes = imageConf.Volumes } else { for k, v := range imageConf.Volumes { userConf.Volumes[k] = v } } } func parseLxcConfOpts(opts ListOpts) ([]KeyValuePair, error) { out := make([]KeyValuePair, len(opts)) for i, o := range opts { k, v, err := parseLxcOpt(o) if err != nil { return nil, err } out[i] = KeyValuePair{Key: k, Value: v} } return out, nil } func parseLxcOpt(opt string) (string, string, error) { parts := strings.SplitN(opt, "=", 2) if len(parts) != 2 { return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse lxc conf option: %s", opt) } return strings.TrimSpace(parts[0]), strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]), nil } func RootIsShared() bool { if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/self/mountinfo"); err == nil { for _, line := range strings.Split(string(data), "\n") { cols := strings.Split(line, " ") if cols[3] == "/" && cols[4] == "/" { return strings.HasPrefix(cols[6], "shared") } } } // No idea, probably safe to assume so return true }