mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Some tests were using domain names that were intended to be "fake", but are actually registered domain names (such as domain.com, registry.com, mytest.com). Even though we were not actually making connections to these domains, it's better to use domains that are designated for testing/examples in RFC2606: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2606 Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
732 lines
22 KiB
732 lines
22 KiB
package registry // import "github.com/docker/docker/registry"
import (
registrytypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry"
func spawnTestRegistrySession(t *testing.T) *Session {
authConfig := &types.AuthConfig{}
endpoint, err := NewV1Endpoint(makeIndex("/v1/"), "", nil)
if err != nil {
userAgent := "docker test client"
var tr http.RoundTripper = debugTransport{NewTransport(nil), t.Log}
tr = transport.NewTransport(AuthTransport(tr, authConfig, false), Headers(userAgent, nil)...)
client := HTTPClient(tr)
r, err := NewSession(client, authConfig, endpoint)
if err != nil {
// In a normal scenario for the v1 registry, the client should send a `X-Docker-Token: true`
// header while authenticating, in order to retrieve a token that can be later used to
// perform authenticated actions.
// The mock v1 registry does not support that, (TODO(tiborvass): support it), instead,
// it will consider authenticated any request with the header `X-Docker-Token: fake-token`.
// Because we know that the client's transport is an `*authTransport` we simply cast it,
// in order to set the internal cached token to the fake token, and thus send that fake token
// upon every subsequent requests.
r.client.Transport.(*authTransport).token = []string{"fake-token"}
return r
func TestPingRegistryEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, os.Getuid() != 0, "skipping test that requires root")
testPing := func(index *registrytypes.IndexInfo, expectedStandalone bool, assertMessage string) {
ep, err := NewV1Endpoint(index, "", nil)
if err != nil {
regInfo, err := ep.Ping()
if err != nil {
assertEqual(t, regInfo.Standalone, expectedStandalone, assertMessage)
testPing(makeIndex("/v1/"), true, "Expected standalone to be true (default)")
testPing(makeHTTPSIndex("/v1/"), true, "Expected standalone to be true (default)")
testPing(makePublicIndex(), false, "Expected standalone to be false for public index")
func TestEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, os.Getuid() != 0, "skipping test that requires root")
// Simple wrapper to fail test if err != nil
expandEndpoint := func(index *registrytypes.IndexInfo) *V1Endpoint {
endpoint, err := NewV1Endpoint(index, "", nil)
if err != nil {
return endpoint
assertInsecureIndex := func(index *registrytypes.IndexInfo) {
index.Secure = true
_, err := NewV1Endpoint(index, "", nil)
assertNotEqual(t, err, nil, index.Name+": Expected error for insecure index")
assertEqual(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "insecure-registry"), true, index.Name+": Expected insecure-registry error for insecure index")
index.Secure = false
assertSecureIndex := func(index *registrytypes.IndexInfo) {
index.Secure = true
_, err := NewV1Endpoint(index, "", nil)
assertNotEqual(t, err, nil, index.Name+": Expected cert error for secure index")
assertEqual(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "certificate signed by unknown authority"), true, index.Name+": Expected cert error for secure index")
index.Secure = false
index := ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{}
index.Name = makeURL("/v1/")
endpoint := expandEndpoint(index)
assertEqual(t, endpoint.String(), index.Name, "Expected endpoint to be "+index.Name)
index.Name = makeURL("")
endpoint = expandEndpoint(index)
assertEqual(t, endpoint.String(), index.Name+"/v1/", index.Name+": Expected endpoint to be "+index.Name+"/v1/")
httpURL := makeURL("")
index.Name = strings.SplitN(httpURL, "://", 2)[1]
endpoint = expandEndpoint(index)
assertEqual(t, endpoint.String(), httpURL+"/v1/", index.Name+": Expected endpoint to be "+httpURL+"/v1/")
index.Name = makeHTTPSURL("/v1/")
endpoint = expandEndpoint(index)
assertEqual(t, endpoint.String(), index.Name, "Expected endpoint to be "+index.Name)
index.Name = makeHTTPSURL("")
endpoint = expandEndpoint(index)
assertEqual(t, endpoint.String(), index.Name+"/v1/", index.Name+": Expected endpoint to be "+index.Name+"/v1/")
httpsURL := makeHTTPSURL("")
index.Name = strings.SplitN(httpsURL, "://", 2)[1]
endpoint = expandEndpoint(index)
assertEqual(t, endpoint.String(), httpsURL+"/v1/", index.Name+": Expected endpoint to be "+httpsURL+"/v1/")
badEndpoints := []string{
for _, address := range badEndpoints {
index.Name = address
_, err := NewV1Endpoint(index, "", nil)
checkNotEqual(t, err, nil, "Expected error while expanding bad endpoint")
func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
type staticRepositoryInfo struct {
Index *registrytypes.IndexInfo
RemoteName string
CanonicalName string
LocalName string
Official bool
expectedRepoInfos := map[string]staticRepositoryInfo{
"fooo/bar": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "fooo/bar",
LocalName: "fooo/bar",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/fooo/bar",
Official: false,
"library/ubuntu": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu",
LocalName: "ubuntu",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu",
Official: true,
"nonlibrary/ubuntu": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "nonlibrary/ubuntu",
LocalName: "nonlibrary/ubuntu",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/nonlibrary/ubuntu",
Official: false,
"ubuntu": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu",
LocalName: "ubuntu",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu",
Official: true,
"other/library": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "other/library",
LocalName: "other/library",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/other/library",
Official: false,
"": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "",
CanonicalName: "",
Official: false,
"": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "",
CanonicalName: "",
Official: false,
"localhost:8000/private/moonbase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "localhost:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "localhost:8000/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "localhost:8000/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"localhost:8000/privatebase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "localhost:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "localhost:8000/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "localhost:8000/privatebase",
Official: false,
"example.com/private/moonbase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "example.com",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "example.com/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "example.com/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"example.com/privatebase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "example.com",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "example.com/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "example.com/privatebase",
Official: false,
"example.com:8000/private/moonbase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "example.com:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "example.com:8000/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "example.com:8000/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"example.com:8000/privatebase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "example.com:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "example.com:8000/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "example.com:8000/privatebase",
Official: false,
"localhost/private/moonbase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "localhost",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "localhost/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "localhost/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"localhost/privatebase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: "localhost",
Official: false,
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "localhost/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "localhost/privatebase",
Official: false,
IndexName + "/public/moonbase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "public/moonbase",
LocalName: "public/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/public/moonbase",
Official: false,
"index." + IndexName + "/public/moonbase": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "public/moonbase",
LocalName: "public/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/public/moonbase",
Official: false,
"ubuntu-12.04-base": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
LocalName: "ubuntu-12.04-base",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
Official: true,
IndexName + "/ubuntu-12.04-base": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
LocalName: "ubuntu-12.04-base",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
Official: true,
"index." + IndexName + "/ubuntu-12.04-base": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
LocalName: "ubuntu-12.04-base",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
Official: true,
for reposName, expectedRepoInfo := range expectedRepoInfos {
named, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(reposName)
if err != nil {
repoInfo, err := ParseRepositoryInfo(named)
if err != nil {
} else {
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Index.Name, expectedRepoInfo.Index.Name, reposName)
checkEqual(t, reference.Path(repoInfo.Name), expectedRepoInfo.RemoteName, reposName)
checkEqual(t, reference.FamiliarName(repoInfo.Name), expectedRepoInfo.LocalName, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Name.Name(), expectedRepoInfo.CanonicalName, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Index.Official, expectedRepoInfo.Index.Official, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Official, expectedRepoInfo.Official, reposName)
func TestNewIndexInfo(t *testing.T) {
testIndexInfo := func(config *serviceConfig, expectedIndexInfos map[string]*registrytypes.IndexInfo) {
for indexName, expectedIndexInfo := range expectedIndexInfos {
index, err := newIndexInfo(config, indexName)
if err != nil {
} else {
checkEqual(t, index.Name, expectedIndexInfo.Name, indexName+" name")
checkEqual(t, index.Official, expectedIndexInfo.Official, indexName+" is official")
checkEqual(t, index.Secure, expectedIndexInfo.Secure, indexName+" is secure")
checkEqual(t, len(index.Mirrors), len(expectedIndexInfo.Mirrors), indexName+" mirrors")
config := emptyServiceConfig
var noMirrors []string
expectedIndexInfos := map[string]*registrytypes.IndexInfo{
IndexName: {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"index." + IndexName: {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"example.com": {
Name: "example.com",
Official: false,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"": {
Name: "",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
testIndexInfo(config, expectedIndexInfos)
publicMirrors := []string{"http://mirror1.local", "http://mirror2.local"}
var err error
config, err = makeServiceConfig(publicMirrors, []string{"example.com"})
if err != nil {
expectedIndexInfos = map[string]*registrytypes.IndexInfo{
IndexName: {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: publicMirrors,
"index." + IndexName: {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: publicMirrors,
"example.com": {
Name: "example.com",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"example.com:5000": {
Name: "example.com:5000",
Official: false,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"": {
Name: "",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"": {
Name: "",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"other.com": {
Name: "other.com",
Official: false,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
testIndexInfo(config, expectedIndexInfos)
config, err = makeServiceConfig(nil, []string{""})
if err != nil {
expectedIndexInfos = map[string]*registrytypes.IndexInfo{
"example.com": {
Name: "example.com",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"example.com:5000": {
Name: "example.com:5000",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"": {
Name: "",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"": {
Name: "",
Official: false,
Secure: false,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
"other.com": {
Name: "other.com",
Official: false,
Secure: true,
Mirrors: noMirrors,
testIndexInfo(config, expectedIndexInfos)
func TestMirrorEndpointLookup(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, os.Getuid() != 0, "skipping test that requires root")
containsMirror := func(endpoints []APIEndpoint) bool {
for _, pe := range endpoints {
if pe.URL.Host == "my.mirror" {
return true
return false
cfg, err := makeServiceConfig([]string{"https://my.mirror"}, nil)
if err != nil {
s := DefaultService{config: cfg}
imageName, err := reference.WithName(IndexName + "/test/image")
if err != nil {
pushAPIEndpoints, err := s.LookupPushEndpoints(reference.Domain(imageName))
if err != nil {
if containsMirror(pushAPIEndpoints) {
t.Fatal("Push endpoint should not contain mirror")
pullAPIEndpoints, err := s.LookupPullEndpoints(reference.Domain(imageName))
if err != nil {
if !containsMirror(pullAPIEndpoints) {
t.Fatal("Pull endpoint should contain mirror")
func TestSearchRepositories(t *testing.T) {
r := spawnTestRegistrySession(t)
results, err := r.SearchRepositories("fakequery", 25)
if err != nil {
if results == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected non-nil SearchResults object")
assertEqual(t, results.NumResults, 1, "Expected 1 search results")
assertEqual(t, results.Query, "fakequery", "Expected 'fakequery' as query")
assertEqual(t, results.Results[0].StarCount, 42, "Expected 'fakeimage' to have 42 stars")
func TestTrustedLocation(t *testing.T) {
for _, url := range []string{"http://example.com", "https://example.com:7777", "http://docker.io", "http://test.docker.com", "https://fakedocker.com"} {
req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
assert.Check(t, !trustedLocation(req))
for _, url := range []string{"https://docker.io", "https://test.docker.com:80"} {
req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
assert.Check(t, trustedLocation(req))
func TestAddRequiredHeadersToRedirectedRequests(t *testing.T) {
for _, urls := range [][]string{
{"http://docker.io", "https://docker.com"},
{"https://foo.docker.io:7777", "http://bar.docker.com"},
{"https://foo.docker.io", "https://example.com"},
} {
reqFrom, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, urls[0], nil)
reqFrom.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
reqFrom.Header.Add("Authorization", "super_secret")
reqTo, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, urls[1], nil)
addRequiredHeadersToRedirectedRequests(reqTo, []*http.Request{reqFrom})
if len(reqTo.Header) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 1 headers, got %d", len(reqTo.Header))
if reqTo.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/json" {
t.Fatal("'Content-Type' should be 'application/json'")
if reqTo.Header.Get("Authorization") != "" {
t.Fatal("'Authorization' should be empty")
for _, urls := range [][]string{
{"https://docker.io", "https://docker.com"},
{"https://foo.docker.io:7777", "https://bar.docker.com"},
} {
reqFrom, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, urls[0], nil)
reqFrom.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
reqFrom.Header.Add("Authorization", "super_secret")
reqTo, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, urls[1], nil)
addRequiredHeadersToRedirectedRequests(reqTo, []*http.Request{reqFrom})
if len(reqTo.Header) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 2 headers, got %d", len(reqTo.Header))
if reqTo.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/json" {
t.Fatal("'Content-Type' should be 'application/json'")
if reqTo.Header.Get("Authorization") != "super_secret" {
t.Fatal("'Authorization' should be 'super_secret'")
func TestAllowNondistributableArtifacts(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
addr string
registries []string
expected bool
{IndexName, nil, false},
{"example.com", []string{}, false},
{"example.com", []string{"example.com"}, true},
{"localhost", []string{"localhost:5000"}, false},
{"localhost:5000", []string{"localhost:5000"}, true},
{"localhost", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"", []string{""}, true},
{"localhost", nil, false},
{"localhost:5000", nil, false},
{"", nil, false},
{"localhost", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"example.com", nil, false},
{"example.com", []string{"example.com"}, true},
{"", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"example.com:5000", []string{""}, true},
{"example.com", []string{""}, true},
{"example.com:5000", []string{""}, true},
{"", []string{""}, true},
{"", []string{""}, true},
{"invalid.example.com", []string{""}, false},
{"invalid.example.com", []string{"invalid.example.com"}, true},
{"invalid.example.com:5000", []string{"invalid.example.com"}, false},
{"invalid.example.com:5000", []string{"invalid.example.com:5000"}, true},
for _, tt := range tests {
config, err := newServiceConfig(ServiceOptions{
AllowNondistributableArtifacts: tt.registries,
if err != nil {
if v := allowNondistributableArtifacts(config, tt.addr); v != tt.expected {
t.Errorf("allowNondistributableArtifacts failed for %q %v, expected %v got %v", tt.addr, tt.registries, tt.expected, v)
func TestIsSecureIndex(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
addr string
insecureRegistries []string
expected bool
{IndexName, nil, true},
{"example.com", []string{}, true},
{"example.com", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"localhost", []string{"localhost:5000"}, false},
{"localhost:5000", []string{"localhost:5000"}, false},
{"localhost", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"", []string{""}, false},
{"localhost", nil, false},
{"localhost:5000", nil, false},
{"", nil, false},
{"localhost", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"example.com", nil, true},
{"example.com", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"", []string{"example.com"}, false},
{"example.com:5000", []string{""}, false},
{"example.com", []string{""}, false},
{"example.com:5000", []string{""}, false},
{"", []string{""}, false},
{"", []string{""}, false},
{"invalid.example.com", []string{""}, true},
{"invalid.example.com", []string{"invalid.example.com"}, false},
{"invalid.example.com:5000", []string{"invalid.example.com"}, true},
{"invalid.example.com:5000", []string{"invalid.example.com:5000"}, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
config, err := makeServiceConfig(nil, tt.insecureRegistries)
if err != nil {
if sec := isSecureIndex(config, tt.addr); sec != tt.expected {
t.Errorf("isSecureIndex failed for %q %v, expected %v got %v", tt.addr, tt.insecureRegistries, tt.expected, sec)
type debugTransport struct {
log func(...interface{})
func (tr debugTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(req, false)
if err != nil {
tr.log("could not dump request")
resp, err := tr.RoundTripper.RoundTrip(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dump, err = httputil.DumpResponse(resp, false)
if err != nil {
tr.log("could not dump response")
return resp, err