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Jana Radhakrishnan 6fb69f0816 Add driver api enhancements for gossip
With the introduction of a driver generic gossip in libnetwork it is not
necessary for drivers to run their own gossip protocol (like what
overlay driver is doing currently) but instead rely on the gossip
instance run centrally in libnetwork. In order to achieve this, certain
enhancements to driver api are needed. This api aims to provide these

The new api provides a way for drivers to register interest on table
names of their choice by returning a list of table names of interest as
a response to CreateNetwork. By doing that they will get notified if a
CRUD operation happened on the tables of their interest, via the newly
added EventNotify call.

Drivers themselves can add entries to any table during a Join call by
invoking AddTableEntry method any number of times during the Join
call. These entries lifetime is the same as the endpoint itself. As soon
as the container leaves the endpoint, those entries added by driver
during that endpoint's Join call will be automatically removed by
libnetwork. This action may trigger notification of such deletion to all
driver instances in the cluster who have registered interest in that
table's notification.

Signed-off-by: Jana Radhakrishnan <mrjana@docker.com>
2016-04-18 19:55:39 -07:00

792 lines
20 KiB

Package libnetwork provides the basic functionality and extension points to
create network namespaces and allocate interfaces for containers to use.
networkType := "bridge"
// Create a new controller instance
driverOptions := options.Generic{}
genericOption := make(map[string]interface{})
genericOption[netlabel.GenericData] = driverOptions
controller, err := libnetwork.New(config.OptionDriverConfig(networkType, genericOption))
if err != nil {
// Create a network for containers to join.
// NewNetwork accepts Variadic optional arguments that libnetwork and Drivers can make use of
network, err := controller.NewNetwork(networkType, "network1", "")
if err != nil {
// For each new container: allocate IP and interfaces. The returned network
// settings will be used for container infos (inspect and such), as well as
// iptables rules for port publishing. This info is contained or accessible
// from the returned endpoint.
ep, err := network.CreateEndpoint("Endpoint1")
if err != nil {
// Create the sandbox for the container.
// NewSandbox accepts Variadic optional arguments which libnetwork can use.
sbx, err := controller.NewSandbox("container1",
// A sandbox can join the endpoint via the join api.
err = ep.Join(sbx)
if err != nil {
package libnetwork
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
// NetworkController provides the interface for controller instance which manages
// networks.
type NetworkController interface {
// ID provides an unique identity for the controller
ID() string
// Config method returns the bootup configuration for the controller
Config() config.Config
// Create a new network. The options parameter carries network specific options.
NewNetwork(networkType, name string, id string, options ...NetworkOption) (Network, error)
// Networks returns the list of Network(s) managed by this controller.
Networks() []Network
// WalkNetworks uses the provided function to walk the Network(s) managed by this controller.
WalkNetworks(walker NetworkWalker)
// NetworkByName returns the Network which has the passed name. If not found, the error ErrNoSuchNetwork is returned.
NetworkByName(name string) (Network, error)
// NetworkByID returns the Network which has the passed id. If not found, the error ErrNoSuchNetwork is returned.
NetworkByID(id string) (Network, error)
// NewSandbox cretes a new network sandbox for the passed container id
NewSandbox(containerID string, options ...SandboxOption) (Sandbox, error)
// Sandboxes returns the list of Sandbox(s) managed by this controller.
Sandboxes() []Sandbox
// WlakSandboxes uses the provided function to walk the Sandbox(s) managed by this controller.
WalkSandboxes(walker SandboxWalker)
// SandboxByID returns the Sandbox which has the passed id. If not found, a types.NotFoundError is returned.
SandboxByID(id string) (Sandbox, error)
// SandboxDestroy destroys a sandbox given a container ID
SandboxDestroy(id string) error
// Stop network controller
// ReloadCondfiguration updates the controller configuration
ReloadConfiguration(cfgOptions ...config.Option) error
// NetworkWalker is a client provided function which will be used to walk the Networks.
// When the function returns true, the walk will stop.
type NetworkWalker func(nw Network) bool
// SandboxWalker is a client provided function which will be used to walk the Sandboxes.
// When the function returns true, the walk will stop.
type SandboxWalker func(sb Sandbox) bool
type sandboxTable map[string]*sandbox
type controller struct {
id string
drvRegistry *drvregistry.DrvRegistry
sandboxes sandboxTable
cfg *config.Config
stores []datastore.DataStore
discovery hostdiscovery.HostDiscovery
extKeyListener net.Listener
watchCh chan *endpoint
unWatchCh chan *endpoint
svcDb map[string]svcInfo
nmap map[string]*netWatch
defOsSbox osl.Sandbox
sboxOnce sync.Once
type initializer struct {
fn drvregistry.InitFunc
ntype string
// New creates a new instance of network controller.
func New(cfgOptions ...config.Option) (NetworkController, error) {
c := &controller{
id: stringid.GenerateRandomID(),
cfg: config.ParseConfigOptions(cfgOptions...),
sandboxes: sandboxTable{},
svcDb: make(map[string]svcInfo),
if err := c.initStores(); err != nil {
return nil, err
drvRegistry, err := drvregistry.New(c.getStore(datastore.LocalScope), c.getStore(datastore.GlobalScope), c.RegisterDriver, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, i := range getInitializers() {
var dcfg map[string]interface{}
// External plugins don't need config passed through daemon. They can
// bootstrap themselves
if i.ntype != "remote" {
dcfg = c.makeDriverConfig(i.ntype)
if err := drvRegistry.AddDriver(i.ntype, i.fn, dcfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
c.drvRegistry = drvRegistry
if c.cfg != nil && c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher != nil {
if err := c.initDiscovery(c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher); err != nil {
// Failing to initialize discovery is a bad situation to be in.
// But it cannot fail creating the Controller
log.Errorf("Failed to Initialize Discovery : %v", err)
if err := c.startExternalKeyListener(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (c *controller) makeDriverConfig(ntype string) map[string]interface{} {
if c.cfg == nil {
return nil
config := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, label := range c.cfg.Daemon.Labels {
if !strings.HasPrefix(netlabel.Key(label), netlabel.DriverPrefix+"."+ntype) {
config[netlabel.Key(label)] = netlabel.Value(label)
drvCfg, ok := c.cfg.Daemon.DriverCfg[ntype]
if ok {
for k, v := range drvCfg.(map[string]interface{}) {
config[k] = v
for k, v := range c.cfg.Scopes {
if !v.IsValid() {
config[netlabel.MakeKVClient(k)] = discoverapi.DatastoreConfigData{
Scope: k,
Provider: v.Client.Provider,
Address: v.Client.Address,
Config: v.Client.Config,
return config
var procReloadConfig = make(chan (bool), 1)
func (c *controller) ReloadConfiguration(cfgOptions ...config.Option) error {
procReloadConfig <- true
defer func() { <-procReloadConfig }()
// For now we accept the configuration reload only as a mean to provide a global store config after boot.
// Refuse the configuration if it alters an existing datastore client configuration.
update := false
cfg := config.ParseConfigOptions(cfgOptions...)
for s := range c.cfg.Scopes {
if _, ok := cfg.Scopes[s]; !ok {
return types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot accept new configuration because it removes an existing datastore client")
for s, nSCfg := range cfg.Scopes {
if eSCfg, ok := c.cfg.Scopes[s]; ok {
if eSCfg.Client.Provider != nSCfg.Client.Provider ||
eSCfg.Client.Address != nSCfg.Client.Address {
return types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot accept new configuration because it modifies an existing datastore client")
} else {
if err := c.initScopedStore(s, nSCfg); err != nil {
return err
update = true
if !update {
return nil
c.cfg = cfg
if c.discovery == nil && c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher != nil {
if err := c.initDiscovery(c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to Initialize Discovery after configuration update: %v", err)
var dsConfig *discoverapi.DatastoreConfigData
for scope, sCfg := range cfg.Scopes {
if scope == datastore.LocalScope || !sCfg.IsValid() {
dsConfig = &discoverapi.DatastoreConfigData{
Scope: scope,
Provider: sCfg.Client.Provider,
Address: sCfg.Client.Address,
Config: sCfg.Client.Config,
if dsConfig == nil {
return nil
c.drvRegistry.WalkIPAMs(func(name string, driver ipamapi.Ipam, cap *ipamapi.Capability) bool {
err := driver.DiscoverNew(discoverapi.DatastoreConfig, *dsConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to set datastore in driver %s: %v", name, err)
return false
c.drvRegistry.WalkDrivers(func(name string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) bool {
err := driver.DiscoverNew(discoverapi.DatastoreConfig, *dsConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to set datastore in driver %s: %v", name, err)
return false
return nil
func (c *controller) ID() string {
return c.id
func (c *controller) validateHostDiscoveryConfig() bool {
if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.Cluster.Discovery == "" || c.cfg.Cluster.Address == "" {
return false
return true
func (c *controller) clusterHostID() string {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.Cluster.Address == "" {
return ""
addr := strings.Split(c.cfg.Cluster.Address, ":")
return addr[0]
func (c *controller) isNodeAlive(node string) bool {
if c.discovery == nil {
return false
nodes := c.discovery.Fetch()
for _, n := range nodes {
if n.String() == node {
return true
return false
func (c *controller) initDiscovery(watcher discovery.Watcher) error {
if c.cfg == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("discovery initialization requires a valid configuration")
c.discovery = hostdiscovery.NewHostDiscovery(watcher)
return c.discovery.Watch(c.activeCallback, c.hostJoinCallback, c.hostLeaveCallback)
func (c *controller) activeCallback() {
ds := c.getStore(datastore.GlobalScope)
if ds != nil && !ds.Active() {
func (c *controller) hostJoinCallback(nodes []net.IP) {
c.processNodeDiscovery(nodes, true)
func (c *controller) hostLeaveCallback(nodes []net.IP) {
c.processNodeDiscovery(nodes, false)
func (c *controller) processNodeDiscovery(nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
c.drvRegistry.WalkDrivers(func(name string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) bool {
c.pushNodeDiscovery(driver, capability, nodes, add)
return false
func (c *controller) pushNodeDiscovery(d driverapi.Driver, cap driverapi.Capability, nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
var self net.IP
if c.cfg != nil {
addr := strings.Split(c.cfg.Cluster.Address, ":")
self = net.ParseIP(addr[0])
if d == nil || cap.DataScope != datastore.GlobalScope || nodes == nil {
for _, node := range nodes {
nodeData := discoverapi.NodeDiscoveryData{Address: node.String(), Self: node.Equal(self)}
var err error
if add {
err = d.DiscoverNew(discoverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
} else {
err = d.DiscoverDelete(discoverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("discovery notification error : %v", err)
func (c *controller) Config() config.Config {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.cfg == nil {
return config.Config{}
return *c.cfg
func (c *controller) RegisterDriver(networkType string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) error {
hd := c.discovery
if hd != nil {
c.pushNodeDiscovery(driver, capability, hd.Fetch(), true)
return nil
// NewNetwork creates a new network of the specified network type. The options
// are network specific and modeled in a generic way.
func (c *controller) NewNetwork(networkType, name string, id string, options ...NetworkOption) (Network, error) {
if !config.IsValidName(name) {
return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)
if id == "" {
id = stringid.GenerateRandomID()
// Construct the network object
network := &network{
name: name,
networkType: networkType,
generic: map[string]interface{}{netlabel.GenericData: make(map[string]string)},
ipamType: ipamapi.DefaultIPAM,
id: id,
ctrlr: c,
persist: true,
drvOnce: &sync.Once{},
// Make sure we have a driver available for this network type
// before we allocate anything.
if _, err := network.driver(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
err := network.ipamAllocate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if err = c.addNetwork(network); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if e := network.deleteNetwork(); e != nil {
log.Warnf("couldn't roll back driver network on network %s creation failure: %v", network.name, err)
// First store the endpoint count, then the network. To avoid to
// end up with a datastore containing a network and not an epCnt,
// in case of an ungraceful shutdown during this function call.
epCnt := &endpointCnt{n: network}
if err = c.updateToStore(epCnt); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if e := c.deleteFromStore(epCnt); e != nil {
log.Warnf("couldnt rollback from store, epCnt %v on failure (%v): %v", epCnt, err, e)
network.epCnt = epCnt
if err = c.updateToStore(network); err != nil {
return nil, err
return network, nil
func (c *controller) addNetwork(n *network) error {
d, err := n.driver(true)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the network
if err := d.CreateNetwork(n.id, n.generic, nil, n.getIPData(4), n.getIPData(6)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *controller) Networks() []Network {
var list []Network
networks, err := c.getNetworksFromStore()
if err != nil {
for _, n := range networks {
if n.inDelete {
list = append(list, n)
return list
func (c *controller) WalkNetworks(walker NetworkWalker) {
for _, n := range c.Networks() {
if walker(n) {
func (c *controller) NetworkByName(name string) (Network, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)
var n Network
s := func(current Network) bool {
if current.Name() == name {
n = current
return true
return false
if n == nil {
return nil, ErrNoSuchNetwork(name)
return n, nil
func (c *controller) NetworkByID(id string) (Network, error) {
if id == "" {
return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)
n, err := c.getNetworkFromStore(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrNoSuchNetwork(id)
return n, nil
// NewSandbox creates a new sandbox for the passed container id
func (c *controller) NewSandbox(containerID string, options ...SandboxOption) (Sandbox, error) {
var err error
if containerID == "" {
return nil, types.BadRequestErrorf("invalid container ID")
var sb *sandbox
for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
if s.containerID == containerID {
// If not a stub, then we already have a complete sandbox.
if !s.isStub {
return nil, types.BadRequestErrorf("container %s is already present: %v", containerID, s)
// We already have a stub sandbox from the
// store. Make use of it so that we don't lose
// the endpoints from store but reset the
// isStub flag.
sb = s
sb.isStub = false
// Create sandbox and process options first. Key generation depends on an option
if sb == nil {
sb = &sandbox{
id: stringid.GenerateRandomID(),
containerID: containerID,
endpoints: epHeap{},
epPriority: map[string]int{},
config: containerConfig{},
controller: c,
if err = sb.setupResolutionFiles(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sb.config.useDefaultSandBox {
c.sboxOnce.Do(func() {
c.defOsSbox, err = osl.NewSandbox(sb.Key(), false)
if err != nil {
c.sboxOnce = sync.Once{}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create default sandbox: %v", err)
sb.osSbox = c.defOsSbox
if sb.osSbox == nil && !sb.config.useExternalKey {
if sb.osSbox, err = osl.NewSandbox(sb.Key(), !sb.config.useDefaultSandBox); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new osl sandbox: %v", err)
c.sandboxes[sb.id] = sb
defer func() {
if err != nil {
delete(c.sandboxes, sb.id)
err = sb.storeUpdate()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("updating the store state of sandbox failed: %v", err)
return sb, nil
func (c *controller) Sandboxes() []Sandbox {
defer c.Unlock()
list := make([]Sandbox, 0, len(c.sandboxes))
for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
// Hide stub sandboxes from libnetwork users
if s.isStub {
list = append(list, s)
return list
func (c *controller) WalkSandboxes(walker SandboxWalker) {
for _, sb := range c.Sandboxes() {
if walker(sb) {
func (c *controller) SandboxByID(id string) (Sandbox, error) {
if id == "" {
return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)
s, ok := c.sandboxes[id]
if !ok {
return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("sandbox %s not found", id)
return s, nil
// SandboxDestroy destroys a sandbox given a container ID
func (c *controller) SandboxDestroy(id string) error {
var sb *sandbox
for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
if s.containerID == id {
sb = s
// It is not an error if sandbox is not available
if sb == nil {
return nil
return sb.Delete()
// SandboxContainerWalker returns a Sandbox Walker function which looks for an existing Sandbox with the passed containerID
func SandboxContainerWalker(out *Sandbox, containerID string) SandboxWalker {
return func(sb Sandbox) bool {
if sb.ContainerID() == containerID {
*out = sb
return true
return false
// SandboxKeyWalker returns a Sandbox Walker function which looks for an existing Sandbox with the passed key
func SandboxKeyWalker(out *Sandbox, key string) SandboxWalker {
return func(sb Sandbox) bool {
if sb.Key() == key {
*out = sb
return true
return false
func (c *controller) loadDriver(networkType string) error {
// Plugins pkg performs lazy loading of plugins that acts as remote drivers.
// As per the design, this Get call will result in remote driver discovery if there is a corresponding plugin available.
_, err := plugins.Get(networkType, driverapi.NetworkPluginEndpointType)
if err != nil {
if err == plugins.ErrNotFound {
return types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
return err
return nil
func (c *controller) loadIPAMDriver(name string) error {
if _, err := plugins.Get(name, ipamapi.PluginEndpointType); err != nil {
if err == plugins.ErrNotFound {
return types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
return err
return nil
func (c *controller) getIPAMDriver(name string) (ipamapi.Ipam, *ipamapi.Capability, error) {
id, cap := c.drvRegistry.IPAM(name)
if id == nil {
// Might be a plugin name. Try loading it
if err := c.loadIPAMDriver(name); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Now that we resolved the plugin, try again looking up the registry
id, cap = c.drvRegistry.IPAM(name)
if id == nil {
return nil, nil, types.BadRequestErrorf("invalid ipam driver: %q", name)
return id, cap, nil
func (c *controller) Stop() {