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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Delete needs to release names related to a container even if that container isn't present in the db. However, slightly overzealous error checking causes the transaction to get rolled back. Ignore the error from Delete on the container itself, since it may not be present. Signed-off-by: Aaron Lehmann <aaron.lehmann@docker.com>
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498 lines
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package container
import (
const (
memdbContainersTable = "containers"
memdbNamesTable = "names"
memdbIDIndex = "id"
memdbContainerIDIndex = "containerid"
var (
// ErrNameReserved is an error which is returned when a name is requested to be reserved that already is reserved
ErrNameReserved = errors.New("name is reserved")
// ErrNameNotReserved is an error which is returned when trying to find a name that is not reserved
ErrNameNotReserved = errors.New("name is not reserved")
// Snapshot is a read only view for Containers. It holds all information necessary to serve container queries in a
// versioned ACID in-memory store.
type Snapshot struct {
// additional info queries need to filter on
// preserve nanosec resolution for queries
CreatedAt time.Time
StartedAt time.Time
Name string
Pid int
ExitCode int
Running bool
Paused bool
Managed bool
ExposedPorts nat.PortSet
PortBindings nat.PortSet
Health string
HostConfig struct {
Isolation string
// nameAssociation associates a container id with a name.
type nameAssociation struct {
// name is the name to associate. Note that name is the primary key
// ("id" in memdb).
name string
containerID string
// ViewDB provides an in-memory transactional (ACID) container Store
type ViewDB interface {
Snapshot() View
Save(*Container) error
Delete(*Container) error
ReserveName(name, containerID string) error
ReleaseName(name string) error
// View can be used by readers to avoid locking
type View interface {
All() ([]Snapshot, error)
Get(id string) (*Snapshot, error)
GetID(name string) (string, error)
GetAllNames() map[string][]string
var schema = &memdb.DBSchema{
Tables: map[string]*memdb.TableSchema{
memdbContainersTable: {
Name: memdbContainersTable,
Indexes: map[string]*memdb.IndexSchema{
memdbIDIndex: {
Name: memdbIDIndex,
Unique: true,
Indexer: &containerByIDIndexer{},
memdbNamesTable: {
Name: memdbNamesTable,
Indexes: map[string]*memdb.IndexSchema{
// Used for names, because "id" is the primary key in memdb.
memdbIDIndex: {
Name: memdbIDIndex,
Unique: true,
Indexer: &namesByNameIndexer{},
memdbContainerIDIndex: {
Name: memdbContainerIDIndex,
Indexer: &namesByContainerIDIndexer{},
type memDB struct {
store *memdb.MemDB
// NoSuchContainerError indicates that the container wasn't found in the
// database.
type NoSuchContainerError struct {
id string
// Error satisfies the error interface.
func (e NoSuchContainerError) Error() string {
return "no such container " + e.id
// NewViewDB provides the default implementation, with the default schema
func NewViewDB() (ViewDB, error) {
store, err := memdb.NewMemDB(schema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &memDB{store: store}, nil
// Snapshot provides a consistent read-only View of the database
func (db *memDB) Snapshot() View {
return &memdbView{
txn: db.store.Txn(false),
func (db *memDB) withTxn(cb func(*memdb.Txn) error) error {
txn := db.store.Txn(true)
err := cb(txn)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Save atomically updates the in-memory store state for a Container.
// Only read only (deep) copies of containers may be passed in.
func (db *memDB) Save(c *Container) error {
return db.withTxn(func(txn *memdb.Txn) error {
return txn.Insert(memdbContainersTable, c)
// Delete removes an item by ID
func (db *memDB) Delete(c *Container) error {
return db.withTxn(func(txn *memdb.Txn) error {
view := &memdbView{txn: txn}
names := view.getNames(c.ID)
for _, name := range names {
txn.Delete(memdbNamesTable, nameAssociation{name: name})
// Ignore error - the container may not actually exist in the
// db, but we still need to clean up associated names.
txn.Delete(memdbContainersTable, NewBaseContainer(c.ID, c.Root))
return nil
// ReserveName registers a container ID to a name
// ReserveName is idempotent
// Attempting to reserve a container ID to a name that already exists results in an `ErrNameReserved`
// A name reservation is globally unique
func (db *memDB) ReserveName(name, containerID string) error {
return db.withTxn(func(txn *memdb.Txn) error {
s, err := txn.First(memdbNamesTable, memdbIDIndex, name)
if err != nil {
return err
if s != nil {
if s.(nameAssociation).containerID != containerID {
return ErrNameReserved
return nil
if err := txn.Insert(memdbNamesTable, nameAssociation{name: name, containerID: containerID}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ReleaseName releases the reserved name
// Once released, a name can be reserved again
func (db *memDB) ReleaseName(name string) error {
return db.withTxn(func(txn *memdb.Txn) error {
if err := txn.Delete(memdbNamesTable, nameAssociation{name: name}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type memdbView struct {
txn *memdb.Txn
// All returns a all items in this snapshot. Returned objects must never be modified.
func (v *memdbView) All() ([]Snapshot, error) {
var all []Snapshot
iter, err := v.txn.Get(memdbContainersTable, memdbIDIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
item := iter.Next()
if item == nil {
snapshot := v.transform(item.(*Container))
all = append(all, *snapshot)
return all, nil
// Get returns an item by id. Returned objects must never be modified.
func (v *memdbView) Get(id string) (*Snapshot, error) {
s, err := v.txn.First(memdbContainersTable, memdbIDIndex, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s == nil {
return nil, NoSuchContainerError{id: id}
return v.transform(s.(*Container)), nil
// getNames lists all the reserved names for the given container ID.
func (v *memdbView) getNames(containerID string) []string {
iter, err := v.txn.Get(memdbNamesTable, memdbContainerIDIndex, containerID)
if err != nil {
return nil
var names []string
for {
item := iter.Next()
if item == nil {
names = append(names, item.(nameAssociation).name)
return names
// GetID returns the container ID that the passed in name is reserved to.
func (v *memdbView) GetID(name string) (string, error) {
s, err := v.txn.First(memdbNamesTable, memdbIDIndex, name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if s == nil {
return "", ErrNameNotReserved
return s.(nameAssociation).containerID, nil
// GetAllNames returns all registered names.
func (v *memdbView) GetAllNames() map[string][]string {
iter, err := v.txn.Get(memdbNamesTable, memdbContainerIDIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil
out := make(map[string][]string)
for {
item := iter.Next()
if item == nil {
assoc := item.(nameAssociation)
out[assoc.containerID] = append(out[assoc.containerID], assoc.name)
return out
// transform maps a (deep) copied Container object to what queries need.
// A lock on the Container is not held because these are immutable deep copies.
func (v *memdbView) transform(container *Container) *Snapshot {
snapshot := &Snapshot{
Container: types.Container{
ID: container.ID,
Names: v.getNames(container.ID),
ImageID: container.ImageID.String(),
Ports: []types.Port{},
Mounts: container.GetMountPoints(),
State: container.State.StateString(),
Status: container.State.String(),
Created: container.Created.Unix(),
CreatedAt: container.Created,
StartedAt: container.StartedAt,
Name: container.Name,
Pid: container.Pid,
Managed: container.Managed,
ExposedPorts: make(nat.PortSet),
PortBindings: make(nat.PortSet),
Health: container.HealthString(),
Running: container.Running,
Paused: container.Paused,
ExitCode: container.ExitCode(),
if snapshot.Names == nil {
// Dead containers will often have no name, so make sure the response isn't null
snapshot.Names = []string{}
if container.HostConfig != nil {
snapshot.Container.HostConfig.NetworkMode = string(container.HostConfig.NetworkMode)
snapshot.HostConfig.Isolation = string(container.HostConfig.Isolation)
for binding := range container.HostConfig.PortBindings {
snapshot.PortBindings[binding] = struct{}{}
if container.Config != nil {
snapshot.Image = container.Config.Image
snapshot.Labels = container.Config.Labels
for exposed := range container.Config.ExposedPorts {
snapshot.ExposedPorts[exposed] = struct{}{}
if len(container.Args) > 0 {
args := []string{}
for _, arg := range container.Args {
if strings.Contains(arg, " ") {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", arg))
} else {
args = append(args, arg)
argsAsString := strings.Join(args, " ")
snapshot.Command = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", container.Path, argsAsString)
} else {
snapshot.Command = container.Path
snapshot.Ports = []types.Port{}
networks := make(map[string]*network.EndpointSettings)
if container.NetworkSettings != nil {
for name, netw := range container.NetworkSettings.Networks {
if netw == nil || netw.EndpointSettings == nil {
networks[name] = &network.EndpointSettings{
EndpointID: netw.EndpointID,
Gateway: netw.Gateway,
IPAddress: netw.IPAddress,
IPPrefixLen: netw.IPPrefixLen,
IPv6Gateway: netw.IPv6Gateway,
GlobalIPv6Address: netw.GlobalIPv6Address,
GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: netw.GlobalIPv6PrefixLen,
MacAddress: netw.MacAddress,
NetworkID: netw.NetworkID,
if netw.IPAMConfig != nil {
networks[name].IPAMConfig = &network.EndpointIPAMConfig{
IPv4Address: netw.IPAMConfig.IPv4Address,
IPv6Address: netw.IPAMConfig.IPv6Address,
for port, bindings := range container.NetworkSettings.Ports {
p, err := nat.ParsePort(port.Port())
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("invalid port map %+v", err)
if len(bindings) == 0 {
snapshot.Ports = append(snapshot.Ports, types.Port{
PrivatePort: uint16(p),
Type: port.Proto(),
for _, binding := range bindings {
h, err := nat.ParsePort(binding.HostPort)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("invalid host port map %+v", err)
snapshot.Ports = append(snapshot.Ports, types.Port{
PrivatePort: uint16(p),
PublicPort: uint16(h),
Type: port.Proto(),
IP: binding.HostIP,
snapshot.NetworkSettings = &types.SummaryNetworkSettings{Networks: networks}
return snapshot
// containerByIDIndexer is used to extract the ID field from Container types.
// memdb.StringFieldIndex can not be used since ID is a field from an embedded struct.
type containerByIDIndexer struct{}
// FromObject implements the memdb.SingleIndexer interface for Container objects
func (e *containerByIDIndexer) FromObject(obj interface{}) (bool, []byte, error) {
c, ok := obj.(*Container)
if !ok {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("%T is not a Container", obj)
// Add the null character as a terminator
v := c.ID + "\x00"
return true, []byte(v), nil
// FromArgs implements the memdb.Indexer interface
func (e *containerByIDIndexer) FromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if len(args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide only a single argument")
arg, ok := args[0].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("argument must be a string: %#v", args[0])
// Add the null character as a terminator
arg += "\x00"
return []byte(arg), nil
// namesByNameIndexer is used to index container name associations by name.
type namesByNameIndexer struct{}
func (e *namesByNameIndexer) FromObject(obj interface{}) (bool, []byte, error) {
n, ok := obj.(nameAssociation)
if !ok {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf(`%T does not have type "nameAssociation"`, obj)
// Add the null character as a terminator
return true, []byte(n.name + "\x00"), nil
func (e *namesByNameIndexer) FromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if len(args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide only a single argument")
arg, ok := args[0].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("argument must be a string: %#v", args[0])
// Add the null character as a terminator
arg += "\x00"
return []byte(arg), nil
// namesByContainerIDIndexer is used to index container names by container ID.
type namesByContainerIDIndexer struct{}
func (e *namesByContainerIDIndexer) FromObject(obj interface{}) (bool, []byte, error) {
n, ok := obj.(nameAssociation)
if !ok {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf(`%T does not have type "nameAssocation"`, obj)
// Add the null character as a terminator
return true, []byte(n.containerID + "\x00"), nil
func (e *namesByContainerIDIndexer) FromArgs(args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if len(args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide only a single argument")
arg, ok := args[0].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("argument must be a string: %#v", args[0])
// Add the null character as a terminator
arg += "\x00"
return []byte(arg), nil