
140 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
export INTEGRATION_ROOT=./integration-tmp
export TMPC_ROOT=./integration-tmp/tmpc
declare -A cmap
trap "cleanup_containers" EXIT SIGINT
function cleanup_containers() {
for c in "${!cmap[@]}"; do
docker rm -f $c 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1 || true
unset cmap
function run_bridge_tests() {
## Setup
start_dnet 1 bridge 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 1 - bridge]=dnet-1-bridge
## Run the test cases
./integration-tmp/bin/bats ./test/integration/dnet/bridge.bats
## Teardown
stop_dnet 1 bridge 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-1-bridge]
function run_overlay_local_tests() {
## Test overlay network in local scope
## Setup
start_dnet 1 local 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 1 - local]=dnet-1-local
start_dnet 2 local:$(dnet_container_ip 1 local) 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 2 - local]=dnet-2-local
start_dnet 3 local:$(dnet_container_ip 1 local) 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 3 - local]=dnet-3-local
## Run the test cases
./integration-tmp/bin/bats ./test/integration/dnet/overlay-local.bats
## Teardown
stop_dnet 1 local 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-1-local]
stop_dnet 2 local 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-2-local]
stop_dnet 3 local 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-3-local]
function run_overlay_etcd_tests() {
## Test overlay network with etcd
start_dnet 1 etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 1 - etcd]=dnet-1-etcd
start_dnet 2 etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 2 - etcd]=dnet-2-etcd
start_dnet 3 etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 3 - etcd]=dnet-3-etcd
./integration-tmp/bin/bats ./test/integration/dnet/overlay-etcd.bats
stop_dnet 1 etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-1-etcd]
stop_dnet 2 etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-2-etcd]
stop_dnet 3 etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-3-etcd]
function run_dnet_tests() {
# Test dnet configuration options
./integration-tmp/bin/bats ./test/integration/dnet/dnet.bats
function run_multi_etcd_tests() {
# Test multi node configuration with a global scope test driver backed by etcd
## Setup
start_dnet 1 multi_etcd etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 1 - multi_etcd]=dnet-1-multi_etcd
start_dnet 2 multi_etcd etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 2 - multi_etcd]=dnet-2-multi_etcd
start_dnet 3 multi_etcd etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
cmap[dnet - 3 - multi_etcd]=dnet-3-multi_etcd
## Run the test cases
./integration-tmp/bin/bats ./test/integration/dnet/multi.bats
## Teardown
stop_dnet 1 multi_etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-1-multi_etcd]
stop_dnet 2 multi_etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-2-multi_etcd]
stop_dnet 3 multi_etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
unset cmap[dnet-3-multi_etcd]
source ./test/integration/dnet/helpers.bash
if [ ! -d ${INTEGRATION_ROOT} ]; then
git clone ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/bats
./integration-tmp/bats/ ./integration-tmp
if [ ! -d ${TMPC_ROOT} ]; then
mkdir -p ${TMPC_ROOT}
docker pull busybox:ubuntu
docker export $(docker create busybox:ubuntu) > ${TMPC_ROOT}/busybox.tar
mkdir -p ${TMPC_ROOT}/rootfs
tar -C ${TMPC_ROOT}/rootfs -xf ${TMPC_ROOT}/busybox.tar
# Suite setup
if [ -z "$SUITES" ]; then
suites="dnet multi_etcd bridge overlay_etcd"
if [[ "$suites" =~ .*etcd.* ]]; then
echo "Starting etcd ..."
start_etcd 1>> ${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/test.log 2>&1
echo ""
for suite in ${suites}; do
echo "Running ${suite}_tests ..."
declare -F $suite_func > /dev/null && $suite_func
echo ""