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Yong Tang 9ce8aac55e Show volume options for docker volume inspect
This fix tries to address the issue raised in 25545 where
volume options at the creation time is not showed up
in `docker volume inspect`.

This fix adds the field `Options` in `Volume` type and
persist the options in volume db so that `volume inspect`
could display the options.

This fix adds a couple of test cases to cover the changes.

This fix fixes 25545.

Signed-off-by: Yong Tang <yong.tang.github@outlook.com>
2016-10-20 05:14:27 -07:00

586 lines
19 KiB

package types
import (
// ContainerCreateResponse contains the information returned to a client on the
// creation of a new container.
type ContainerCreateResponse struct {
// ID is the ID of the created container.
ID string `json:"Id"`
// Warnings are any warnings encountered during the creation of the container.
Warnings []string `json:"Warnings"`
// ContainerExecCreateResponse contains response of Remote API:
// POST "/containers/{name:.*}/exec"
type ContainerExecCreateResponse struct {
// ID is the exec ID.
ID string `json:"Id"`
// ContainerUpdateResponse contains response of Remote API:
// POST "/containers/{name:.*}/update"
type ContainerUpdateResponse struct {
// Warnings are any warnings encountered during the updating of the container.
Warnings []string `json:"Warnings"`
// AuthResponse contains response of Remote API:
// POST "/auth"
type AuthResponse struct {
// Status is the authentication status
Status string `json:"Status"`
// IdentityToken is an opaque token used for authenticating
// a user after a successful login.
IdentityToken string `json:"IdentityToken,omitempty"`
// ContainerWaitResponse contains response of Remote API:
// POST "/containers/"+containerID+"/wait"
type ContainerWaitResponse struct {
// StatusCode is the status code of the wait job
StatusCode int `json:"StatusCode"`
// ContainerCommitResponse contains response of Remote API:
// POST "/commit?container="+containerID
type ContainerCommitResponse struct {
ID string `json:"Id"`
// ContainerChange contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/containers/{name:.*}/changes"
type ContainerChange struct {
Kind int
Path string
// ImageHistory contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/images/{name:.*}/history"
type ImageHistory struct {
ID string `json:"Id"`
Created int64
CreatedBy string
Tags []string
Size int64
Comment string
// ImageDelete contains response of Remote API:
// DELETE "/images/{name:.*}"
type ImageDelete struct {
Untagged string `json:",omitempty"`
Deleted string `json:",omitempty"`
// Image contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/images/json"
type Image struct {
ID string `json:"Id"`
ParentID string `json:"ParentId"`
RepoTags []string
RepoDigests []string
Created int64
Size int64
SharedSize int64
VirtualSize int64
Labels map[string]string
Containers int64
// GraphDriverData returns Image's graph driver config info
// when calling inspect command
type GraphDriverData struct {
Name string
Data map[string]string
// RootFS returns Image's RootFS description including the layer IDs.
type RootFS struct {
Type string
Layers []string `json:",omitempty"`
BaseLayer string `json:",omitempty"`
// ImageInspect contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/images/{name:.*}/json"
type ImageInspect struct {
ID string `json:"Id"`
RepoTags []string
RepoDigests []string
Parent string
Comment string
Created string
Container string
ContainerConfig *container.Config
DockerVersion string
Author string
Config *container.Config
Architecture string
Os string
OsVersion string `json:",omitempty"`
Size int64
VirtualSize int64
GraphDriver GraphDriverData
RootFS RootFS
// Port stores open ports info of container
// e.g. {"PrivatePort": 8080, "PublicPort": 80, "Type": "tcp"}
type Port struct {
IP string `json:",omitempty"`
PrivatePort int
PublicPort int `json:",omitempty"`
Type string
// Container contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/containers/json"
type Container struct {
ID string `json:"Id"`
Names []string
Image string
ImageID string
Command string
Created int64
Ports []Port
SizeRw int64 `json:",omitempty"`
SizeRootFs int64 `json:",omitempty"`
Labels map[string]string
State string
Status string
HostConfig struct {
NetworkMode string `json:",omitempty"`
NetworkSettings *SummaryNetworkSettings
Mounts []MountPoint
// CopyConfig contains request body of Remote API:
// POST "/containers/"+containerID+"/copy"
type CopyConfig struct {
Resource string
// ContainerPathStat is used to encode the header from
// GET "/containers/{name:.*}/archive"
// "Name" is the file or directory name.
type ContainerPathStat struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Mode os.FileMode `json:"mode"`
Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"`
LinkTarget string `json:"linkTarget"`
// ContainerStats contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/stats"
type ContainerStats struct {
Body io.ReadCloser `json:"body"`
OSType string `json:"ostype"`
// ContainerProcessList contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/containers/{name:.*}/top"
type ContainerProcessList struct {
Processes [][]string
Titles []string
// Version contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/version"
type Version struct {
Version string
APIVersion string `json:"ApiVersion"`
GitCommit string
GoVersion string
Os string
Arch string
KernelVersion string `json:",omitempty"`
Experimental bool `json:",omitempty"`
BuildTime string `json:",omitempty"`
// Info contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/info"
type Info struct {
ID string
Containers int
ContainersRunning int
ContainersPaused int
ContainersStopped int
Images int
Driver string
DriverStatus [][2]string
SystemStatus [][2]string
Plugins PluginsInfo
MemoryLimit bool
SwapLimit bool
KernelMemory bool
CPUCfsPeriod bool `json:"CpuCfsPeriod"`
CPUCfsQuota bool `json:"CpuCfsQuota"`
CPUShares bool
CPUSet bool
IPv4Forwarding bool
BridgeNfIptables bool
BridgeNfIP6tables bool `json:"BridgeNfIp6tables"`
Debug bool
NFd int
OomKillDisable bool
NGoroutines int
SystemTime string
LoggingDriver string
CgroupDriver string
NEventsListener int
KernelVersion string
OperatingSystem string
OSType string
Architecture string
IndexServerAddress string
RegistryConfig *registry.ServiceConfig
NCPU int
MemTotal int64
DockerRootDir string
HTTPProxy string `json:"HttpProxy"`
HTTPSProxy string `json:"HttpsProxy"`
NoProxy string
Name string
Labels []string
ExperimentalBuild bool
ServerVersion string
ClusterStore string
ClusterAdvertise string
SecurityOptions []string
Runtimes map[string]Runtime
DefaultRuntime string
Swarm swarm.Info
// LiveRestoreEnabled determines whether containers should be kept
// running when the daemon is shutdown or upon daemon start if
// running containers are detected
LiveRestoreEnabled bool
Isolation container.Isolation
// PluginsInfo is a temp struct holding Plugins name
// registered with docker daemon. It is used by Info struct
type PluginsInfo struct {
// List of Volume plugins registered
Volume []string
// List of Network plugins registered
Network []string
// List of Authorization plugins registered
Authorization []string
// ExecStartCheck is a temp struct used by execStart
// Config fields is part of ExecConfig in runconfig package
type ExecStartCheck struct {
// ExecStart will first check if it's detached
Detach bool
// Check if there's a tty
Tty bool
// HealthcheckResult stores information about a single run of a healthcheck probe
type HealthcheckResult struct {
Start time.Time // Start is the time this check started
End time.Time // End is the time this check ended
ExitCode int // ExitCode meanings: 0=healthy, 1=unhealthy, 2=reserved (considered unhealthy), else=error running probe
Output string // Output from last check
// Health states
const (
Starting = "starting" // Starting indicates that the container is not yet ready
Healthy = "healthy" // Healthy indicates that the container is running correctly
Unhealthy = "unhealthy" // Unhealthy indicates that the container has a problem
// Health stores information about the container's healthcheck results
type Health struct {
Status string // Status is one of Starting, Healthy or Unhealthy
FailingStreak int // FailingStreak is the number of consecutive failures
Log []*HealthcheckResult // Log contains the last few results (oldest first)
// ContainerState stores container's running state
// it's part of ContainerJSONBase and will return by "inspect" command
type ContainerState struct {
Status string
Running bool
Paused bool
Restarting bool
OOMKilled bool
Dead bool
Pid int
ExitCode int
Error string
StartedAt string
FinishedAt string
Health *Health `json:",omitempty"`
// ContainerNode stores information about the node that a container
// is running on. It's only available in Docker Swarm
type ContainerNode struct {
ID string
IPAddress string `json:"IP"`
Addr string
Name string
Cpus int
Memory int64
Labels map[string]string
// ContainerJSONBase contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/containers/{name:.*}/json"
type ContainerJSONBase struct {
ID string `json:"Id"`
Created string
Path string
Args []string
State *ContainerState
Image string
ResolvConfPath string
HostnamePath string
HostsPath string
LogPath string
Node *ContainerNode `json:",omitempty"`
Name string
RestartCount int
Driver string
MountLabel string
ProcessLabel string
AppArmorProfile string
ExecIDs []string
HostConfig *container.HostConfig
GraphDriver GraphDriverData
SizeRw *int64 `json:",omitempty"`
SizeRootFs *int64 `json:",omitempty"`
// ContainerJSON is newly used struct along with MountPoint
type ContainerJSON struct {
Mounts []MountPoint
Config *container.Config
NetworkSettings *NetworkSettings
// NetworkSettings exposes the network settings in the api
type NetworkSettings struct {
Networks map[string]*network.EndpointSettings
// SummaryNetworkSettings provides a summary of container's networks
// in /containers/json
type SummaryNetworkSettings struct {
Networks map[string]*network.EndpointSettings
// NetworkSettingsBase holds basic information about networks
type NetworkSettingsBase struct {
Bridge string // Bridge is the Bridge name the network uses(e.g. `docker0`)
SandboxID string // SandboxID uniquely represents a container's network stack
HairpinMode bool // HairpinMode specifies if hairpin NAT should be enabled on the virtual interface
LinkLocalIPv6Address string // LinkLocalIPv6Address is an IPv6 unicast address using the link-local prefix
LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen int // LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen is the prefix length of an IPv6 unicast address
Ports nat.PortMap // Ports is a collection of PortBinding indexed by Port
SandboxKey string // SandboxKey identifies the sandbox
SecondaryIPAddresses []network.Address
SecondaryIPv6Addresses []network.Address
// DefaultNetworkSettings holds network information
// during the 2 release deprecation period.
// It will be removed in Docker 1.11.
type DefaultNetworkSettings struct {
EndpointID string // EndpointID uniquely represents a service endpoint in a Sandbox
Gateway string // Gateway holds the gateway address for the network
GlobalIPv6Address string // GlobalIPv6Address holds network's global IPv6 address
GlobalIPv6PrefixLen int // GlobalIPv6PrefixLen represents mask length of network's global IPv6 address
IPAddress string // IPAddress holds the IPv4 address for the network
IPPrefixLen int // IPPrefixLen represents mask length of network's IPv4 address
IPv6Gateway string // IPv6Gateway holds gateway address specific for IPv6
MacAddress string // MacAddress holds the MAC address for the network
// MountPoint represents a mount point configuration inside the container.
// This is used for reporting the mountpoints in use by a container.
type MountPoint struct {
Type mount.Type `json:",omitempty"`
Name string `json:",omitempty"`
Source string
Destination string
Driver string `json:",omitempty"`
Mode string
RW bool
Propagation mount.Propagation
// VolumeUsageData holds information regarding the volume usage
type VolumeUsageData struct {
Size int64 // Size holds how much disk space is used by the (local driver only). Sets to -1 if not provided.
RefCount int // RefCount holds the number of containers having this volume attached to them. Sets to -1 if not provided.
// Volume represents the configuration of a volume for the remote API
type Volume struct {
Name string // Name is the name of the volume
Driver string // Driver is the Driver name used to create the volume
Mountpoint string // Mountpoint is the location on disk of the volume
Status map[string]interface{} `json:",omitempty"` // Status provides low-level status information about the volume
Labels map[string]string // Labels is metadata specific to the volume
Scope string // Scope describes the level at which the volume exists (e.g. `global` for cluster-wide or `local` for machine level)
Options map[string]string // Options holds the driver specific options to use for when creating the volume.
UsageData *VolumeUsageData `json:",omitempty"`
// VolumesListResponse contains the response for the remote API:
// GET "/volumes"
type VolumesListResponse struct {
Volumes []*Volume // Volumes is the list of volumes being returned
Warnings []string // Warnings is a list of warnings that occurred when getting the list from the volume drivers
// VolumeCreateRequest contains the request for the remote API:
// POST "/volumes/create"
type VolumeCreateRequest struct {
Name string // Name is the requested name of the volume
Driver string // Driver is the name of the driver that should be used to create the volume
DriverOpts map[string]string // DriverOpts holds the driver specific options to use for when creating the volume.
Labels map[string]string // Labels holds metadata specific to the volume being created.
// NetworkResource is the body of the "get network" http response message
type NetworkResource struct {
Name string // Name is the requested name of the network
ID string `json:"Id"` // ID uniquely identifies a network on a single machine
Created time.Time // Created is the time the network created
Scope string // Scope describes the level at which the network exists (e.g. `global` for cluster-wide or `local` for machine level)
Driver string // Driver is the Driver name used to create the network (e.g. `bridge`, `overlay`)
EnableIPv6 bool // EnableIPv6 represents whether to enable IPv6
IPAM network.IPAM // IPAM is the network's IP Address Management
Internal bool // Internal represents if the network is used internal only
Attachable bool // Attachable represents if the global scope is manually attachable by regular containers from workers in swarm mode.
Containers map[string]EndpointResource // Containers contains endpoints belonging to the network
Options map[string]string // Options holds the network specific options to use for when creating the network
Labels map[string]string // Labels holds metadata specific to the network being created
// EndpointResource contains network resources allocated and used for a container in a network
type EndpointResource struct {
Name string
EndpointID string
MacAddress string
IPv4Address string
IPv6Address string
// NetworkCreate is the expected body of the "create network" http request message
type NetworkCreate struct {
CheckDuplicate bool
Driver string
EnableIPv6 bool
IPAM *network.IPAM
Internal bool
Attachable bool
Options map[string]string
Labels map[string]string
// NetworkCreateRequest is the request message sent to the server for network create call.
type NetworkCreateRequest struct {
Name string
// NetworkCreateResponse is the response message sent by the server for network create call
type NetworkCreateResponse struct {
ID string `json:"Id"`
Warning string
// NetworkConnect represents the data to be used to connect a container to the network
type NetworkConnect struct {
Container string
EndpointConfig *network.EndpointSettings `json:",omitempty"`
// NetworkDisconnect represents the data to be used to disconnect a container from the network
type NetworkDisconnect struct {
Container string
Force bool
// Checkpoint represents the details of a checkpoint
type Checkpoint struct {
Name string // Name is the name of the checkpoint
// Runtime describes an OCI runtime
type Runtime struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
Args []string `json:"runtimeArgs,omitempty"`
// DiskUsage contains response of Remote API:
// GET "/system/df"
type DiskUsage struct {
LayersSize int64
Images []*Image
Containers []*Container
Volumes []*Volume
// ImagesPruneConfig contains the configuration for Remote API:
// POST "/images/prune"
type ImagesPruneConfig struct {
DanglingOnly bool
// ContainersPruneConfig contains the configuration for Remote API:
// POST "/images/prune"
type ContainersPruneConfig struct {
// VolumesPruneConfig contains the configuration for Remote API:
// POST "/images/prune"
type VolumesPruneConfig struct {
// ContainersPruneReport contains the response for Remote API:
// POST "/containers/prune"
type ContainersPruneReport struct {
ContainersDeleted []string
SpaceReclaimed uint64
// VolumesPruneReport contains the response for Remote API:
// POST "/volumes/prune"
type VolumesPruneReport struct {
VolumesDeleted []string
SpaceReclaimed uint64
// ImagesPruneReport contains the response for Remote API:
// POST "/images/prune"
type ImagesPruneReport struct {
ImagesDeleted []ImageDelete
SpaceReclaimed uint64