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mirror of https://github.com/moby/moby.git synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
Chris Telfer 013ca3bdf8 Make DSR an overlay-specific driver "option"
Allow DSR to be a configurable option through a generic option to the
overlay driver.  On the one hand this approach makes sense insofar as
only overlay networks can currently perform load balancing.  On the
other hand, this approach has several issues.  First, should we create
another type of swarm scope network, this will prevent it working.
Second, the service core code is separate from the driver code and the
driver code can't influence the core data structures.  So the driver
code can't set this option itself.  Therefore, implementing in this way
requires some hack code to test for this option in

A more correct approach would be to make this a generic option for any
network.  Then the driver could ignore, reject or be unaware of the option
depending on the chosen model.  This would require changes to:
  * libnetwork - naturally
  * the docker API - to carry the option
  * swarmkit - to propagate the option
  * the docker CLI - to support the option
  * moby - to translate the API option into a libnetwork option
Given the urgency of requests to address this issue, this approach will
be saved for a future iteration.

Signed-off-by: Chris Telfer <ctelfer@docker.com>
2018-10-11 14:13:19 -04:00

1357 lines
36 KiB

Package libnetwork provides the basic functionality and extension points to
create network namespaces and allocate interfaces for containers to use.
networkType := "bridge"
// Create a new controller instance
driverOptions := options.Generic{}
genericOption := make(map[string]interface{})
genericOption[netlabel.GenericData] = driverOptions
controller, err := libnetwork.New(config.OptionDriverConfig(networkType, genericOption))
if err != nil {
// Create a network for containers to join.
// NewNetwork accepts Variadic optional arguments that libnetwork and Drivers can make use of
network, err := controller.NewNetwork(networkType, "network1", "")
if err != nil {
// For each new container: allocate IP and interfaces. The returned network
// settings will be used for container infos (inspect and such), as well as
// iptables rules for port publishing. This info is contained or accessible
// from the returned endpoint.
ep, err := network.CreateEndpoint("Endpoint1")
if err != nil {
// Create the sandbox for the container.
// NewSandbox accepts Variadic optional arguments which libnetwork can use.
sbx, err := controller.NewSandbox("container1",
// A sandbox can join the endpoint via the join api.
err = ep.Join(sbx)
if err != nil {
package libnetwork
import (
// NetworkController provides the interface for controller instance which manages
// networks.
type NetworkController interface {
// ID provides a unique identity for the controller
ID() string
// BuiltinDrivers returns list of builtin drivers
BuiltinDrivers() []string
// BuiltinIPAMDrivers returns list of builtin ipam drivers
BuiltinIPAMDrivers() []string
// Config method returns the bootup configuration for the controller
Config() config.Config
// Create a new network. The options parameter carries network specific options.
NewNetwork(networkType, name string, id string, options ...NetworkOption) (Network, error)
// Networks returns the list of Network(s) managed by this controller.
Networks() []Network
// WalkNetworks uses the provided function to walk the Network(s) managed by this controller.
WalkNetworks(walker NetworkWalker)
// NetworkByName returns the Network which has the passed name. If not found, the error ErrNoSuchNetwork is returned.
NetworkByName(name string) (Network, error)
// NetworkByID returns the Network which has the passed id. If not found, the error ErrNoSuchNetwork is returned.
NetworkByID(id string) (Network, error)
// NewSandbox creates a new network sandbox for the passed container id
NewSandbox(containerID string, options ...SandboxOption) (Sandbox, error)
// Sandboxes returns the list of Sandbox(s) managed by this controller.
Sandboxes() []Sandbox
// WalkSandboxes uses the provided function to walk the Sandbox(s) managed by this controller.
WalkSandboxes(walker SandboxWalker)
// SandboxByID returns the Sandbox which has the passed id. If not found, a types.NotFoundError is returned.
SandboxByID(id string) (Sandbox, error)
// SandboxDestroy destroys a sandbox given a container ID
SandboxDestroy(id string) error
// Stop network controller
// ReloadConfiguration updates the controller configuration
ReloadConfiguration(cfgOptions ...config.Option) error
// SetClusterProvider sets cluster provider
SetClusterProvider(provider cluster.Provider)
// Wait for agent initialization complete in libnetwork controller
// Wait for agent to stop if running
// SetKeys configures the encryption key for gossip and overlay data path
SetKeys(keys []*types.EncryptionKey) error
// StartDiagnostic start the network diagnostic mode
StartDiagnostic(port int)
// StopDiagnostic start the network diagnostic mode
// IsDiagnosticEnabled returns true if the diagnostic is enabled
IsDiagnosticEnabled() bool
// NetworkWalker is a client provided function which will be used to walk the Networks.
// When the function returns true, the walk will stop.
type NetworkWalker func(nw Network) bool
// SandboxWalker is a client provided function which will be used to walk the Sandboxes.
// When the function returns true, the walk will stop.
type SandboxWalker func(sb Sandbox) bool
type sandboxTable map[string]*sandbox
type controller struct {
id string
drvRegistry *drvregistry.DrvRegistry
sandboxes sandboxTable
cfg *config.Config
stores []datastore.DataStore
discovery hostdiscovery.HostDiscovery
extKeyListener net.Listener
watchCh chan *endpoint
unWatchCh chan *endpoint
svcRecords map[string]svcInfo
nmap map[string]*netWatch
serviceBindings map[serviceKey]*service
defOsSbox osl.Sandbox
ingressSandbox *sandbox
sboxOnce sync.Once
agent *agent
networkLocker *locker.Locker
agentInitDone chan struct{}
agentStopDone chan struct{}
keys []*types.EncryptionKey
clusterConfigAvailable bool
DiagnosticServer *diagnostic.Server
type initializer struct {
fn drvregistry.InitFunc
ntype string
// New creates a new instance of network controller.
func New(cfgOptions ...config.Option) (NetworkController, error) {
c := &controller{
id: stringid.GenerateRandomID(),
cfg: config.ParseConfigOptions(cfgOptions...),
sandboxes: sandboxTable{},
svcRecords: make(map[string]svcInfo),
serviceBindings: make(map[serviceKey]*service),
agentInitDone: make(chan struct{}),
networkLocker: locker.New(),
DiagnosticServer: diagnostic.New(),
if err := c.initStores(); err != nil {
return nil, err
drvRegistry, err := drvregistry.New(c.getStore(datastore.LocalScope), c.getStore(datastore.GlobalScope), c.RegisterDriver, nil, c.cfg.PluginGetter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, i := range getInitializers(c.cfg.Daemon.Experimental) {
var dcfg map[string]interface{}
// External plugins don't need config passed through daemon. They can
// bootstrap themselves
if i.ntype != "remote" {
dcfg = c.makeDriverConfig(i.ntype)
if err := drvRegistry.AddDriver(i.ntype, i.fn, dcfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = initIPAMDrivers(drvRegistry, nil, c.getStore(datastore.GlobalScope), c.cfg.Daemon.DefaultAddressPool); err != nil {
return nil, err
c.drvRegistry = drvRegistry
if c.cfg != nil && c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher != nil {
if err := c.initDiscovery(c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher); err != nil {
// Failing to initialize discovery is a bad situation to be in.
// But it cannot fail creating the Controller
logrus.Errorf("Failed to Initialize Discovery : %v", err)
// Reserve pools first before doing cleanup. Otherwise the
// cleanups of endpoint/network and sandbox below will
// generate many unnecessary warnings
// Cleanup resources
if err := c.startExternalKeyListener(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (c *controller) SetClusterProvider(provider cluster.Provider) {
var sameProvider bool
// Avoids to spawn multiple goroutine for the same cluster provider
if c.cfg.Daemon.ClusterProvider == provider {
// If the cluster provider is already set, there is already a go routine spawned
// that is listening for events, so nothing to do here
sameProvider = true
} else {
c.cfg.Daemon.ClusterProvider = provider
if provider == nil || sameProvider {
// We don't want to spawn a new go routine if the previous one did not exit yet
go c.clusterAgentInit()
func isValidClusteringIP(addr string) bool {
return addr != "" && !net.ParseIP(addr).IsLoopback() && !net.ParseIP(addr).IsUnspecified()
// libnetwork side of agent depends on the keys. On the first receipt of
// keys setup the agent. For subsequent key set handle the key change
func (c *controller) SetKeys(keys []*types.EncryptionKey) error {
subsysKeys := make(map[string]int)
for _, key := range keys {
if key.Subsystem != subsysGossip &&
key.Subsystem != subsysIPSec {
return fmt.Errorf("key received for unrecognized subsystem")
for s, count := range subsysKeys {
if count != keyringSize {
return fmt.Errorf("incorrect number of keys for subsystem %v", s)
agent := c.getAgent()
if agent == nil {
c.keys = keys
return nil
return c.handleKeyChange(keys)
func (c *controller) getAgent() *agent {
defer c.Unlock()
return c.agent
func (c *controller) clusterAgentInit() {
clusterProvider := c.cfg.Daemon.ClusterProvider
var keysAvailable bool
for {
eventType := <-clusterProvider.ListenClusterEvents()
// The events: EventSocketChange, EventNodeReady and EventNetworkKeysAvailable are not ordered
// when all the condition for the agent initialization are met then proceed with it
switch eventType {
case cluster.EventNetworkKeysAvailable:
// Validates that the keys are actually available before starting the initialization
// This will handle old spurious messages left on the channel
keysAvailable = c.keys != nil
case cluster.EventSocketChange, cluster.EventNodeReady:
if keysAvailable && !c.isDistributedControl() {
if err := c.agentSetup(clusterProvider); err != nil {
} else {
case cluster.EventNodeLeave:
keysAvailable = false
c.keys = nil
// We are leaving the cluster. Make sure we
// close the gossip so that we stop all
// incoming gossip updates before cleaning up
// any remaining service bindings. But before
// deleting the networks since the networks
// should still be present when cleaning up
// service bindings
// AgentInitWait waits for agent initialization to be completed in the controller.
func (c *controller) AgentInitWait() {
agentInitDone := c.agentInitDone
if agentInitDone != nil {
// AgentStopWait waits for the Agent stop to be completed in the controller
func (c *controller) AgentStopWait() {
agentStopDone := c.agentStopDone
if agentStopDone != nil {
// agentOperationStart marks the start of an Agent Init or Agent Stop
func (c *controller) agentOperationStart() {
if c.agentInitDone == nil {
c.agentInitDone = make(chan struct{})
if c.agentStopDone == nil {
c.agentStopDone = make(chan struct{})
// agentInitComplete notifies the successful completion of the Agent initialization
func (c *controller) agentInitComplete() {
if c.agentInitDone != nil {
c.agentInitDone = nil
// agentStopComplete notifies the successful completion of the Agent stop
func (c *controller) agentStopComplete() {
if c.agentStopDone != nil {
c.agentStopDone = nil
func (c *controller) makeDriverConfig(ntype string) map[string]interface{} {
if c.cfg == nil {
return nil
config := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, label := range c.cfg.Daemon.Labels {
if !strings.HasPrefix(netlabel.Key(label), netlabel.DriverPrefix+"."+ntype) {
config[netlabel.Key(label)] = netlabel.Value(label)
drvCfg, ok := c.cfg.Daemon.DriverCfg[ntype]
if ok {
for k, v := range drvCfg.(map[string]interface{}) {
config[k] = v
for k, v := range c.cfg.Scopes {
if !v.IsValid() {
config[netlabel.MakeKVClient(k)] = discoverapi.DatastoreConfigData{
Scope: k,
Provider: v.Client.Provider,
Address: v.Client.Address,
Config: v.Client.Config,
return config
var procReloadConfig = make(chan (bool), 1)
func (c *controller) ReloadConfiguration(cfgOptions ...config.Option) error {
procReloadConfig <- true
defer func() { <-procReloadConfig }()
// For now we accept the configuration reload only as a mean to provide a global store config after boot.
// Refuse the configuration if it alters an existing datastore client configuration.
update := false
cfg := config.ParseConfigOptions(cfgOptions...)
for s := range c.cfg.Scopes {
if _, ok := cfg.Scopes[s]; !ok {
return types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot accept new configuration because it removes an existing datastore client")
for s, nSCfg := range cfg.Scopes {
if eSCfg, ok := c.cfg.Scopes[s]; ok {
if eSCfg.Client.Provider != nSCfg.Client.Provider ||
eSCfg.Client.Address != nSCfg.Client.Address {
return types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot accept new configuration because it modifies an existing datastore client")
} else {
if err := c.initScopedStore(s, nSCfg); err != nil {
return err
update = true
if !update {
return nil
c.cfg = cfg
var dsConfig *discoverapi.DatastoreConfigData
for scope, sCfg := range cfg.Scopes {
if scope == datastore.LocalScope || !sCfg.IsValid() {
dsConfig = &discoverapi.DatastoreConfigData{
Scope: scope,
Provider: sCfg.Client.Provider,
Address: sCfg.Client.Address,
Config: sCfg.Client.Config,
if dsConfig == nil {
return nil
c.drvRegistry.WalkIPAMs(func(name string, driver ipamapi.Ipam, cap *ipamapi.Capability) bool {
err := driver.DiscoverNew(discoverapi.DatastoreConfig, *dsConfig)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to set datastore in driver %s: %v", name, err)
return false
c.drvRegistry.WalkDrivers(func(name string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) bool {
err := driver.DiscoverNew(discoverapi.DatastoreConfig, *dsConfig)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to set datastore in driver %s: %v", name, err)
return false
if c.discovery == nil && c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher != nil {
if err := c.initDiscovery(c.cfg.Cluster.Watcher); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to Initialize Discovery after configuration update: %v", err)
return nil
func (c *controller) ID() string {
return c.id
func (c *controller) BuiltinDrivers() []string {
drivers := []string{}
c.drvRegistry.WalkDrivers(func(name string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) bool {
if driver.IsBuiltIn() {
drivers = append(drivers, name)
return false
return drivers
func (c *controller) BuiltinIPAMDrivers() []string {
drivers := []string{}
c.drvRegistry.WalkIPAMs(func(name string, driver ipamapi.Ipam, cap *ipamapi.Capability) bool {
if driver.IsBuiltIn() {
drivers = append(drivers, name)
return false
return drivers
func (c *controller) validateHostDiscoveryConfig() bool {
if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.Cluster.Discovery == "" || c.cfg.Cluster.Address == "" {
return false
return true
func (c *controller) clusterHostID() string {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.Cluster.Address == "" {
return ""
addr := strings.Split(c.cfg.Cluster.Address, ":")
return addr[0]
func (c *controller) isNodeAlive(node string) bool {
if c.discovery == nil {
return false
nodes := c.discovery.Fetch()
for _, n := range nodes {
if n.String() == node {
return true
return false
func (c *controller) initDiscovery(watcher discovery.Watcher) error {
if c.cfg == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("discovery initialization requires a valid configuration")
c.discovery = hostdiscovery.NewHostDiscovery(watcher)
return c.discovery.Watch(c.activeCallback, c.hostJoinCallback, c.hostLeaveCallback)
func (c *controller) activeCallback() {
ds := c.getStore(datastore.GlobalScope)
if ds != nil && !ds.Active() {
func (c *controller) hostJoinCallback(nodes []net.IP) {
c.processNodeDiscovery(nodes, true)
func (c *controller) hostLeaveCallback(nodes []net.IP) {
c.processNodeDiscovery(nodes, false)
func (c *controller) processNodeDiscovery(nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
c.drvRegistry.WalkDrivers(func(name string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) bool {
c.pushNodeDiscovery(driver, capability, nodes, add)
return false
func (c *controller) pushNodeDiscovery(d driverapi.Driver, cap driverapi.Capability, nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
var self net.IP
if c.cfg != nil {
addr := strings.Split(c.cfg.Cluster.Address, ":")
self = net.ParseIP(addr[0])
// if external kvstore is not configured, try swarm-mode config
if self == nil {
if agent := c.getAgent(); agent != nil {
self = net.ParseIP(agent.advertiseAddr)
if d == nil || cap.ConnectivityScope != datastore.GlobalScope || nodes == nil {
for _, node := range nodes {
nodeData := discoverapi.NodeDiscoveryData{Address: node.String(), Self: node.Equal(self)}
var err error
if add {
err = d.DiscoverNew(discoverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
} else {
err = d.DiscoverDelete(discoverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("discovery notification error: %v", err)
func (c *controller) Config() config.Config {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.cfg == nil {
return config.Config{}
return *c.cfg
func (c *controller) isManager() bool {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.Daemon.ClusterProvider == nil {
return false
return c.cfg.Daemon.ClusterProvider.IsManager()
func (c *controller) isAgent() bool {
defer c.Unlock()
if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.Daemon.ClusterProvider == nil {
return false
return c.cfg.Daemon.ClusterProvider.IsAgent()
func (c *controller) isDistributedControl() bool {
return !c.isManager() && !c.isAgent()
func (c *controller) GetPluginGetter() plugingetter.PluginGetter {
return c.drvRegistry.GetPluginGetter()
func (c *controller) RegisterDriver(networkType string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) error {
hd := c.discovery
if hd != nil {
c.pushNodeDiscovery(driver, capability, hd.Fetch(), true)
return nil
// XXX This should be made driver agnostic. See comment below.
const overlayDSROptionString = "dsr"
// NewNetwork creates a new network of the specified network type. The options
// are network specific and modeled in a generic way.
func (c *controller) NewNetwork(networkType, name string, id string, options ...NetworkOption) (Network, error) {
if id != "" {
defer c.networkLocker.Unlock(id)
if _, err := c.NetworkByID(id); err == nil {
return nil, NetworkNameError(id)
if !config.IsValidName(name) {
return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)
if id == "" {
id = stringid.GenerateRandomID()
defaultIpam := defaultIpamForNetworkType(networkType)
// Construct the network object
network := &network{
name: name,
networkType: networkType,
generic: map[string]interface{}{netlabel.GenericData: make(map[string]string)},
ipamType: defaultIpam,
id: id,
created: time.Now(),
ctrlr: c,
persist: true,
drvOnce: &sync.Once{},
loadBalancerMode: loadBalancerModeDefault,
if err := network.validateConfiguration(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
cap *driverapi.Capability
err error
// Reset network types, force local scope and skip allocation and
// plumbing for configuration networks. Reset of the config-only
// network drivers is needed so that this special network is not
// usable by old engine versions.
if network.configOnly {
network.scope = datastore.LocalScope
network.networkType = "null"
goto addToStore
_, cap, err = network.resolveDriver(network.networkType, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if network.scope == datastore.LocalScope && cap.DataScope == datastore.GlobalScope {
return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot downgrade network scope for %s networks", networkType)
if network.ingress && cap.DataScope != datastore.GlobalScope {
return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("Ingress network can only be global scope network")
// At this point the network scope is still unknown if not set by user
if (cap.DataScope == datastore.GlobalScope || network.scope == datastore.SwarmScope) &&
!c.isDistributedControl() && !network.dynamic {
if c.isManager() {
// For non-distributed controlled environment, globalscoped non-dynamic networks are redirected to Manager
return nil, ManagerRedirectError(name)
return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("Cannot create a multi-host network from a worker node. Please create the network from a manager node.")
if network.scope == datastore.SwarmScope && c.isDistributedControl() {
return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot create a swarm scoped network when swarm is not active")
// Make sure we have a driver available for this network type
// before we allocate anything.
if _, err := network.driver(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
// From this point on, we need the network specific configuration,
// which may come from a configuration-only network
if network.configFrom != "" {
t, err := c.getConfigNetwork(network.configFrom)
if err != nil {
return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("configuration network %q does not exist", network.configFrom)
if err := t.applyConfigurationTo(network); err != nil {
return nil, types.InternalErrorf("Failed to apply configuration: %v", err)
defer func() {
if err == nil {
if err := t.getEpCnt().IncEndpointCnt(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to update reference count for configuration network %q on creation of network %q: %v",
t.Name(), network.Name(), err)
err = network.ipamAllocate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = c.addNetwork(network)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if e := network.deleteNetwork(); e != nil {
logrus.Warnf("couldn't roll back driver network on network %s creation failure: %v", network.name, err)
// XXX If the driver type is "overlay" check the options for DSR
// being set. If so, set the network's load balancing mode to DSR.
// This should really be done in a network option, but due to
// time pressure to get this in without adding changes to moby,
// swarm and CLI, it is being implemented as a driver-specific
// option. Unfortunately, drivers can't influence the core
// "libnetwork.network" data type. Hence we need this hack code
// to implement in this manner.
if gval, ok := network.generic[netlabel.GenericData]; ok && network.networkType == "overlay" {
optMap := gval.(map[string]string)
if _, ok := optMap[overlayDSROptionString]; ok {
network.loadBalancerMode = loadBalancerModeDSR
// First store the endpoint count, then the network. To avoid to
// end up with a datastore containing a network and not an epCnt,
// in case of an ungraceful shutdown during this function call.
epCnt := &endpointCnt{n: network}
if err = c.updateToStore(epCnt); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if e := c.deleteFromStore(epCnt); e != nil {
logrus.Warnf("could not rollback from store, epCnt %v on failure (%v): %v", epCnt, err, e)
network.epCnt = epCnt
if err = c.updateToStore(network); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if e := c.deleteFromStore(network); e != nil {
logrus.Warnf("could not rollback from store, network %v on failure (%v): %v", network, err, e)
if network.configOnly {
return network, nil
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if e := network.leaveCluster(); e != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to leave agent cluster on network %s on failure (%v): %v", network.name, err, e)
if network.hasLoadBalancerEndpoint() {
if err = network.createLoadBalancerSandbox(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !c.isDistributedControl() {
return network, nil
var joinCluster NetworkWalker = func(nw Network) bool {
n := nw.(*network)
if n.configOnly {
return false
if err := n.joinCluster(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to join network %s (%s) into agent cluster: %v", n.Name(), n.ID(), err)
return false
func (c *controller) reservePools() {
networks, err := c.getNetworksForScope(datastore.LocalScope)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not retrieve networks from local store during ipam allocation for existing networks: %v", err)
for _, n := range networks {
if n.configOnly {
if !doReplayPoolReserve(n) {
// Construct pseudo configs for the auto IP case
autoIPv4 := (len(n.ipamV4Config) == 0 || (len(n.ipamV4Config) == 1 && n.ipamV4Config[0].PreferredPool == "")) && len(n.ipamV4Info) > 0
autoIPv6 := (len(n.ipamV6Config) == 0 || (len(n.ipamV6Config) == 1 && n.ipamV6Config[0].PreferredPool == "")) && len(n.ipamV6Info) > 0
if autoIPv4 {
n.ipamV4Config = []*IpamConf{{PreferredPool: n.ipamV4Info[0].Pool.String()}}
if n.enableIPv6 && autoIPv6 {
n.ipamV6Config = []*IpamConf{{PreferredPool: n.ipamV6Info[0].Pool.String()}}
// Account current network gateways
for i, c := range n.ipamV4Config {
if c.Gateway == "" && n.ipamV4Info[i].Gateway != nil {
c.Gateway = n.ipamV4Info[i].Gateway.IP.String()
if n.enableIPv6 {
for i, c := range n.ipamV6Config {
if c.Gateway == "" && n.ipamV6Info[i].Gateway != nil {
c.Gateway = n.ipamV6Info[i].Gateway.IP.String()
// Reserve pools
if err := n.ipamAllocate(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to allocate ipam pool(s) for network %q (%s): %v", n.Name(), n.ID(), err)
// Reserve existing endpoints' addresses
ipam, _, err := n.getController().getIPAMDriver(n.ipamType)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to retrieve ipam driver for network %q (%s) during address reservation", n.Name(), n.ID())
epl, err := n.getEndpointsFromStore()
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to retrieve list of current endpoints on network %q (%s)", n.Name(), n.ID())
for _, ep := range epl {
if err := ep.assignAddress(ipam, true, ep.Iface().AddressIPv6() != nil); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to reserve current address for endpoint %q (%s) on network %q (%s)",
ep.Name(), ep.ID(), n.Name(), n.ID())
func doReplayPoolReserve(n *network) bool {
_, caps, err := n.getController().getIPAMDriver(n.ipamType)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to retrieve ipam driver for network %q (%s): %v", n.Name(), n.ID(), err)
return false
return caps.RequiresRequestReplay
func (c *controller) addNetwork(n *network) error {
d, err := n.driver(true)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the network
if err := d.CreateNetwork(n.id, n.generic, n, n.getIPData(4), n.getIPData(6)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *controller) Networks() []Network {
var list []Network
networks, err := c.getNetworksFromStore()
if err != nil {
for _, n := range networks {
if n.inDelete {
list = append(list, n)
return list
func (c *controller) WalkNetworks(walker NetworkWalker) {
for _, n := range c.Networks() {
if walker(n) {
func (c *controller) NetworkByName(name string) (Network, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)
var n Network
s := func(current Network) bool {
if current.Name() == name {
n = current
return true
return false
if n == nil {
return nil, ErrNoSuchNetwork(name)
return n, nil
func (c *controller) NetworkByID(id string) (Network, error) {
if id == "" {
return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)
n, err := c.getNetworkFromStore(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrNoSuchNetwork(id)
return n, nil
// NewSandbox creates a new sandbox for the passed container id
func (c *controller) NewSandbox(containerID string, options ...SandboxOption) (Sandbox, error) {
if containerID == "" {
return nil, types.BadRequestErrorf("invalid container ID")
var sb *sandbox
for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
if s.containerID == containerID {
// If not a stub, then we already have a complete sandbox.
if !s.isStub {
sbID := s.ID()
return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("container %s is already present in sandbox %s", containerID, sbID)
// We already have a stub sandbox from the
// store. Make use of it so that we don't lose
// the endpoints from store but reset the
// isStub flag.
sb = s
sb.isStub = false
sandboxID := stringid.GenerateRandomID()
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
sandboxID = containerID
// Create sandbox and process options first. Key generation depends on an option
if sb == nil {
sb = &sandbox{
id: sandboxID,
containerID: containerID,
endpoints: []*endpoint{},
epPriority: map[string]int{},
populatedEndpoints: map[string]struct{}{},
config: containerConfig{},
controller: c,
extDNS: []extDNSEntry{},
if sb.ingress && c.ingressSandbox != nil {
return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("ingress sandbox already present")
if sb.ingress {
c.ingressSandbox = sb
sb.config.hostsPath = filepath.Join(c.cfg.Daemon.DataDir, "/network/files/hosts")
sb.config.resolvConfPath = filepath.Join(c.cfg.Daemon.DataDir, "/network/files/resolv.conf")
sb.id = "ingress_sbox"
} else if sb.loadBalancerNID != "" {
sb.id = "lb_" + sb.loadBalancerNID
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if sb.ingress {
c.ingressSandbox = nil
if err = sb.setupResolutionFiles(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sb.config.useDefaultSandBox {
c.sboxOnce.Do(func() {
c.defOsSbox, err = osl.NewSandbox(sb.Key(), false, false)
if err != nil {
c.sboxOnce = sync.Once{}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create default sandbox: %v", err)
sb.osSbox = c.defOsSbox
if sb.osSbox == nil && !sb.config.useExternalKey {
if sb.osSbox, err = osl.NewSandbox(sb.Key(), !sb.config.useDefaultSandBox, false); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new osl sandbox: %v", err)
if sb.osSbox != nil {
// Apply operating specific knobs on the load balancer sandbox
c.sandboxes[sb.id] = sb
defer func() {
if err != nil {
delete(c.sandboxes, sb.id)
err = sb.storeUpdate()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to update the store state of sandbox: %v", err)
return sb, nil
func (c *controller) Sandboxes() []Sandbox {
defer c.Unlock()
list := make([]Sandbox, 0, len(c.sandboxes))
for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
// Hide stub sandboxes from libnetwork users
if s.isStub {
list = append(list, s)
return list
func (c *controller) WalkSandboxes(walker SandboxWalker) {
for _, sb := range c.Sandboxes() {
if walker(sb) {
func (c *controller) SandboxByID(id string) (Sandbox, error) {
if id == "" {
return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)
s, ok := c.sandboxes[id]
if !ok {
return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("sandbox %s not found", id)
return s, nil
// SandboxDestroy destroys a sandbox given a container ID
func (c *controller) SandboxDestroy(id string) error {
var sb *sandbox
for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
if s.containerID == id {
sb = s
// It is not an error if sandbox is not available
if sb == nil {
return nil
return sb.Delete()
// SandboxContainerWalker returns a Sandbox Walker function which looks for an existing Sandbox with the passed containerID
func SandboxContainerWalker(out *Sandbox, containerID string) SandboxWalker {
return func(sb Sandbox) bool {
if sb.ContainerID() == containerID {
*out = sb
return true
return false
// SandboxKeyWalker returns a Sandbox Walker function which looks for an existing Sandbox with the passed key
func SandboxKeyWalker(out *Sandbox, key string) SandboxWalker {
return func(sb Sandbox) bool {
if sb.Key() == key {
*out = sb
return true
return false
func (c *controller) loadDriver(networkType string) error {
var err error
if pg := c.GetPluginGetter(); pg != nil {
_, err = pg.Get(networkType, driverapi.NetworkPluginEndpointType, plugingetter.Lookup)
} else {
_, err = plugins.Get(networkType, driverapi.NetworkPluginEndpointType)
if err != nil {
if errors.Cause(err) == plugins.ErrNotFound {
return types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
return err
return nil
func (c *controller) loadIPAMDriver(name string) error {
var err error
if pg := c.GetPluginGetter(); pg != nil {
_, err = pg.Get(name, ipamapi.PluginEndpointType, plugingetter.Lookup)
} else {
_, err = plugins.Get(name, ipamapi.PluginEndpointType)
if err != nil {
if err == plugins.ErrNotFound {
return types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
return err
return nil
func (c *controller) getIPAMDriver(name string) (ipamapi.Ipam, *ipamapi.Capability, error) {
id, cap := c.drvRegistry.IPAM(name)
if id == nil {
// Might be a plugin name. Try loading it
if err := c.loadIPAMDriver(name); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Now that we resolved the plugin, try again looking up the registry
id, cap = c.drvRegistry.IPAM(name)
if id == nil {
return nil, nil, types.BadRequestErrorf("invalid ipam driver: %q", name)
return id, cap, nil
func (c *controller) Stop() {
// StartDiagnostic start the network dias mode
func (c *controller) StartDiagnostic(port int) {
if !c.DiagnosticServer.IsDiagnosticEnabled() {
c.DiagnosticServer.EnableDiagnostic("", port)
// StopDiagnostic start the network dias mode
func (c *controller) StopDiagnostic() {
if c.DiagnosticServer.IsDiagnosticEnabled() {
// IsDiagnosticEnabled returns true if the dias is enabled
func (c *controller) IsDiagnosticEnabled() bool {
defer c.Unlock()
return c.DiagnosticServer.IsDiagnosticEnabled()