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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Commit the rwLayer to get the correct DiffID Refacator copy in thebuilder move more code into exportImage cleanup some windows tests Release the newly commited layer. Set the imageID on the buildStage after exporting a new image. Move archiver to BuildManager. Have ReleaseableLayer.Commit return a layer and store the Image from exportImage in the local imageSources cache Remove NewChild from image interface. Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <dnephin@docker.com>
53 lines
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53 lines
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// +build windows
package dockerfile
import (
func TestNormaliseDest(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{ current, requested, expected, etext string }{
{``, `D:\`, ``, `Windows does not support destinations not on the system drive (C:)`},
{``, `e:/`, ``, `Windows does not support destinations not on the system drive (C:)`},
{`invalid`, `./c1`, ``, `Current WorkingDir invalid is not platform consistent`},
{`C:`, ``, ``, `Current WorkingDir C: is not platform consistent`},
{`C`, ``, ``, `Current WorkingDir C is not platform consistent`},
{`D:\`, `.`, ``, "Windows does not support relative paths when WORKDIR is not the system drive"},
{``, `D`, `D`, ``},
{``, `./a1`, `.\a1`, ``},
{``, `.\b1`, `.\b1`, ``},
{``, `/`, `\`, ``},
{``, `\`, `\`, ``},
{``, `c:/`, `\`, ``},
{``, `c:\`, `\`, ``},
{``, `.`, `.`, ``},
{`C:\wdd`, `./a1`, `\wdd\a1`, ``},
{`C:\wde`, `.\b1`, `\wde\b1`, ``},
{`C:\wdf`, `/`, `\`, ``},
{`C:\wdg`, `\`, `\`, ``},
{`C:\wdh`, `c:/`, `\`, ``},
{`C:\wdi`, `c:\`, `\`, ``},
{`C:\wdj`, `.`, `\wdj`, ``},
{`C:\wdk`, `foo/bar`, `\wdk\foo\bar`, ``},
{`C:\wdl`, `foo\bar`, `\wdl\foo\bar`, ``},
{`C:\wdm`, `foo/bar/`, `\wdm\foo\bar\`, ``},
{`C:\wdn`, `foo\bar/`, `\wdn\foo\bar\`, ``},
for _, testcase := range tests {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Input: %s, %s", testcase.current, testcase.requested)
actual, err := normaliseDest(testcase.current, testcase.requested)
if testcase.etext == "" {
if !assert.NoError(t, err, msg) {
assert.Equal(t, testcase.expected, actual, msg)
} else {
testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, testcase.etext)