mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

This fix tries to fix the issue raised in 21845. The issue with 21845 is that if multiple `--volumes-from` with the same destination has been specified, then one volume will be overridden by the other. This will mess up with volumes reference and prevent the overridden volume from being removed at the end. Issue 21845 was observed with `docker-compose` though it is possible to emulate the same behavior with `docker` alone: ``` $ cat Dockerfile FROM busybox VOLUME ["/tmp/data"] $ docker build -t vimage . $ docker run --name=data1 vimage true $ docker run --name=data2 vimage true $ docker run --name=app --volumes-from=data1 --volumes-from=data2 -d busybox top $ docker rm -f -v $(docker ps -aq) $ docker volume ls $ docker volume rm ... ``` NOTE: Second case: ``` $ cat Dockerfile FROM busybox VOLUME ["/tmp/data"] $ docker build -t vimage . $ docker run --name=data1 vimage true $ docker run --name=data2 vimage true $ docker run --name=app --volumes-from=data1 --volumes-from=data2 -v /tmp/data:/tmp/data -d busybox top $ docker rm -f -v $(docker ps -aq) $ docker volume ls $ docker volume rm ... ``` NOTE: Third case: Combination of --volumes-from and `HostConfig.Mounts` (API only) This fix tries to address the issue by return an error if duplicate mount points was used with `--volumes-from`. An integration test has been added. This fix fixes 21845. Signed-off-by: Yong Tang <yong.tang.github@outlook.com>
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package main
import (
icmd "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/testutil/cmd"
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLICreate(c *check.C) {
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create")
_, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("volume", "create", "-d", "nosuchdriver")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
// test using hidden --name option
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "--name=test")
name := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(name, check.Equals, "test")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test2")
name = strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(name, check.Equals, "test2")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLIInspect(c *check.C) {
exec.Command(dockerBinary, "volume", "inspect", "doesntexist").Run(),
check.Commentf("volume inspect should error on non-existent volume"),
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create")
name := strings.TrimSpace(out)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "--format={{ .Name }}", name)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), check.Equals, name)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "--format={{ .Name }}", "test")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), check.Equals, "test")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLIInspectMulti(c *check.C) {
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test1")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test2")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "not-shown")
result := dockerCmdWithResult("volume", "inspect", "--format={{ .Name }}", "test1", "test2", "doesntexist", "not-shown")
c.Assert(result, icmd.Matches, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 1,
Err: "No such volume: doesntexist",
out := result.Stdout()
outArr := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 2, check.Commentf("\n%s", out))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "test1")
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "test2")
c.Assert(out, checker.Not(checker.Contains), "not-shown")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLILs(c *check.C) {
prefix, _ := getPrefixAndSlashFromDaemonPlatform()
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "aaa")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "soo")
dockerCmd(c, "run", "-v", "soo:"+prefix+"/foo", "busybox", "ls", "/")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls")
outArr := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 4, check.Commentf("\n%s", out))
assertVolList(c, out, []string{"aaa", "soo", "test"})
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeLsFormat(c *check.C) {
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "aaa")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "soo")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--format", "{{.Name}}")
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "\n")
expected := []string{"aaa", "soo", "test"}
var names []string
names = append(names, lines...)
c.Assert(expected, checker.DeepEquals, names, check.Commentf("Expected array with truncated names: %v, got: %v", expected, names))
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeLsFormatDefaultFormat(c *check.C) {
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "aaa")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "soo")
config := `{
"volumesFormat": "{{ .Name }} default"
d, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "integration-cli-")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
defer os.RemoveAll(d)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(d, "config.json"), []byte(config), 0644)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "--config", d, "volume", "ls")
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "\n")
expected := []string{"aaa default", "soo default", "test default"}
var names []string
names = append(names, lines...)
c.Assert(expected, checker.DeepEquals, names, check.Commentf("Expected array with truncated names: %v, got: %v", expected, names))
// assertVolList checks volume retrieved with ls command
// equals to expected volume list
// note: out should be `volume ls [option]` result
func assertVolList(c *check.C, out string, expectVols []string) {
lines := strings.Split(out, "\n")
var volList []string
for _, line := range lines[1 : len(lines)-1] {
volFields := strings.Fields(line)
// wrap all volume name in volList
volList = append(volList, volFields[1])
// volume ls should contains all expected volumes
c.Assert(volList, checker.DeepEquals, expectVols)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLILsFilterDangling(c *check.C) {
prefix, _ := getPrefixAndSlashFromDaemonPlatform()
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "testnotinuse1")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "testisinuse1")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "testisinuse2")
// Make sure both "created" (but not started), and started
// containers are included in reference counting
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name", "volume-test1", "-v", "testisinuse1:"+prefix+"/foo", "busybox", "true")
dockerCmd(c, "create", "--name", "volume-test2", "-v", "testisinuse2:"+prefix+"/foo", "busybox", "true")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls")
// No filter, all volumes should show
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testnotinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testnotinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testisinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse2\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testisinuse2' in output"))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "dangling=false")
// Explicitly disabling dangling
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testnotinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testnotinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testisinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse2\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testisinuse2' in output"))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "dangling=true")
// Filter "dangling" volumes; only "dangling" (unused) volumes should be in the output
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testnotinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testnotinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testisinuse1\n", check.Commentf("volume 'testisinuse1' in output, but not expected"))
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testisinuse2\n", check.Commentf("volume 'testisinuse2' in output, but not expected"))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "dangling=1")
// Filter "dangling" volumes; only "dangling" (unused) volumes should be in the output, dangling also accept 1
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testnotinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testnotinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testisinuse1\n", check.Commentf("volume 'testisinuse1' in output, but not expected"))
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testisinuse2\n", check.Commentf("volume 'testisinuse2' in output, but not expected"))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "dangling=0")
// dangling=0 is same as dangling=false case
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testnotinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testnotinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testisinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse2\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testisinuse2' in output"))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "name=testisin")
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testnotinuse1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testnotinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse1\n", check.Commentf("execpeted volume 'testisinuse1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testisinuse2\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testisinuse2' in output"))
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLILsErrorWithInvalidFilterName(c *check.C) {
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("volume", "ls", "-f", "FOO=123")
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Invalid filter")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLILsWithIncorrectFilterValue(c *check.C) {
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("volume", "ls", "-f", "dangling=invalid")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Invalid filter")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLIRm(c *check.C) {
prefix, _ := getPrefixAndSlashFromDaemonPlatform()
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create")
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "rm", id)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "rm", "test")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls")
outArr := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("%s\n", out))
volumeID := "testing"
dockerCmd(c, "run", "-v", volumeID+":"+prefix+"/foo", "--name=test", "busybox", "sh", "-c", "echo hello > /foo/bar")
icmd.RunCommand(dockerBinary, "volume", "rm", "testing").Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 1,
Error: "exit status 1",
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "--volumes-from=test", "--name=test2", "busybox", "sh", "-c", "cat /foo/bar")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), check.Equals, "hello")
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-fv", "test2")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", volumeID)
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "test")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=test2", "-v", volumeID+":"+prefix+"/foo", "busybox", "sh", "-c", "cat /foo/bar")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), check.Equals, "hello", check.Commentf("volume data was removed"))
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "test2")
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "rm", volumeID)
exec.Command("volume", "rm", "doesntexist").Run(),
check.Commentf("volume rm should fail with non-existent volume"),
// FIXME(vdemeester) should be a unit test in cli/command/volume package
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLINoArgs(c *check.C) {
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume")
// no args should produce the cmd usage output
usage := "Usage: docker volume COMMAND"
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, usage)
// invalid arg should error and show the command usage on stderr
icmd.RunCommand(dockerBinary, "volume", "somearg").Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 1,
Error: "exit status 1",
Err: usage,
// invalid flag should error and show the flag error and cmd usage
result := icmd.RunCommand(dockerBinary, "volume", "--no-such-flag")
result.Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 125,
Error: "exit status 125",
Err: usage,
c.Assert(result.Stderr(), checker.Contains, "unknown flag: --no-such-flag")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLIInspectTmplError(c *check.C) {
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create")
name := strings.TrimSpace(out)
out, exitCode, err := dockerCmdWithError("volume", "inspect", "--format='{{ .FooBar }}'", name)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil, check.Commentf("Output: %s", out))
c.Assert(exitCode, checker.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("Output: %s", out))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Template parsing error")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLICreateWithOpts(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "-d", "local", "test", "--opt=type=tmpfs", "--opt=device=tmpfs", "--opt=o=size=1m,uid=1000")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-v", "test:/foo", "busybox", "mount")
mounts := strings.Split(out, "\n")
var found bool
for _, m := range mounts {
if strings.Contains(m, "/foo") {
found = true
info := strings.Fields(m)
// tmpfs on <path> type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=1024k,uid=1000)
c.Assert(info[0], checker.Equals, "tmpfs")
c.Assert(info[2], checker.Equals, "/foo")
c.Assert(info[4], checker.Equals, "tmpfs")
c.Assert(info[5], checker.Contains, "uid=1000")
c.Assert(info[5], checker.Contains, "size=1024k")
c.Assert(found, checker.Equals, true)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLICreateLabel(c *check.C) {
testVol := "testvolcreatelabel"
testLabel := "foo"
testValue := "bar"
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("volume", "create", "--label", testLabel+"="+testValue, testVol)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "--format={{ .Labels."+testLabel+" }}", testVol)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), check.Equals, testValue)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLICreateLabelMultiple(c *check.C) {
testVol := "testvolcreatelabel"
testLabels := map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "foo",
args := []string{
for k, v := range testLabels {
args = append(args, "--label", k+"="+v)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError(args...)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
for k, v := range testLabels {
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "--format={{ .Labels."+k+" }}", testVol)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), check.Equals, v)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLILsFilterLabels(c *check.C) {
testVol1 := "testvolcreatelabel-1"
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("volume", "create", "--label", "foo=bar1", testVol1)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
testVol2 := "testvolcreatelabel-2"
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("volume", "create", "--label", "foo=bar2", testVol2)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "label=foo")
// filter with label=key
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testvolcreatelabel-1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testvolcreatelabel-1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testvolcreatelabel-2\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testvolcreatelabel-2' in output"))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "label=foo=bar1")
// filter with label=key=value
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testvolcreatelabel-1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testvolcreatelabel-1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, check.Not(checker.Contains), "testvolcreatelabel-2\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testvolcreatelabel-2 in output"))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "label=non-exist")
outArr := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("\n%s", out))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "label=foo=non-exist")
outArr = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("\n%s", out))
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLILsFilterDrivers(c *check.C) {
// using default volume driver local to create volumes
testVol1 := "testvol-1"
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("volume", "create", testVol1)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
testVol2 := "testvol-2"
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("volume", "create", testVol2)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
// filter with driver=local
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "driver=local")
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testvol-1\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testvol-1' in output"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "testvol-2\n", check.Commentf("expected volume 'testvol-2' in output"))
// filter with driver=invaliddriver
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "driver=invaliddriver")
outArr := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("\n%s", out))
// filter with driver=loca
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "driver=loca")
outArr = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("\n%s", out))
// filter with driver=
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "--filter", "driver=")
outArr = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("\n%s", out))
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLIRmForceUsage(c *check.C) {
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create")
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "rm", "-f", id)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "rm", "--force", "nonexist")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls")
outArr := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
c.Assert(len(outArr), check.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("%s\n", out))
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCLIRmForce(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, SameHostDaemon, DaemonIsLinux)
name := "test"
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", name)
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(id, checker.Equals, name)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "--format", "{{.Mountpoint}}", name)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
// Mountpoint is in the form of "/var/lib/docker/volumes/.../_data", removing `/_data`
path := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimSpace(out), "/_data")
icmd.RunCommand("rm", "-rf", path).Assert(c, icmd.Success)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "rm", "-f", "test")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls")
c.Assert(out, checker.Not(checker.Contains), name)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "test")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls")
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, name)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestVolumeCliInspectWithVolumeOpts(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
// Without options
name := "test1"
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "-d", "local", name)
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "--format={{ .Options }}", name)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, "map[]")
// With options
name = "test2"
k1, v1 := "type", "tmpfs"
k2, v2 := "device", "tmpfs"
k3, v3 := "o", "size=1m,uid=1000"
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "-d", "local", name, "--opt", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k1, v1), "--opt", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k2, v2), "--opt", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k3, v3))
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "--format={{ .Options }}", name)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k1, v1))
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k2, v2))
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k3, v3))
// Test case (1) for 21845: duplicate targets for --volumes-from
func (s *DockerSuite) TestDuplicateMountpointsForVolumesFrom(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
image := "vimage"
buildImageSuccessfully(c, image, withDockerfile(`
FROM busybox
VOLUME ["/tmp/data"]`))
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=data1", image, "true")
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=data2", image, "true")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "data1")
data1 := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(data1, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "data2")
data2 := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(data2, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
// Both volume should exist
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "-q")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, data2)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("run", "--name=app", "--volumes-from=data1", "--volumes-from=data2", "-d", "busybox", "top")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("Out: %s", out))
// Only the second volume will be referenced, this is backward compatible
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "app")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Equals, data2)
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "app")
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "data1")
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "data2")
// Both volume should not exist
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "-q")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data2)
// Test case (2) for 21845: duplicate targets for --volumes-from and -v (bind)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestDuplicateMountpointsForVolumesFromAndBind(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
image := "vimage"
buildImageSuccessfully(c, image, withDockerfile(`
FROM busybox
VOLUME ["/tmp/data"]`))
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=data1", image, "true")
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=data2", image, "true")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "data1")
data1 := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(data1, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "data2")
data2 := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(data2, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
// Both volume should exist
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "-q")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, data2)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("run", "--name=app", "--volumes-from=data1", "--volumes-from=data2", "-v", "/tmp/data:/tmp/data", "-d", "busybox", "top")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("Out: %s", out))
// No volume will be referenced (mount is /tmp/data), this is backward compatible
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "app")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data2)
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "app")
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "data1")
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "data2")
// Both volume should not exist
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "-q")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data2)
// Test case (3) for 21845: duplicate targets for --volumes-from and `Mounts` (API only)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestDuplicateMountpointsForVolumesFromAndMounts(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
image := "vimage"
buildImageSuccessfully(c, image, withDockerfile(`
FROM busybox
VOLUME ["/tmp/data"]`))
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=data1", image, "true")
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=data2", image, "true")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "data1")
data1 := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(data1, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "data2")
data2 := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(data2, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
// Both volume should exist
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "-q")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, data2)
// Mounts is available in API
status, body, err := request.SockRequest("POST", "/containers/create?name=app", map[string]interface{}{
"Image": "busybox",
"Cmd": []string{"top"},
"HostConfig": map[string]interface{}{
"VolumesFrom": []string{
"Mounts": []map[string]interface{}{
"Type": "bind",
"Source": "/tmp/data",
"Target": "/tmp/data",
}, daemonHost())
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf(string(body)))
c.Assert(status, checker.Equals, http.StatusCreated, check.Commentf(string(body)))
// No volume will be referenced (mount is /tmp/data), this is backward compatible
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "inspect", "--format", "{{(index .Mounts 0).Name}}", "app")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data2)
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "app")
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "data1")
dockerCmd(c, "rm", "-f", "-v", "data2")
// Both volume should not exist
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls", "-q")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data1)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Not(checker.Contains), data2)