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Akash Gupta 7a7357dae1 LCOW: Implemented support for docker cp + build
This enables docker cp and ADD/COPY docker build support for LCOW.
Originally, the graphdriver.Get() interface returned a local path
to the container root filesystem. This does not work for LCOW, so
the Get() method now returns an interface that LCOW implements to
support copying to and from the container.

Signed-off-by: Akash Gupta <akagup@microsoft.com>
2017-09-14 12:07:52 -07:00

472 lines
16 KiB

package archive
import (
// Errors used or returned by this file.
var (
ErrNotDirectory = errors.New("not a directory")
ErrDirNotExists = errors.New("no such directory")
ErrCannotCopyDir = errors.New("cannot copy directory")
ErrInvalidCopySource = errors.New("invalid copy source content")
// PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator returns the given cleaned path (after
// processing using any utility functions from the path or filepath stdlib
// packages) and appends a trailing `/.` or `/` if its corresponding original
// path (from before being processed by utility functions from the path or
// filepath stdlib packages) ends with a trailing `/.` or `/`. If the cleaned
// path already ends in a `.` path segment, then another is not added. If the
// clean path already ends in the separator, then another is not added.
func PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator(cleanedPath string, originalPath string, sep byte) string {
// Ensure paths are in platform semantics
cleanedPath = strings.Replace(cleanedPath, "/", string(sep), -1)
originalPath = strings.Replace(originalPath, "/", string(sep), -1)
if !specifiesCurrentDir(cleanedPath) && specifiesCurrentDir(originalPath) {
if !hasTrailingPathSeparator(cleanedPath, sep) {
// Add a separator if it doesn't already end with one (a cleaned
// path would only end in a separator if it is the root).
cleanedPath += string(sep)
cleanedPath += "."
if !hasTrailingPathSeparator(cleanedPath, sep) && hasTrailingPathSeparator(originalPath, sep) {
cleanedPath += string(sep)
return cleanedPath
// assertsDirectory returns whether the given path is
// asserted to be a directory, i.e., the path ends with
// a trailing '/' or `/.`, assuming a path separator of `/`.
func assertsDirectory(path string, sep byte) bool {
return hasTrailingPathSeparator(path, sep) || specifiesCurrentDir(path)
// hasTrailingPathSeparator returns whether the given
// path ends with the system's path separator character.
func hasTrailingPathSeparator(path string, sep byte) bool {
return len(path) > 0 && path[len(path)-1] == sep
// specifiesCurrentDir returns whether the given path specifies
// a "current directory", i.e., the last path segment is `.`.
func specifiesCurrentDir(path string) bool {
return filepath.Base(path) == "."
// SplitPathDirEntry splits the given path between its directory name and its
// basename by first cleaning the path but preserves a trailing "." if the
// original path specified the current directory.
func SplitPathDirEntry(path string) (dir, base string) {
cleanedPath := filepath.Clean(filepath.FromSlash(path))
if specifiesCurrentDir(path) {
cleanedPath += string(os.PathSeparator) + "."
return filepath.Dir(cleanedPath), filepath.Base(cleanedPath)
// TarResource archives the resource described by the given CopyInfo to a Tar
// archive. A non-nil error is returned if sourcePath does not exist or is
// asserted to be a directory but exists as another type of file.
// This function acts as a convenient wrapper around TarWithOptions, which
// requires a directory as the source path. TarResource accepts either a
// directory or a file path and correctly sets the Tar options.
func TarResource(sourceInfo CopyInfo) (content io.ReadCloser, err error) {
return TarResourceRebase(sourceInfo.Path, sourceInfo.RebaseName)
// TarResourceRebase is like TarResource but renames the first path element of
// items in the resulting tar archive to match the given rebaseName if not "".
func TarResourceRebase(sourcePath, rebaseName string) (content io.ReadCloser, err error) {
sourcePath = normalizePath(sourcePath)
if _, err = os.Lstat(sourcePath); err != nil {
// Catches the case where the source does not exist or is not a
// directory if asserted to be a directory, as this also causes an
// error.
// Separate the source path between its directory and
// the entry in that directory which we are archiving.
sourceDir, sourceBase := SplitPathDirEntry(sourcePath)
opts := TarResourceRebaseOpts(sourceBase, rebaseName)
logrus.Debugf("copying %q from %q", sourceBase, sourceDir)
return TarWithOptions(sourceDir, opts)
// TarResourceRebaseOpts does not preform the Tar, but instead just creates the rebase
// parameters to be sent to TarWithOptions (the TarOptions struct)
func TarResourceRebaseOpts(sourceBase string, rebaseName string) *TarOptions {
filter := []string{sourceBase}
return &TarOptions{
Compression: Uncompressed,
IncludeFiles: filter,
IncludeSourceDir: true,
RebaseNames: map[string]string{
sourceBase: rebaseName,
// CopyInfo holds basic info about the source
// or destination path of a copy operation.
type CopyInfo struct {
Path string
Exists bool
IsDir bool
RebaseName string
// CopyInfoSourcePath stats the given path to create a CopyInfo
// struct representing that resource for the source of an archive copy
// operation. The given path should be an absolute local path. A source path
// has all symlinks evaluated that appear before the last path separator ("/"
// on Unix). As it is to be a copy source, the path must exist.
func CopyInfoSourcePath(path string, followLink bool) (CopyInfo, error) {
// normalize the file path and then evaluate the symbol link
// we will use the target file instead of the symbol link if
// followLink is set
path = normalizePath(path)
resolvedPath, rebaseName, err := ResolveHostSourcePath(path, followLink)
if err != nil {
return CopyInfo{}, err
stat, err := os.Lstat(resolvedPath)
if err != nil {
return CopyInfo{}, err
return CopyInfo{
Path: resolvedPath,
Exists: true,
IsDir: stat.IsDir(),
RebaseName: rebaseName,
}, nil
// CopyInfoDestinationPath stats the given path to create a CopyInfo
// struct representing that resource for the destination of an archive copy
// operation. The given path should be an absolute local path.
func CopyInfoDestinationPath(path string) (info CopyInfo, err error) {
maxSymlinkIter := 10 // filepath.EvalSymlinks uses 255, but 10 already seems like a lot.
path = normalizePath(path)
originalPath := path
stat, err := os.Lstat(path)
if err == nil && stat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 {
// The path exists and is not a symlink.
return CopyInfo{
Path: path,
Exists: true,
IsDir: stat.IsDir(),
}, nil
// While the path is a symlink.
for n := 0; err == nil && stat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0; n++ {
if n > maxSymlinkIter {
// Don't follow symlinks more than this arbitrary number of times.
return CopyInfo{}, errors.New("too many symlinks in " + originalPath)
// The path is a symbolic link. We need to evaluate it so that the
// destination of the copy operation is the link target and not the
// link itself. This is notably different than CopyInfoSourcePath which
// only evaluates symlinks before the last appearing path separator.
// Also note that it is okay if the last path element is a broken
// symlink as the copy operation should create the target.
var linkTarget string
linkTarget, err = os.Readlink(path)
if err != nil {
return CopyInfo{}, err
if !system.IsAbs(linkTarget) {
// Join with the parent directory.
dstParent, _ := SplitPathDirEntry(path)
linkTarget = filepath.Join(dstParent, linkTarget)
path = linkTarget
stat, err = os.Lstat(path)
if err != nil {
// It's okay if the destination path doesn't exist. We can still
// continue the copy operation if the parent directory exists.
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return CopyInfo{}, err
// Ensure destination parent dir exists.
dstParent, _ := SplitPathDirEntry(path)
parentDirStat, err := os.Lstat(dstParent)
if err != nil {
return CopyInfo{}, err
if !parentDirStat.IsDir() {
return CopyInfo{}, ErrNotDirectory
return CopyInfo{Path: path}, nil
// The path exists after resolving symlinks.
return CopyInfo{
Path: path,
Exists: true,
IsDir: stat.IsDir(),
}, nil
// PrepareArchiveCopy prepares the given srcContent archive, which should
// contain the archived resource described by srcInfo, to the destination
// described by dstInfo. Returns the possibly modified content archive along
// with the path to the destination directory which it should be extracted to.
func PrepareArchiveCopy(srcContent io.Reader, srcInfo, dstInfo CopyInfo) (dstDir string, content io.ReadCloser, err error) {
// Ensure in platform semantics
srcInfo.Path = normalizePath(srcInfo.Path)
dstInfo.Path = normalizePath(dstInfo.Path)
// Separate the destination path between its directory and base
// components in case the source archive contents need to be rebased.
dstDir, dstBase := SplitPathDirEntry(dstInfo.Path)
_, srcBase := SplitPathDirEntry(srcInfo.Path)
switch {
case dstInfo.Exists && dstInfo.IsDir:
// The destination exists as a directory. No alteration
// to srcContent is needed as its contents can be
// simply extracted to the destination directory.
return dstInfo.Path, ioutil.NopCloser(srcContent), nil
case dstInfo.Exists && srcInfo.IsDir:
// The destination exists as some type of file and the source
// content is a directory. This is an error condition since
// you cannot copy a directory to an existing file location.
return "", nil, ErrCannotCopyDir
case dstInfo.Exists:
// The destination exists as some type of file and the source content
// is also a file. The source content entry will have to be renamed to
// have a basename which matches the destination path's basename.
if len(srcInfo.RebaseName) != 0 {
srcBase = srcInfo.RebaseName
return dstDir, RebaseArchiveEntries(srcContent, srcBase, dstBase), nil
case srcInfo.IsDir:
// The destination does not exist and the source content is an archive
// of a directory. The archive should be extracted to the parent of
// the destination path instead, and when it is, the directory that is
// created as a result should take the name of the destination path.
// The source content entries will have to be renamed to have a
// basename which matches the destination path's basename.
if len(srcInfo.RebaseName) != 0 {
srcBase = srcInfo.RebaseName
return dstDir, RebaseArchiveEntries(srcContent, srcBase, dstBase), nil
case assertsDirectory(dstInfo.Path, os.PathSeparator):
// The destination does not exist and is asserted to be created as a
// directory, but the source content is not a directory. This is an
// error condition since you cannot create a directory from a file
// source.
return "", nil, ErrDirNotExists
// The last remaining case is when the destination does not exist, is
// not asserted to be a directory, and the source content is not an
// archive of a directory. It this case, the destination file will need
// to be created when the archive is extracted and the source content
// entry will have to be renamed to have a basename which matches the
// destination path's basename.
if len(srcInfo.RebaseName) != 0 {
srcBase = srcInfo.RebaseName
return dstDir, RebaseArchiveEntries(srcContent, srcBase, dstBase), nil
// RebaseArchiveEntries rewrites the given srcContent archive replacing
// an occurrence of oldBase with newBase at the beginning of entry names.
func RebaseArchiveEntries(srcContent io.Reader, oldBase, newBase string) io.ReadCloser {
if oldBase == string(os.PathSeparator) {
// If oldBase specifies the root directory, use an empty string as
// oldBase instead so that newBase doesn't replace the path separator
// that all paths will start with.
oldBase = ""
rebased, w := io.Pipe()
go func() {
srcTar := tar.NewReader(srcContent)
rebasedTar := tar.NewWriter(w)
for {
hdr, err := srcTar.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
// Signals end of archive.
if err != nil {
hdr.Name = strings.Replace(hdr.Name, oldBase, newBase, 1)
if hdr.Typeflag == tar.TypeLink {
hdr.Linkname = strings.Replace(hdr.Linkname, oldBase, newBase, 1)
if err = rebasedTar.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
if _, err = io.Copy(rebasedTar, srcTar); err != nil {
return rebased
// TODO @gupta-ak. These might have to be changed in the future to be
// continuity driver aware as well to support LCOW.
// CopyResource performs an archive copy from the given source path to the
// given destination path. The source path MUST exist and the destination
// path's parent directory must exist.
func CopyResource(srcPath, dstPath string, followLink bool) error {
var (
srcInfo CopyInfo
err error
// Ensure in platform semantics
srcPath = normalizePath(srcPath)
dstPath = normalizePath(dstPath)
// Clean the source and destination paths.
srcPath = PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator(filepath.Clean(srcPath), srcPath, os.PathSeparator)
dstPath = PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator(filepath.Clean(dstPath), dstPath, os.PathSeparator)
if srcInfo, err = CopyInfoSourcePath(srcPath, followLink); err != nil {
return err
content, err := TarResource(srcInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
defer content.Close()
return CopyTo(content, srcInfo, dstPath)
// CopyTo handles extracting the given content whose
// entries should be sourced from srcInfo to dstPath.
func CopyTo(content io.Reader, srcInfo CopyInfo, dstPath string) error {
// The destination path need not exist, but CopyInfoDestinationPath will
// ensure that at least the parent directory exists.
dstInfo, err := CopyInfoDestinationPath(normalizePath(dstPath))
if err != nil {
return err
dstDir, copyArchive, err := PrepareArchiveCopy(content, srcInfo, dstInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
defer copyArchive.Close()
options := &TarOptions{
NoLchown: true,
NoOverwriteDirNonDir: true,
return Untar(copyArchive, dstDir, options)
// ResolveHostSourcePath decides real path need to be copied with parameters such as
// whether to follow symbol link or not, if followLink is true, resolvedPath will return
// link target of any symbol link file, else it will only resolve symlink of directory
// but return symbol link file itself without resolving.
func ResolveHostSourcePath(path string, followLink bool) (resolvedPath, rebaseName string, err error) {
if followLink {
resolvedPath, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(path)
if err != nil {
resolvedPath, rebaseName = GetRebaseName(path, resolvedPath)
} else {
dirPath, basePath := filepath.Split(path)
// if not follow symbol link, then resolve symbol link of parent dir
var resolvedDirPath string
resolvedDirPath, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(dirPath)
if err != nil {
// resolvedDirPath will have been cleaned (no trailing path separators) so
// we can manually join it with the base path element.
resolvedPath = resolvedDirPath + string(filepath.Separator) + basePath
if hasTrailingPathSeparator(path, os.PathSeparator) &&
filepath.Base(path) != filepath.Base(resolvedPath) {
rebaseName = filepath.Base(path)
return resolvedPath, rebaseName, nil
// GetRebaseName normalizes and compares path and resolvedPath,
// return completed resolved path and rebased file name
func GetRebaseName(path, resolvedPath string) (string, string) {
// linkTarget will have been cleaned (no trailing path separators and dot) so
// we can manually join it with them
var rebaseName string
if specifiesCurrentDir(path) &&
!specifiesCurrentDir(resolvedPath) {
resolvedPath += string(filepath.Separator) + "."
if hasTrailingPathSeparator(path, os.PathSeparator) &&
!hasTrailingPathSeparator(resolvedPath, os.PathSeparator) {
resolvedPath += string(filepath.Separator)
if filepath.Base(path) != filepath.Base(resolvedPath) {
// In the case where the path had a trailing separator and a symlink
// evaluation has changed the last path component, we will need to
// rebase the name in the archive that is being copied to match the
// originally requested name.
rebaseName = filepath.Base(path)
return resolvedPath, rebaseName