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synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Default gateways truncate the endpoint name to 12 characters. This can make network endpoints ambiguous especially for load-balancing sandboxes for networks with lenghty names (such as with our prefixes). Address this by detecting an overflow in the sanbox name length and instead opting to name the gateway endpoint "gateway_<id>" which should never collide. Signed-off-by: Chris Telfer <ctelfer@docker.com>
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203 lines
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package libnetwork
import (
const (
gwEPlen = 12
var procGwNetwork = make(chan (bool), 1)
libnetwork creates a bridge network "docker_gw_bridge" for providing
default gateway for the containers if none of the container's endpoints
have GW set by the driver. ICC is set to false for the GW_bridge network.
If a driver can't provide external connectivity it can choose to not set
the GW IP for the endpoint.
endpoint on the GW_bridge network is managed dynamically by libnetwork.
- its created when an endpoint without GW joins the container
- its deleted when an endpoint with GW joins the container
func (sb *sandbox) setupDefaultGW() error {
// check if the container already has a GW endpoint
if ep := sb.getEndpointInGWNetwork(); ep != nil {
return nil
c := sb.controller
// Look for default gw network. In case of error (includes not found),
// retry and create it if needed in a serialized execution.
n, err := c.NetworkByName(libnGWNetwork)
if err != nil {
if n, err = c.defaultGwNetwork(); err != nil {
return err
createOptions := []EndpointOption{CreateOptionAnonymous()}
var gwName string
if len(sb.containerID) <= gwEPlen {
gwName = "gateway_" + sb.containerID
} else {
gwName = "gateway_" + sb.id[:gwEPlen]
sbLabels := sb.Labels()
if sbLabels[netlabel.PortMap] != nil {
createOptions = append(createOptions, CreateOptionPortMapping(sbLabels[netlabel.PortMap].([]types.PortBinding)))
if sbLabels[netlabel.ExposedPorts] != nil {
createOptions = append(createOptions, CreateOptionExposedPorts(sbLabels[netlabel.ExposedPorts].([]types.TransportPort)))
epOption := getPlatformOption()
if epOption != nil {
createOptions = append(createOptions, epOption)
newEp, err := n.CreateEndpoint(gwName, createOptions...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("container %s: endpoint create on GW Network failed: %v", sb.containerID, err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if err2 := newEp.Delete(true); err2 != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to remove gw endpoint for container %s after failing to join the gateway network: %v",
sb.containerID, err2)
epLocal := newEp.(*endpoint)
if err = epLocal.sbJoin(sb); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("container %s: endpoint join on GW Network failed: %v", sb.containerID, err)
return nil
// If present, detach and remove the endpoint connecting the sandbox to the default gw network.
func (sb *sandbox) clearDefaultGW() error {
var ep *endpoint
if ep = sb.getEndpointInGWNetwork(); ep == nil {
return nil
if err := ep.sbLeave(sb, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("container %s: endpoint leaving GW Network failed: %v", sb.containerID, err)
if err := ep.Delete(false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("container %s: deleting endpoint on GW Network failed: %v", sb.containerID, err)
return nil
// Evaluate whether the sandbox requires a default gateway based
// on the endpoints to which it is connected. It does not account
// for the default gateway network endpoint.
func (sb *sandbox) needDefaultGW() bool {
var needGW bool
for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
if ep.endpointInGWNetwork() {
if ep.getNetwork().Type() == "null" || ep.getNetwork().Type() == "host" {
if ep.getNetwork().Internal() {
// During stale sandbox cleanup, joinInfo may be nil
if ep.joinInfo != nil && ep.joinInfo.disableGatewayService {
// TODO v6 needs to be handled.
if len(ep.Gateway()) > 0 {
return false
for _, r := range ep.StaticRoutes() {
if r.Destination != nil && r.Destination.String() == "" {
return false
needGW = true
return needGW
func (sb *sandbox) getEndpointInGWNetwork() *endpoint {
for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
if ep.getNetwork().name == libnGWNetwork && strings.HasPrefix(ep.Name(), "gateway_") {
return ep
return nil
func (ep *endpoint) endpointInGWNetwork() bool {
if ep.getNetwork().name == libnGWNetwork && strings.HasPrefix(ep.Name(), "gateway_") {
return true
return false
func (sb *sandbox) getEPwithoutGateway() *endpoint {
for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
if ep.getNetwork().Type() == "null" || ep.getNetwork().Type() == "host" {
if len(ep.Gateway()) == 0 {
return ep
return nil
// Looks for the default gw network and creates it if not there.
// Parallel executions are serialized.
func (c *controller) defaultGwNetwork() (Network, error) {
procGwNetwork <- true
defer func() { <-procGwNetwork }()
n, err := c.NetworkByName(libnGWNetwork)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(types.NotFoundError); ok {
n, err = c.createGWNetwork()
return n, err
// Returns the endpoint which is providing external connectivity to the sandbox
func (sb *sandbox) getGatewayEndpoint() *endpoint {
for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
if ep.getNetwork().Type() == "null" || ep.getNetwork().Type() == "host" {
if len(ep.Gateway()) != 0 {
return ep
return nil