mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Use the (new) plugin fixtures for plugin tests rather than pulling plugins from hub. This removes the restriction for platforms/archs since plugin binaries get built in the test environment. Future work would be to add test plugins for the various subsystems so tests that are actually using plugins (e.g. volumes, networks) can be ported to use the fixtures as well. Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
515 lines
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515 lines
18 KiB
package main
import (
icmd "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/testutil/cmd"
var (
pluginProcessName = "sample-volume-plugin"
pName = "tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin"
npName = "tiborvass/test-docker-netplugin"
pTag = "latest"
pNameWithTag = pName + ":" + pTag
npNameWithTag = npName + ":" + pTag
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginBasicOps(c *check.C) {
plugin := ps.getPluginRepoWithTag()
_, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", plugin)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, plugin)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "true")
id, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", plugin)
id = strings.TrimSpace(id)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", plugin)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "is enabled")
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", plugin)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", plugin)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, plugin)
_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(testEnv.DockerBasePath(), "plugins", id))
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginForceRemove(c *check.C) {
pNameWithTag := ps.getPluginRepoWithTag()
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "is enabled")
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", "--force", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, pNameWithTag)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestPluginActive(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, IsAmd64, Network)
_, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("volume", "create", "-d", pNameWithTag, "--name", "testvol1")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "in use")
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("volume", "rm", "testvol1")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, pNameWithTag)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestPluginActiveNetwork(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, IsAmd64, Network)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", npNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("network", "create", "-d", npNameWithTag, "test")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
nID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", npNameWithTag)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "is in use")
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("network", "rm", nID)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", npNameWithTag)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "is enabled")
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", npNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", npNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, npNameWithTag)
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginInstallDisable(c *check.C) {
pName := ps.getPluginRepoWithTag()
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", "--disable", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, pName)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "false")
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "enable", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, pName)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, pName)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, pName)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestPluginInstallDisableVolumeLs(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, IsAmd64, Network)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", "--disable", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, pName)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "ls")
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginSet(c *check.C) {
// Create a new plugin with extra settings
client, err := request.NewClient()
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("failed to create test client"))
name := "test"
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancel()
initialValue := "0"
err = plugin.Create(ctx, client, name, func(cfg *plugin.Config) {
cfg.Env = []types.PluginEnv{{Name: "DEBUG", Value: &initialValue, Settable: []string{"value"}}}
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("failed to create test plugin"))
env, _ := dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Settings.Env}}", name)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(env), checker.Equals, "[DEBUG=0]")
dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "set", name, "DEBUG=1")
env, _ = dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Settings.Env}}", name)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(env), checker.Equals, "[DEBUG=1]")
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginInstallArgs(c *check.C) {
pName := path.Join(ps.registryHost(), "plugin", "testplugininstallwithargs")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancel()
plugin.CreateInRegistry(ctx, pName, nil, func(cfg *plugin.Config) {
cfg.Env = []types.PluginEnv{{Name: "DEBUG", Settable: []string{"value"}}}
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", "--disable", pName, "DEBUG=1")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, pName)
env, _ := dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Settings.Env}}", pName)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(env), checker.Equals, "[DEBUG=1]")
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginInstallImage(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, IsAmd64)
repoName := fmt.Sprintf("%v/dockercli/busybox", privateRegistryURL)
// tag the image to upload it to the private registry
dockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox", repoName)
// push the image to the registry
dockerCmd(c, "push", repoName)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", repoName)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, `Encountered remote "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json"(image) when fetching`)
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginEnableDisableNegative(c *check.C) {
pName := ps.getPluginRepoWithTag()
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, pName)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "enable", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, "already enabled")
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, "already disabled")
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", pName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginCreate(c *check.C) {
name := "foo/bar-driver"
temp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "foo")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
defer os.RemoveAll(temp)
data := `{"description": "foo plugin"}`
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(temp, "config.json"), []byte(data), 0644)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(temp, "rootfs"), 0700)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "create", name, temp)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, name)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, name)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "create", name, temp)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "already exist")
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, name)
// The output will consists of one HEADER line and one line of foo/bar-driver
c.Assert(len(strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")), checker.Equals, 2)
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginInspect(c *check.C) {
pNameWithTag := ps.getPluginRepoWithTag()
_, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "true")
// Find the ID first
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
c.Assert(id, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "")
// Long form
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", id)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Equals, id)
// Short form
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", id[:5])
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Equals, id)
// Name with tag form
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Equals, id)
// Name without tag form
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", ps.getPluginRepo())
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Equals, id)
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", pNameWithTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, pNameWithTag)
// After remove nothing should be found
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", id[:5])
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
// Test case for https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/29186#discussion_r91277345
func (s *DockerSuite) TestPluginInspectOnWindows(c *check.C) {
// This test should work on Windows only
testRequires(c, DaemonIsWindows)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "foobar")
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "plugins are not supported on this platform")
c.Assert(err.Error(), checker.Contains, "plugins are not supported on this platform")
func (s *DockerTrustSuite) TestPluginTrustedInstall(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, IsAmd64, Network)
trustedName := s.setupTrustedplugin(c, pNameWithTag, "trusted-plugin-install")
cli.Docker(cli.Args("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", trustedName), trustedCmd).Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
Out: trustedName,
out := cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "ls").Combined()
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "true")
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "disable", trustedName).Combined()
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, trustedName)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "enable", trustedName).Combined()
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, trustedName)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "rm", "-f", trustedName).Combined()
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, trustedName)
// Try untrusted pull to ensure we pushed the tag to the registry
cli.Docker(cli.Args("plugin", "install", "--disable-content-trust=true", "--grant-all-permissions", trustedName), trustedCmd).Assert(c, SuccessDownloaded)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "ls").Combined()
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "true")
func (s *DockerTrustSuite) TestPluginUntrustedInstall(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, IsAmd64, Network)
pluginName := fmt.Sprintf("%v/dockercliuntrusted/plugintest:latest", privateRegistryURL)
// install locally and push to private registry
cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", "--alias", pluginName, pNameWithTag)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "push", pluginName)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "plugin", "rm", "-f", pluginName)
// Try trusted install on untrusted plugin
cli.Docker(cli.Args("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", pluginName), trustedCmd).Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 1,
Err: "Error: remote trust data does not exist",
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginIDPrefix(c *check.C) {
name := "test"
client, err := request.NewClient()
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error creating test client"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
initialValue := "0"
err = plugin.Create(ctx, client, name, func(cfg *plugin.Config) {
cfg.Env = []types.PluginEnv{{Name: "DEBUG", Value: &initialValue, Settable: []string{"value"}}}
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("failed to create test plugin"))
// Find ID first
id, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Id}}", name)
id = strings.TrimSpace(id)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// List current state
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, name)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "false")
env, _ := dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Settings.Env}}", id[:5])
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(env), checker.Equals, "[DEBUG=0]")
dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "set", id[:5], "DEBUG=1")
env, _ = dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "inspect", "-f", "{{.Settings.Env}}", id[:5])
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(env), checker.Equals, "[DEBUG=1]")
// Enable
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "enable", id[:5])
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, name)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "true")
// Disable
_, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "disable", id[:5])
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, name)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "false")
// Remove
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "remove", id[:5])
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// List returns none
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "ls")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(out, checker.Not(checker.Contains), name)
func (ps *DockerPluginSuite) TestPluginListDefaultFormat(c *check.C) {
config, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "config-file-")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
defer os.RemoveAll(config)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(config, "config.json"), []byte(`{"pluginsFormat": "raw"}`), 0644)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
name := "test:latest"
client, err := request.NewClient()
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error creating test client"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancel()
err = plugin.Create(ctx, client, name, func(cfg *plugin.Config) {
cfg.Description = "test plugin"
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("failed to create test plugin"))
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "inspect", "--format", "{{.ID}}", name)
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// We expect the format to be in `raw + --no-trunc`
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf(`plugin_id: %s
name: %s
description: test plugin
enabled: false`, id, name)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "--config", config, "plugin", "ls", "--no-trunc")
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Contains, expectedOutput)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestPluginUpgrade(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, Network, SameHostDaemon, IsAmd64)
plugin := "cpuguy83/docker-volume-driver-plugin-local:latest"
pluginV2 := "cpuguy83/docker-volume-driver-plugin-local:v2"
dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", plugin)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "create", "--driver", plugin, "bananas")
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--rm", "-v", "bananas:/apple", "busybox", "sh", "-c", "touch /apple/core")
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("plugin", "upgrade", "--grant-all-permissions", plugin, pluginV2)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil, check.Commentf(out))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "disabled before upgrading")
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "inspect", "--format={{.ID}}", plugin)
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// make sure "v2" does not exists
_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(testEnv.DockerBasePath(), "plugins", id, "rootfs", "v2"))
c.Assert(os.IsNotExist(err), checker.True, check.Commentf(out))
dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "disable", "-f", plugin)
dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "upgrade", "--grant-all-permissions", "--skip-remote-check", plugin, pluginV2)
// make sure "v2" file exists
_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(testEnv.DockerBasePath(), "plugins", id, "rootfs", "v2"))
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
dockerCmd(c, "plugin", "enable", plugin)
dockerCmd(c, "volume", "inspect", "bananas")
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--rm", "-v", "bananas:/apple", "busybox", "sh", "-c", "ls -lh /apple/core")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestPluginMetricsCollector(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, Network, SameHostDaemon, IsAmd64)
d := daemon.New(c, dockerBinary, dockerdBinary, daemon.Config{})
defer d.Stop(c)
name := "cpuguy83/docker-metrics-plugin-test:latest"
r := cli.Docker(cli.Args("plugin", "install", "--grant-all-permissions", name), cli.Daemon(d))
c.Assert(r.Error, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf(r.Combined()))
// plugin lisens on localhost:19393 and proxies the metrics
resp, err := http.Get("http://localhost:19393/metrics")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
defer resp.Body.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// check that a known metric is there... don't expect this metric to change over time.. probably safe
c.Assert(string(b), checker.Contains, "container_actions")